Sun God Marvel

Chapter 342

The world is ruining. This is the cognition that anyone who sees everything happening in front of them can get.

The frozen country has maintained a fragile ecology that I don’t know how many years, and has been completely wiped out under the drastic changes that burst from the depths of the earth.

It changed from a frozen country to a world of oceans, a world of lava. No matter what kind of change it is, it is a devastating natural disaster for the lives in this World.

Not only the creatures in this world, but also the human beings brought to this world by Bifrost, will also face this doomsday baptism.

In the face of the doomsday where the earth is cracked and the sky collapses, how many chances will they have to survive? This is something that they don’t even have much hope for oneself. For them oneself, they have nothing to do in the face of this end. If they want to survive, they can only put their hope of survival entirely on Zhou Yi.

They can only pray that Superhero can save their lives again.

Zhou Yi also wants to save them, he is even thinking about how to save this World, save other creatures in this world.

However, he can’t come up with any way out.

Bifrost’s ruined rainbow light is a blow from another world, and the Jinlunga gap between them is a void forbidden. Bifrost has the ability to launch a cross-world attack through the Jinlunga gap, but he is not able to find Bifrost through the Jinlunga gap.

Unable to solve Bifrost from the root cause, Zhou Yi can only watch Loki use it to destroy this World little by little.

This is a nearly unsolvable problem. There is not much he can do.

However, the group of ordinary persons below do not think so. They called out Dawn Knight’s name, begging him as usual. It’s as if he really has a way to save them.

And when Zhou Yi did not respond to them for a long time. Their requests to him turned into weird pleadings, curses, and unspeakable madness. In the face of Death and the despair of Doom, people’s desire for Superhero finally decayed into a deep Evil Thought.

This scene makes people who are a little bit sane can’t stand it, and Coulson can’t help but close his eyes. He didn’t know that it would be like this for the who class, but he was more worried about whether his own friend could accept this change.

He knew very well that Superhero is not a perfect person. They are the same as ordinary persons, and they have all kinds of weaknesses in their personalities. The reason why they become heroes with the mission of saving the world is entirely due to their inner kindness.

If their kind thoughts are maliciously contaminated by those they cannot save, then what kind of person they will become is something Coulson can’t even imagine.

He can only pray that this kind of thing will not happen to Dawn Knight. Or at best, Zhou Yi did not hear these people’s words at all.

However, how could Zhou Yi not hear what they are saying. He is a god after all, and when someone says his name, he can hear what they say no matter where he is. But now, when he heard what these people said, his heart could not be calm for a long time.

Oneself’s previous efforts were completely ignored by those he fought for. When they can’t see hope, they ruthlessly abandon oneself, and even use the most vicious language to slander oneself.

This behavior caused Dawn Knight to question the meaning of oneself and the purpose and value of own.

If he doesn’t care about life and death, the guys fighting for his life are such dirty guys, then does everything he does really make sense?

He is very skeptical, and his suspicion is reflected in the outside world, which is the depression and bleakness that can be seen by people with heart. His sacred fire is no longer surging, and his strength has begun to converge. When he can’t hold his own heart, he can no longer be full strength to do what Superhero should do.

At this time, he even had an idea of ​​leaving. Directly shatter the void of this World and return to Earth. If you ignore the group of ordinary persons below, he is fully capable of doing so.

But he had this impulse countless times, and he was forcibly suppressed in the end.

It’s not only because he doesn’t have the habit of giving up halfway, but because he can’t do it.

He couldn’t abandon these ordinary persons, and he couldn’t sit and watch them just like this and destroy them with this World in front of oneself.

So even with such an encounter, he still made up his mind. Take a risky move.

Thor, who has been standing next to Zhou Yi, saw his depression and bleakness, and his eyes suddenly became firm. This made him immediately realize that this powerful and shameless God seemed to have made a special decision.

Thor is very concerned about Zhou Yi’s determination. Because the lives of his friends, comrades-in-arms, and lovers also depend on his efforts to save.

Although he didn’t want to admit it very much, he was under this doomsday now. His power is completely useless. He can’t protect anyone, and it’s hard to even protect oneself. Like the ordinary persons underground, he can only put hope on Zhou Yi.

“Buddy, can you tell me what you plan to do? In this situation, do you also have any other way?”

