Sun God Marvel

Chapter 356

He walked out of the old apartment where oneself passed by on foot, looking at the sky that was almost dark. Zhou Yi rarely thinks about going back on foot.

This is not just a leisure time, I want to experience some of the night life in New York. But she just wanted to delay for a while, and by the way gave oneself a reasonable excuse to cover up her and Susan’s affairs.

I really can’t let Ada know these things, otherwise he really doesn’t know what terrible things that vinegar jar can do. You must know that her current energy level definitely exceeds that of nuclear weapons, if it breaks out because of emotional problems. That many disaster-ridden New York will be another disaster.

Even for the innocent New York citizens, Zhou Yi felt that I couldn’t let Ada know about this easily. So finding a way to cover it up has become the most important thing.

But how to cover it up? Thinking of this question, Zhou Yi just felt that oneself’s forehead jumped. He never felt that Ada’s original spy work would be such a troublesome problem. If possible, he really wants to go to SHIELD for some psychological reaction training.

But obviously this is impossible, because time is not very allowable. So, in the end, he could only think hard to see if he could dig something out of own’s mind.

However, the situation is not ideal. Everyone walked out of the Upper East Side and sat on the subway. This so-called reason is still incomplete.

“What should I do, what should I do?” After thinking about it, Zhou Yi suddenly found something wrong with oneself. A strange force spread across the carriage, and quickly entangled all the passengers. In less than two seconds, these passengers all fell asleep. The originally noisy subway suddenly became quiet and strange.

Only Zhou Yi is not affected, and only he is still acting. Not because of his own immunity to this strange power, but because this power simply didn’t target him.

The caster seemed to intentionally make him awake, and then wanted to do something to him.

In this case, Zhou Yi laughed in his heart. Then he stood up suddenly, looked around all around, and asked the person next to oneself.

“Sir, what’s the matter with you. What happened?”

Of course no one answered his question, in fact when he just pointed his finger on the man next to him. This guy couldn’t sit there upright anymore, he could only get stuck in the seat.

“What’s the matter?” To ask a question, when already knows the answer, Zhou Yi made a sullen expression on his face. He quickly walked up to the passengers on the side and pushed them. Like the previous passenger, they too fell asleep and fell.

Zhou Yi instantly took a look of surprise, and quickly took out his own cellphone from his pocket. However, the signal on the cellphone is broken. It is simply impossible to contact the outside world through the cellphone.

The subway is moving and there is no way to stop it. The scene in front of me is so strange. As for Zhou Yi, he also showed the actions that a person who encounters sudden occurance should have. All the conditions have been met, and the guy in the secret should also show up.

So Zhou Yi frowned and yelled in the empty and quiet subway car.

“Who are you, come back to me. I know someone is secretly, tell me, what do you want to do?”

After this question was asked, it was silent for dozens of seconds time. A few dozen seconds later, a voice with a strange vibrato came from behind him.

“Zhou Yi, aren’t you afraid?”

“Afraid?” Turning around, looking at the car windowpane that appeared on the car window glass, the whole body was enveloped in miserable green light At the same time, I can hardly see the appearance. Can only tell who seems to be the same as the ghost. Zhou Yi directly raised his own voice and said. “Dressing up as God, playing the devil, if you think I would be afraid of something like this, that is really wrong.”

“dressing up as God, playing the devil? You think these all are fake?” The ghost on the glass made a sorrowful laugh. “Since you don’t believe what you are seeing, then I will let you feel some real fear!”

As soon as this sentence fell, the lights in the subway went out immediately At the same time, a layer of permeating green light and fog diffused from the glass, turning the entire dark subway into a gloomy Ghost Domain that only appeared in horror movies.

And in this Ghost Domain-like place, the grim and weird laughs echoed like the wind.

“Look, look at everything in front of you. Zhou Yi, see if these are real or fake?”

A ghost-like illusory shadow in the carriage Hovering inside, his incomparably long fingers lightly touched the surrounding seats and armrests, causing signs of corrosion like one after another. When he coiled around for a while, almost all his traces were left in the entire carriage.

The kind of certain, true, and tangible traces of existence. This can almost completely prove that everything in front of you is not an illusion, nor is it a fake prank. It’s really a supernatural phenomenon.

