Sun God Marvel

Chapter 362

The world is condemning him, while driving him in demonstrations. Zhou Yi stayed at home obediently and honestly, and watched the increasingly fierce storm on TV with his family.

Seeing that the demonstrators became more and more ugly and unbearable. Before Zhou Yi’s own remarks, Ada took the lead in expressing the meaning of own.

“It’s really a bunch of ugly guys. If I were Dawn Knight, I would definitely be gone, and I would never care about the life and death of these stupid guys. Don’t you think?”

While she said this, she hinted at Zhou Yi with weird eyes. Obviously, this is her own opinion.

As Zhou Yi’s partner, she does not want Zhou Yi to continue this special job. Because of the character she developed through her previous work, her recognition of the so-called heroic career has never been zero.

Being a Superhero is stupid in her eyes and absolutely unattainable. It’s a foolish and incorrigible act to take own life cracking a joke every day for irrelevant people. And the most important thing is that this behavior is still opposed and condemned by the people he protects. This is simply the biggest mockery.

She has already had a lot of complaints and opinions about Zhou Yi’s identity, and now she feels it is time to tell Zhou Yi these opinions.

“I don’t know that Dawn Knight is doing and so on. But I think he should have a family too! Parents, sisters, wives and children. Even the owner’s family will do it for these ignorant fools. Let’s fight for life and death. It’s not what you want to be a Saint. Didn’t he think about what his family would do if something happened to oneself when he acted? Or, he didn’t act before Ask his family’s plans?”

“Hey, Ada. The children are still here, can you not say this in front of them. I don’t want the children to be at this time Understand this kind of thing.”

With his arms around Ada’s shoulders, Zhou Yi calmed her emotions softly. He knew that oneself sometimes did not consider their hearts, but he did not expect their opinions to be so big.

“hmph! I feel that instead of procrastinating like you, it’s better to tell the children clearly so that they have a more straightforward understanding. Their Head President is bigger, instead of letting They form own judgments under the indoctrination of others, or let us come by ourselves!”

Ada does not give Zhou Yi any chance to avoid this topic. She is almost pushing the palace and pushing Zhou Yi. at this time give them a clear explanation.

A glance at Own Serana nervously, and Ida with a serious face. I looked at the two children Zhou Yi sighed who were still ignorant and knew nothing at oneself. Give an explanation.

“Okay, okay. You are right. This kind of thing should be made clear to children.”

With the excuse of educating children, Zhou Yi had to Guaranteed.

“Listen, children. From the perspective of a family, Dawn Knight is actually wrong to do this. In any case, the family is the first thing. In the past, maybe he was stunned by other things. Mind. But I think when he sees all this, he should be a little more sober and realize the mistakes made by oneself in the past.”

“Father, what do you want to say?” Just now Twelve or thirteen-year-old children can’t understand that this act of looking at them is actually speaking to two other people. So Shirley asked immediately.

“What I want to say is very simple!” Rubbed the head of this obviously stronger daughter, and messed up her short golden hair. Zhou Yi said with a smile. “Just to tell you not to learn to be heroes. Those who are willing to do such thankless things are idiots. If you are impulsive, remember to think about us, and then decide if oneself should do it.”

“Hey, father!” Shirley let out Zhou Yi’s big hand unhappily. Puffed up at him and said angrily. “Are you choreographing Dawn Knight? Well, you all think he is an idiot, but he is my idol in mind. That’s why I don’t care what you say? Dawn Knight is a good person, and in my heart he will always be a Good person!”

Shirley, who thought she understood the meaning of oneself father, bulged her face and turned her back. She made a look that she didn’t want to pay attention to Zhou Yi at all, but her look made Zhou Yi didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

He is very pleased that own child can support own business, but unfortunately, Shirley does not know the fact that he is Dawn Knight.

“Father, will Dawn Knight really not come out again?”

At this time, another caring baby girl, Aretha couldn’t help but intervene. asked cautiously.

“It’s a pity, baby. I think it might be like this. At this time, in this situation, I’m afraid he really has no need to come out.”