“The way?” took a look at the The entire world is crashing, Zhou Yi has a gambler-like expression on his face. “Of course there is, but whether we can succeed, it really depends on our luck!”

“Luck?” Thor was stunned, a little confused about Zhou Yi’s thoughts. But he knows one thing, and that is Zhou Yi not at all.

But this did not disappoint him very much. Because in this situation, no one can be sure of anything. It is not easy for Zhou Yi to come up with a gamble.

“Go ahead, Buddy. Is there anything I can help. In this situation, if there is something I can do, I will be obliged to do whatever it is.”

Thor The own position is clearly expressed. At this moment, he firmly stood on Zhou Yi’s side.

“There will be places where you are needed. But what will happen, I don’t know. You can take care of it when the time comes!”

I heard that Thor is willing to support Zhou Yi gave an unanswered answer. And when he finished saying this sentence. The whole person turns into a brilliant radiance. Flew straight into the sky.

The endless sacred fire seemed to be attracted by something, and suddenly turned into a monstrous tornado, swept away surgingly toward the sky.

These blazing divine fires all rushed into a central point, that is the source of Zhou Yi’s incarnation. When the flames are intertwined and condensed, they become larger and larger, and even begin to obscure the sky. A crisp cry suddenly resounded through the sky of Jotunheim.

The figure is huge, almost covering the entire sky. It seems difficult to estimate how big the Golden Crow Divine Bird is in the sky of Jotunheim. Soared with the sky full of magical fire.

This was originally the incarnation of Zhou Yi’s soul in meditation, and it was also the first soul manifestation of Zhou Yi’s sun power. When Zhou Yi’s consciousness evolved into three different individuals. This Golden Crow, the soul representing the will of the original sun, became the ultimate power of Zhou Yi Dawn Knight.

The King of Ming has Divine Idol, and Dawn Knight also has the incarnation of Golden Crow to fight him. However, his restrained and restrained nature made him unwilling to release this ultimate destructive power easily, even in the fiercest battle, he had never thought of it.

But now, except for the incarnation of Golden Crow, he has no other way to save the humans of Earth. As for the other creatures in this world, Zhou Yi really can only say that he has done his best.

Golden Crow’s body size is far greater than when it first appeared, even if it is compared to the stalwart of Ming Wang. It’s not too bad. And this also means that just by spreading its wings, it is ten thousand meters away.

This kind of existence appeared before my eyes, and everyone’s most intuitive reaction technology was dumbfounded. Not only humans, but also Frost Giant.

Laufey, who inherited the Ymir bloodline, has swelled to an unimaginable level under the power buff of the three giant gods. But compared with Zhou Yi’s current Golden Crow incarnation, it is still insignificant, completely not worth mentioning.

For such a huge body, no other term can describe it except shock. And only with such a huge body can a rescue similar to gambling be completed in this situation.

The Golden Crow in the sky was soaring. After several turns, oneself three sharp claws like golden mountain peaks suddenly emerged, and they forcibly grabbed the ground.

Its sharp claw is extremely sharp, even the freezing and frozen ground of Jotunheim can’t stop its movements. Just a moment, the three sharp claws all penetrated into the depths of the earth’s surface, and slammed into the plates deep in the earth.

This action caused the already extremely unstable ground to sway more violently. The cracks spread rapidly along the position where the sharp claw grabbed it, and the lava flowed in an unstoppable manner. The posture burst out.

In this case, Golden Crow’s actions seem to be entirely intended to exacerbate the progress of the end of the world. Make everyone panic.

They don’t know what Golden Crow is doing, let alone what will happen next!

Panic and fear have erupted, making the people in the whole town become like a stray dog, panic all day long.

Although the people at SHIELD are still trying to maintain order, the effect is not very obvious. At this time, there are too few people who can be rational. Even SHIELD own people, they can’t control their own emotions.

They have experienced too much and endured too much. And what they have experienced and endured has exceeded their limits.

However, no matter how the people on the ground change. Zhou Yi will not notice them. All his mind is now on one thing, that is the land under oneself’s feet.

Void Power has covered all the veins of the large land he hooked, and his next moment is to separate him.

Golden Crow began to flap his own wings and let out a long cry. The earth roared under his movements, and slowly, little by little, rose up.

A huge piece of land is taking off.

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