Sun God Marvel

Chapter 357

“What?” Hearing Zhou Yi’s answer, the ghost was taken aback, as if he hadn’t understood what Zhou Yi was saying. Then he saw Zhou Yi stretch out his hand directly at oneself.

This made him immediately to get really angry, a trifling that a mortal dare to act on an existence like him, it is act recklessly. He was already thinking about how to give him Penalty so that he could understand the gap between them.

However, before he could figure out what method oneself should use, a terrifying force that he could not even imagine suddenly swept his whole body. There was almost no possibility of any struggle. In front of this power, he only felt a whirl of the sky, and then flew involuntarily toward Zhou Yi’s palm.

When the ghost finally came back to his senses, he discovered that oneself had been imprisoned in a small space that was impossible to imagine.

This is a small and pitiful space, because from his point of view, everything in the past has become much bigger. A person standing in front of him is almost as huge as a mountain, which makes him even wonder if the size of oneself is as big as an ant.

“What is going on, what happened?” Countless questions haunted the ghost’s heart, making him yell involuntarily. “Let me out, let me out quickly.”

“Pipe down, Little Brat. If you are so noisy again, I can’t guarantee that you will have the strength to continue calling.”


Zhou Yi’s voice suddenly came from above him. When the ghost looked up, he immediately saw Zhou Yi’s huge face, which almost obscured all his vision. And this face that was hesitant and fearful just now is full of abuse and playfulness. It’s almost like an actor who just played everyone on the stage with his acting skills.

“You are not Zhou Yi, who are you? Why do you pretend to be him?”

Looking at Zhou Yi who suddenly changed from prey to hunter, ghost gnashing teeth The ground roared out. He didn’t believe that Zhou Yi, a financial tycoon worth hundreds of billions, would be an extraordinary existence with magical powers. So he thoughtfully regarded Zhou Yi as a bodyguard, or the kind of guy who has the same purpose as him but catches the worm in the early bird.

I heard the ghost’s voice. A smile to disdain as beneath contempt hung on Zhou Yi’s face.

“If I don’t even know my true identity, I have the courage to appear in front of me. Should I say that you are stupid, or should I say that you are extraordinary?”

“True identity? What do you mean? Damn, what the hell is that you are talking about?”

The ghost roared like a roar. In his eyes, Zhou Yi’s identity instantly became Bewildered and full of danger. As for his rant, Zhou Yi just shook the head and said jokingly.

“Unfortunately, I did not answer your interest, nor did I have the obligation to answer you. Moreover, what you should do now is to tell me what I want to know, not to ask me something. You need to figure out the reality, your life is in my hands. Understand?”

As he said, he flicked the tiny space where the ghost was imprisoned. Suddenly, this space, which was originally more than dewdrop at worst, shook immediately. The pressure from the outside caused the interior of the space to vibrate frantically at high frequencies, and this vibration almost destroyed the ghost’s almost illusory body.

Although the body of the ghost is made up of material existence that is not real, it is also very immune. But in the face of the magical power of the void, his immunity is obviously too low level.

So just like this, he immediately wailed in pain, and even the weird green mist on his body became much thinner. There is no doubt that, two more times, he also can be an intuitive existence.

“No, no, no! Stop, stop. What you want to ask, I will tell you everything!”

The power beyond the scope of the ghost’s understanding makes him unable to resist. , And did not have the courage to resist. When pain swept through his soul, he, who had no bones, appeared even more spineless.

“Very well, tell me who sent you here. Why does he want my wealth also Susan. Tell me this, maybe I can send you mercy to leave here. Otherwise. , Think about the ant that was crushed to death by heavy objects, I promise you will not be much better than it.”

“I know, I know. I tell you, I tell you everything .”

The ghost trembled again and again, and soon revealed everything oneself knew.

“I was ordered to come to you in order to get your wealth from you, also that woman. My master wants you to surrender all the wealth, and then I call Susan from that Get out of the woman next to him. Of course, he also ordered me to threaten you and cooperate with him in a good show. Let him approach that woman more easily.”

“Hmph, it’s really interesting. I don’t know. It’s who, I actually got the idea on my head.” Coldly snorted, Zhou Yi pinched the small space prison between oneself’s fingers and brought him to the owner’s eyes. Then he stared at the ghost inside and asked. “Tell me, who is your master?”

