Sun God Marvel

Chapter 355

“The atmosphere here?” Looking around all around, Susan said with a smile. “Why, do you think I can’t adapt to such a lively environment?”

“I know you like a quieter place, but sometimes it’s good to try a special feeling.” laugh With eyebrows raised, Zhou Yi replied. “At least the excitement here is a bit interesting.”

“It’s quite interesting, as if everyone is very happy.”

“Of course, this is a person who enjoys food The happiness you will have. And I believe that you will be integrated into it soon.”

“Then let me wait and see!”

Soon, exudes The enticing and scented Mexican delicacies were delivered. Susan tried some, and then never stopped. The temptation from the food has completely captured her. She has devoted herself wholeheartedly to the enjoyment of food, and even forgot her own boudoir.

For Susan who behaved like this, Zhou Yi was a little surprised. But it’s not annoying at all. In this kind of situation, if you have to be pretentious even when eating, then such a person will only make people feel uncomfortable.

On the contrary, people who can show their true temperament on this occasion will make people love it from the heart.

Susan has always been an elegant, well-educated intellectual beauty. Even anger is the type that never shows it outside. But when I was here, I could yell for a delicious meal. This kind of innocent performance like a child gave her a charming charm.

Looking at Susan like this, Zhou Yi instantly felt oneself and even his heart trembled. His already firm mind was shaken again, as to how shaken he was. I’m afraid he doesn’t even know he himself.

Looking at Zhou Yi looking at oneself so blankly, Susan blushed a bit shyly in an instant.

“Why, the way I was eating scared you?”

“No, how could it!” Hearing Susan’s words like this, Zhou Yi immediately recovered. said with a smile. “I just didn’t expect, you will look so cute when you eat. Really, it looks like my two daughters eat dessert.”

“Hey! Say I look like your daughter Same, isn’t it a bit too much.”

“I’m so sorry, but I actually mean that you are really likable. Really, I find that you are getting more and more beautiful. It seems to me.”

“Huh huh?” Zhou Yi’s unclear words made Susan make a strange noise from her nose. Then there was a weird silence.

For the compliment from Zhou Yi, she is actually very happy in her heart. Because they didn’t get along for too long, and this was the first time Zhou Yi said his own heart to her so clearly. Generally speaking, this time often means that there is a possibility that they can go further.

This is good news for Susan. Because the relationship between them is really strange. The one who resists is actually Zhou Yi instead of her. I am afraid that someone will not believe this kind of thing.

In short, after progress has been made, further progress is needed to be the truth. At this time, the food is almost ready. Susan thought for a while, took out a gift box from the bag and placed it in front of Zhou Yi.

“By the way, there is something for you. I remember that the watch you wore last time seems to be an electronic watch. Zhou Lan told me that your watch is not solemn at all. So I thought for a while, and I bought this thing for you.”

“Although it’s true to say that, it’s not pleasant to be said that, right?” The evaluation from mother conveyed over, Zhou Yi didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. But I ended up with a gift from Susan. “But I still want to thank you, Susan. This is the first gift I received this year!”

“No thanks, don’t you open it?” Zhou Yi said that Susan was happy. A smile, and then urged him to quickly open the gift she gave.

Following Susan’s wishes, Zhou Yi opened the gift box in front of him. Then he saw a beautiful watch in the gift box.

The brand of Patek Philippe has the usual exquisiteness and elegance of the brand, and it looks particularly attractive. Although Zhou Yi has never been able to appreciate these kinds of luxury goods, he has to admit that this thing is much better than the electronic watch he made for dressing.

I took the watch and put it on my own wrist. Zhou Yi laughed and said to Susan.

“Thank you so much, this watch is a perfect match. You must have put a lot of thought into it?”

“It’s okay, I just happened to see it on auction. Then I thought After what Zhou Lan said, I bought it by the way.”

Susan replied casually, as if she did not at all take too much effort. But Zhou Yi still knows that she must have put a lot of thought on her. The Patek Philippe circulating on this auction is generally a rare item. To find a suitable one, it takes not only energy but also a lot of money.

Being able to buy such expensive luxury goods for a man actually shows a lot.

“Thank you anyway, Susan. I’m very happy, I will keep this gift forever.”

Move my finger on the dial, Zhou Yi solemnly promised it. He doesn’t care about the price of watches. After all, expensive luxury accessories are not a problem for him. What he fancyed was this mind, a mind that everyone can understand.

