Sun God Marvel

Chapter 363

Squatted at home for a while, then secretly found time to accompany Susan. Zhou Yi suddenly felt that his own life seemed to be formal.

There are no unpleasant enemies, no fierce battles, and no exciting adventures. Everything is plain and plain. It can be said that this is a standard template for an ordinary person’s happy life. But no matter what Zhou Yi thinks, he feels that oneself has lost something important.

But it’s useless to think more, now it’s too late. He had already made a promise to Ada and the others, so he could only say goodbye to his own identity, who never broke his promise.

Although there are some regrets, there is no alternative. A promise is a promise, and what you say cannot be taken back.

Tuck oneself’s last armor of dawn in the display cabinet, and then watch it drop little by little and disappear below the horizon of the laboratory. Until the floor closed again, he sighed and walked to the side of the survival capsule.

Jean fell asleep inside as always, her quiet face seemed not at all change.

“My dear, my work has now been suspended. I really don’t know what else I can do. Maybe just like the Superhero in the comics, I should retire , And then it’s time to get married and have a child. But, my dear, the wedding would not be easy to hold without you. Although there are a little more people, I still hope that none of them can be less. How to say, I’m waiting for you to wake up That day. It’s the same today!”

“also, you better wake up early. I don’t want to wait for you to wake up when two women about your age call you mother. That’s possible. It will be embarrassing! Oh, this is my cracking a joke. Anyway, keep going. I am waiting for you!”

As usual, Zhou Yi said to the sleeping Jean that he was alone If you know. This is not the first time, nor the last. It may be like this until Jean wakes up from his deep sleep.

It may seem stupid, but Zhou Yi is willing to stick to this behavior. Because only in this way can he feel Jean not at all leaving from own. Only in this way can he make oneself feel that oneself has not failed Jean.

Jean paid too much emotion for him, but unfortunately he could not return the same deep emotion. He loves Jean, but she is not alone. So this is already unfair. If he had to hide the rest from Jean, even he himself would feel sad.

So he has been doing the same thing, that is, telling the owner everything to her sleeping. Whether she can hear it or not, he will confess everything without reservation.

Whether it is good or bad. He didn’t even have any reservations about Ada and Susan. Even if it’s angry, even if it’s angry, he really hopes Jean can come back to life. But as always, she lay there quietly. Nothing has changed.

The greeting this time is over again. Zhou Yi shook his hand at Jean lightly in the life-sustaining capsule. After he slowly left the laboratory, the lights of the laboratory were also under the control of the artificial intelligence Medusa, which went out little by little. In the darkness, Jean’s chest, breathing gently, suddenly rises and falls, and then slowly returns to calm.

That day is getting closer, but Zhou Yi can’t know all this.

Leaving the laboratory and returning to the own study. Zhou Yi began to organize the files on oneself’s desk. Most of these are company matters.

Although he has handed over the power to Ada, Ada does not at all mean to control everything with one hand. Major issues still need to be decided by the board member, although the decision by the board member means Zhou Yi nodded. But she went through the process obediently and honestly.

Form all the questions into written materials and put them in front of the board member meeting. The only advantage of this is that Zhou Yi, who is bored at home, finds something to do. By the way, it also allows him to understand the recent situation of oneself.

The development trend of the corona after Ida took over, not at all, went down the road, but glide up steadily all the way. This kind of performance that envies others makes countless guys who are holding banknotes waiting to buy stocks jealous, but they are helpless.

The stable corona does not need the injection of these foreign funds to disrupt its balance unless it makes a mistake. But as far as the current situation is concerned, this is basically impossible.

Ada has done a good job. She has already figured out a path for the company’s future development. And under her control, the company has steadily moved forward on this path, and there will be no mistakes at all.

So Zhou Yi just took a look at the files sent in this format to pass the time.

Ada’s opinion is his opinion. Since the company has been handed over to her, he doesn’t bother to ask so many questions. However, there are some things that he needs to personally intervene, such as this written document about temporarily lending spacecraft and space stations to Reed Court Academecian and his team.

This document was clearly approved by Ada with a negative word, and a separate document was also attached, which stated that the board member would consider things like that.

This is how she is making her temper.