“My master, my master…” Speaking of the identity of oneself as the master, the ghost obviously cowered a little. It can be seen that he is very afraid of the owner. But Zhou Yi quickly made him understand, and now he should be more afraid of oneself.

A faint light of fire appeared on his fingertips. From a human point of view, even lighting a cigarette might be a little troublesome. But for the trapped ghost, it is terrifying like a steelmaking furnace. The scorching temperature penetrated in an instant, making this ghost almost completely vaporized.

“Don’t, don’t! I said, I said. My master is Victor, Victor. Von. Dum. He wants me to threaten you, and he wants to take everything from you. What I said is true. Get this terrifying thing away from my eyes!”

The ghost, which has been played with by Zhou Yi and almost collapsed by various means, is really unbearable. Under great pressure, he could only reveal the name of the owner of oneself.

When he heard the name, Zhou Yi was shocked.

“Dum? You mean the Victor from Dum Company? How could he drive an Evil Spirit like you, and why did he target me?”

“The master is A magician, I was summoned by him from a magical book handed down. As for why the master did this, I don’t know anything. Let me go, let me go. I’m just a poor wandering spirit, As long as you let me go, I promise. I will never show up in front of you again.”

“You won’t show up in front of me again.” With a slight pressure on the fingertips, the temporary shape was formed. The space was crushed instantly. Naturally, the ghost inside didn’t even have the opportunity to scream, so it was completely wiped out.

After doing all this, Zhou Yi once again sat back in the own position. And quietly released a glimmer of light, dispelling the magic on the passengers next to oneself.

The passengers woke up one after another, completely ignorant of what happened. They were surprised by the weird marks that appeared in the carriage, and they had many ideas about it. Almost everyone has a saying of own, only Zhou Yi, he is always sitting there obediently and honestly. Keep silent.

No one knows what he is thinking. No one can guess the relationship between all this and him. He behaved very ordinary and hardly attracted anyone’s attention.

Soon, the subway will reach the next stop. And Zhou Yi immediately walked out of the subway. He walked while thinking.

Victor thought a lot about his reasons. But what makes him feel probability the most is his huge wealth. He could hear it from the mouth of that Evil Spirit. Victor did not know his hidden identity. Just when he is an ordinary rich man.

Then it is almost certain that all his actions are from oneself’s personal wishes. It is not a deliberate trial by a special organization. As for the reason and so on, after this recognition. Zhou Yi can almost guess an almost.

Dum Company is not like Corona or Stark, it is a large enterprise controlled by individuals. Although in name Dum Company belongs to Victor alone. But in fact, the financial predators from Wall Street are its real Ruler.

When the company is still profitable, these predators may be as honest as wood floating in the water. But when Osborn announced the Octavius ​​Court Academecian’s artificial sun project, how these greedy guys could sit and live.

Just like Zhou Yi said, in front of Tony’s Ark Reactor, Dum, which is supported by the energy industry, has no competitiveness at all. But Tony still made some compromises anyway. He didn’t kill these traditional energy companies to the last one at all, but gave them a little respite.

But Osborn, who has always been a stormy person, will not be so easy to forgive. After he inserts his hand into the energy industry, these guys who can live now are definitely dead ends.

No one wants to wait for death on a ship that is destined to sink, so these people will definitely try to recover their own losses before everything becomes a reality.

This is a totally understandable choice. But for Dum, which relies on their capital injection to operate, when they withdrew the funds from the company, the company was actually on the verge of death.

As the owner of this company, how could Victor allow Dum to fall? So he put his attention on oneself, which is an imaginable thing.

But Zhou Yi still doesn’t quite understand one thing, that is why it is oneself. Also, what does all this have to do with Susan.

Oneself not at all what offends him, and how does Victor know that Susan is with oneself?

After much deliberation, Zhou Yi thought of a possibility. That’s how Victor and Susan knew each other, and had already tried something against her. And just today, he saw oneself and Susan together at the airport.

With this kind of conjecture, he quickly recalled the first formal meeting with Susan, when Susan had indeed greeted Victor in a familiar manner.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yi suddenly felt something was wrong. Because he found that Susan was very likely to be dangerous at this time.

Victor has taken the risk, even he dared to use evil means to press the black hand. So who can guarantee that he will make an exception to Susan?

Thinking of this, he walked quickly into the darkness where no one was watching. Then instantly disappeared in place.

He must go and see, he will feel relieved only when he sees Susan.

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