“What the hell are you? A ghost? A ghost?”

Faced with such a scene, Zhou Yi expressed nervousness. But it is far from collapsed. The reason didn’t run away from him at all, and he was still asking the ghost question before him rationally.

“What am I? I am your fear. Zhou Yi! ********* Wandering, power and magic grow in the human soul and fear. I am Devouring Soul , Take away life. So fear me, fear me. Shake in front of me!”

The rampant laughter almost shook the entire subway. In his laughter, all One after another obvious crack was cracked on the glass. And this seems to show his extraordinary power.

“Why do you want my life? Have I offended you? Or, do you want something else from me?”

Zhou Yi There was a slight tremor in his body, even his eyebrows were shaking. He seemed to be a little scared, but he was not yet satisfied with the ghost.

In fact, Ghost has always been dissatisfied with Zhou Yi’s performance from before to now. He wanted him to fear, to the point that he lost his mind, lost himself, and was completely at the mercy of others. But Zhou Yi always feels a little worse, and it’s a very important feeling.

Although he showed the fear he wanted, this kind of fear that completely overwhelmed reason was useless.

Up to now, the ghost can only continue.

“It is worthy of Zhou Yi, the master of the corona. Such a mind and reason are indeed worthy of your share of achievements. But now, none of these things can save you. No matter how firm your mind is, No matter how clear your reason is, you can’t change one thing. Your life is now in my control, so you must follow my control!”

“This is impossible, you don’t know what the hell The guy who is that. Tell me what you want. Then get away from my eyes.”

Zhou Yi waved his hand violently, like all powerful people, said domineeringly . But when he said this, there was such a slight trill in his tone. This seems to show that he is not at all so tough on the outside.

The ghost felt that oneself seemed to have seen Zhou Yi’s fierceness, so his tone suddenly became more arbitrary.

“You want me to go away, ah ha ha ha! Why should I go away, just stay by your side, appreciate your fear, appreciate your meager courage. Watching you A little bit of pain and despair in front of me. Isn’t this a very beautiful thing?”

As he said, the ghost’s tone changed sharply.

“But you want me to leave, it is not impossible. However, you need to make a deal, a deal that is not so important to you!”

“What deal “

“It’s actually very simple. Use your wealth, also that woman to exchange your life. In other words, if you want to live, just give me all the things I said.”

The ghost voice appeared on Zhou Yi’s shoulder and whispered to him. And hearing his words, Zhou Yi immediately made a shocked look.

“Why do you want Susan. How would you know her?”

The ghost haha ​​laughed.

“I know everything, Zhou Yi. As long as it is the things that appear around you, I know all of them. Tell me now, what is your answer. Do you want your life, or do you want What about those things that are not so important to you?”

“You are opening for me what the hell. Susan is very important to me, how could I give her to you like this monster!”

Zhou Yi’s voice suddenly became roaring, and he heard his answer. The green light permeating the ghost’s body suddenly strengthened by three points, almost as bright as a burning flame.

“So, are you not going to have your own life? Zhou Yi, I urge you to think more clearly. Is it worth just a woman to give up your life for her? As long as you are still alive , What kind of woman can’t encounter, why is this just this, you are so persistent. You have to know that if you die, then everything is really over.”

“Whatever you die Is it all over?” After repeating these words, Zhou Yi’s face showed obvious hesitation. He seemed very hesitant, and seemed to be choosing an extremely difficult question. “Why, why do you want Susan. Can no one else be OK except her?”

“Are you afraid, Zhou Yi. This is really very good!” The ghost’s tone instantly became as if he had just sucked in. As a drug addict, his voice has become as erratic as his existence. “As for why, of course it is because she is the woman who appeared next to you. As me who has been watching you, of course, I must take away such valuable things to make up for all my losses. So, it is time to tell me about you. The answer is, Zhou Yi. What is your choice?”

“My choice, my choice?”

The hesitation seems to continue, but the choice is no longer difficult. Zhou Yi, with his head down, slowly stopped the trembling on oneself’s body. He repeated the ghost question. Then he gave his own answer.

“Of course I was dreaming, you idiot!”

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