“But. .” Aretha, who has never spoken back, and never said a “No” to her own father, has plucked up the courage at this time and expressed her own opinion to her own father. “I don’t think Dawn Knight will leave us behind. He has done so much. How could he never show up again because of this?” This sentence made Zhou Yi’s face a look. Frozen, then sighed. He touched Aretha’s little head and explained to her.

“I’m sorry, baby. This is the ugliest thing in the adult world. You are not suitable for contacting these now. Later, when you grow up. You will gradually understand this.”


“Really?” Shirley, who had been breathing, suddenly turned her head and said to Zhou Yi like this. “Then I hope that oneself will never grow up, so that I can say goodbye to you ugly adult world forever.”

“Shirley, how did you talk to your father?”

Ada, who has been watching how Zhou Yi educates children, couldn’t help but yelled at Shirley at this time. But Shirley’s temper is obviously bigger than hers.

“I’m telling the truth. You don’t want to listen to it!” After speaking, she ran upstairs without looking back. Incidentally, he put down such a sentence. “I’m not going to school today, also don’t call me for dinner!”

“Wait, Shirley. I and you are the same!” Aretha also called at this time, and then quickly Caught up. As for whether she was chasing after the oneself angry sister or the excuse for not having to go to school, it is difficult to say clearly. But before leaving, Aretha left such a sentence.

“Father, I believe that if people need him, he will definitely come back.”

“Oh, maybe. Honey!” Facing the oneself child Zhou Yi, who was eagerly looking forward to not revealing his identity, had to say so.

And Ida is another reaction. She grabbed Zhou Yi’s collar abruptly, lowered her voice and said to him.

“The children support you in this way, you are satisfied this time!”

“Hey!” Holding up his hands, indicating that his is innocent. Zhou Yi quickly defended. “I have never said anything about this to the children. I can’t blame it. And, haven’t I already made a guarantee?”

“Guarantee, you mean The guarantee that you will go back as long as someone needs you?” The children are no longer here, and Ida can let go. Obviously, she was very unhappy that this happened.

“How is this possible, you know, Ada. People are never too stupid to admit their own mistakes, so there won’t be such a day. I promise you that I will never do this kind of thing again Now.”

With some special expressions on his face, Zhou Yi clearly assured Ada like this.

After hearing his reply, Ada and Serana took a sigh of relief. They have had enough of the fearful days, and now they only want to live a stable and ordinary life of normal people. Although this is a little selfish, they would rather be selfish oneself than Zhou Yi continue to work like that.

And no matter how you say it, this result is a choice made by those people oneself. They just follow the trend.

After solving the scourge, Ada is obviously reluctant to talk about such things. While putting an end to this topic, she started a new topic.

“Well, I hope you remember the own guarantee. Also, you won’t run around tonight, go try your secret lover.”

The most recent topic is always Zhou Yi feels a little overwhelmed, and this is no exception. Upon hearing this, he immediately stiffened, and then seriously replied.

“How is it possible, my dear. I plan to stay at home today.”

“How do I know if you ran away? I’m impossible to catch up with you.” Frowning her brows, Ada showed 100% distrust of Zhou Yi. “It doesn’t matter, I’m going to find something for you to do and tie you to the house. You do it for dinner today, and how complicated it is!”

“Are you sure?”


“Of course, that’s the decision. And it’s a vacation for Serana, let us two rest.”

“Well, since you said that.”

Reluctantly shook the head, Zhou Yi complied with this type of squeezing request. He, who has been in a passive state recently, has not been able to turn over until now.

Of course, this also has a lot to do with his intention of not turning over for the time being. You have no confidence in anything.

“By the way, my dear. What do the children do, are they really not called for dinner?”

Zhou Yi, who was temporarily transferred to a housewife, started to work. I immediately thought of own two baby girls. He really has no ability to harden his heart and make them hungry.

But for his worries, Ada quickly showed that it was absolutely unnecessary.

“Don’t worry, the snacks and snacks in their room are enough for them to spend the winter. Do you really think they are stupid?”

“No, I actually have I feel it, this family belongs to me the stupidest is true!”

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