“As long as you like it!” Zhou Yi’s guarantee made Susan smile more happily. But after laughing, she couldn’t help but yawn.

For her today, she is still a bit too tired. After spending half a day just on the plane, she immediately became a little sleepy after eating this meal.

“Let’s go, Susan. I’ll take you to a resting place. Where are you going?”

“Send me to Manhattan, where I will find a hotel, I will live for a while first. My friends and team are also in Manhattan. It would be more convenient if they are closer.”

“Huh?” Hearing Susan’s answer, Zhou Yi was a little surprised. “I thought you had a place in New York?”

“It turned out that I lived in the university’s faculty apartment, but since my friends and I quit the school job. I don’t have The place to live. After all, there are some small differences between my friends and I, even now we are on the same team. But it is not convenient for me to live with them.”

“Well, I think I know how to do it.” Zhou Yi laughed after hearing Susan’s account. So called Coppola. He settled the account and gave Coppola a good tip as usual. Then he pulled Susan into the car and drove in the direction of Upper East Side.

When Susan didn’t know what Zhou Yi was going to do and so on, Zhou Yi had already taken her to the place where their family lived when they first came to New York.

Although so many years have passed, the Zhou Yi family does not live in this place anymore. But this place was still saved by Zhou Yi, and he regularly arranged for people to clean and clean and replace equipment. Originally, he planned to leave this apartment to his younger sister as her adult gift. But Clarice didn’t seem very interested.

So this time, this apartment plays a special role.

While carrying Susan’s luggage, he fumbled and turned on the headlights of the apartment. Zhou Yi dragged Susan in and said to her.

“This is the place where I used to live. At that time I was a student and everything hasn’t started yet. Counting now, it’s been many years, everything is different. But here I have kept all the things I have kept, water, electricity, and sanitation. I have hired someone to maintain it regularly. So, you can live here with confidence. You can live as long as you want!”

Looking at the area almost half This apartment is the size of a real estate, well-arranged, and looks particularly cozy, full of a sense of home. Susan was a little surprised, but asked quickly but hesitantly.

“Is this bad, don’t your family members have any opinions?”

“Don’t worry about this, my mother will definitely be happy that you came here. As for my children , They live with me on the island. If there is trouble, at most it is my younger sister. You have also seen Clarice. But don’t worry about him, she’s in Huiyao City now. I’ll fight her. A hello, even if she comes back, there is nothing at worst.”

“But…” Susan was still a little hesitant, so she moved into Zhou Yi’s house so suddenly, although not Cohabitation. But it was indeed something beyond what she had imagined before.

“There is nothing more, Susan. Just be happy, there is nothing at worst in all of this.” I turned on the light in the master bedroom, and took out clean towels and pajamas from the closet. . Zhou Yi did not refuse Danger Land’s words. “These all are what I should do, right? My mother and I promised to take care of you, so you can live here with confidence.”

“Then, okay. Thank you You are easy!”

Zhou Yi has said this level, Susan can only compromise in the end.

“You don’t need to be too polite with me, we don’t need this between us!” After getting everything that oneself can handle, Zhou Yi babbled. “Pajamas and towels are new, you can use it as you like. There is only regular milk in the refrigerator. If you have anything else you need, you can tell me. Also tomorrow you are going to find your teammate, no car No. Whether it’s a taxi or a bus or subway, it’s troublesome and unsafe. I will leave you the car key, you can drive me first. In the end, there should be nothing else?”

Zhou Yi at this time is nothing like his usual appearance. Susan has seen him laziness, he has seen him gentle. I have also seen him domineering in front of a bunch of powerful figures. But as it is now, it is long-winded and an old steward-like appearance. She saw it for the first time.

It is this kind of appearance that has never been seen before, but Susan feels a kind of considerate warmth.

When she was still with Reid, the last thing she could not feel was this kind of thoughtfulness and tenderness. A boyfriend who is devoted to research treats her even better than the concerns of a cold machine. Then it’s better not to have such a boyfriend, so she just broke up with Reid.

This choice may seem cruel and cold at the time. But now, it seems to be the most correct decision.

Everyone has the right to pursue oneself happiness. For oneself, to find someone who can bring happiness to oneself, what’s wrong?

That’s what Susan thinks. And she was also on this path and walked down firmly.

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