Because no matter from a commercial point of view or a scientific point of view, the corona sponsoring this scientific event is not at all disadvantageous, on the contrary, it can extract huge benefits from it.

With Susan’s efforts, Corona has reached a preliminary cooperation intention with Reid’s scientific team. As long as the corona sponsors everything needed for this scientific experiment, it can obtain all the rights to develop this scientific research led by Reed Court Academecian. The benefits are three to seven, and the Reed Court Academecian team only enjoys 30% of the final benefits. And these 30% are limited to the 50-year period.

It can almost be said that as long as there is a result, then it is equivalent to dig a gold mine for the corona. Unless there is a problem with the brain, who will refuse this kind of benefit that comes to the door.

But now, Ada relies on oneself as the company’s CEO, so he dares to stamp the document signed by Zhou Yi directly. If you change someone, you will probably be swept out.

But since it is Ada, Zhou Yi obviously does not have any other methods. However, his mind’s eye has grown somewhat this time.

He tore up the contract in front of him, Zhou Yi took out another copy from his own drawer that was exactly the same, except for the documents that had not passed Ada’s seal. He faxed the document to Ada again, and attached a small note from own.

“Observe, dear. Don’t mess around this time!”

Zhou Yi is almost certain that Ida is not personally collecting such things as faxes. Regardless of whether it is the person in charge of this aspect in the company or Ada’s assistant, there will definitely be some minor problems seeing such things. Use these small questions to add a little confusion to Ada, I believe she will not be so angry with oneself.

It doesn’t matter if Zhou Yi is cracking a joke about the company. Ada, the cold-faced queen who holds the power of the company, definitely can’t do it. If she doesn’t want to destroy oneself’s image in the company, this time she would probably show mercy.

As expected by Zhou Yi, he soon received a text message from Ada. There is only one meaning expressed in the message, that is, “I will ask you to settle the account when I go home!”

Seeing this message, Zhou Yi chuckled. It doesn’t really matter how to settle accounts, and what to settle accounts with. The important thing is that his goal has been achieved. If you really want to settle accounts, it is unlikely that he will suffer.

Hehe happily put down the cellphone, Zhou Yi began to pick up the files on the desk.

Most of the remaining files don’t need him to worry about, so he glanced at it and put them directly. But the last document is not a matter of Corona. It was a contract from Tony Stark.

This contract announced in the most formal form that Tony Stark would transfer 10% of the benefits of the new Ark reactor to Zhou Yi for an unlimited period.

Looking at this contract, Zhou Yi’s first reaction was that Tony this guy was convulsed again.

We must know that now the Ark Reactor has been completely invested in the energy market. Almost every day, this new type of super energy is doubling the traditional energy market. Not to mention that in the upcoming Stark Technology Expo, it will be promoted to the world in the brightest way.

At that time, the benefits it generates are absolutely amazing. Even if it has only 10% of its benefits, it is definitely an astronomical figure. even more how Tony donated is not a one-time benefit, but an unlimited long-term benefit.

If this is not for convulsions, it is an outrageous thing that no normal-minded person can do.

Holding this idea, Zhou Yi immediately called Tony. He wants to ask this matter to understand, otherwise he will not be able to pass the Pepper level alone.

Soon, the call was connected. And Zhou Yi questioned Tony almost shouting.

“Tony, are you crazy. Do you know what damned thing you sent me?”

“Damn, you shout so loudly for this. Of course I I know what I sent you, why? Do you think it’s a bit lacking?”

Tony muttered a word about Zhou Yi’s yelling before answering.

“Since you know, don’t you think it is outrageous? If Pepper knows about it, you and I are both in trouble!”

“Don’t worry, Pepper knows about this. This It was the result of my discussions with her!”

Hearing that Pepper was involved, Zhou Yi’s worries disappeared immediately. At this time, all he had left was doubts.

“Then why did you give me this suddenly? Don’t tell it is a late Christmas present!”

“What should I tell you, Buddy. I can only say it is A transaction, I use this to trade the Nanominium information that you once gave me. Because now I use it to develop amazing things, within two years I will make a great invention that will change the world. In short, there is no Question. Don’t worry about it!”

When Zhou Yi heard this, there was only one sentence left in his mind. That is “what the hell?”

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