Sun God Marvel

Chapter 369

“Tony, some things are not as simple as you think.” To Tony’s angry sarcasm, Nick Fury widened oneself’s only remaining eye. As much as possible to make the own look so solemn.

But Tony didn’t buy his account.

“It’s not easy, I really don’t know what is not easy for me. Cyclops, don’t think that you and my father are so closely related to each other to act wilfully, if you With one finger of Pepper, I will definitely let you know what it feels like to regret!”

This arrogance and the attitude of not putting oneself in his eyes at all makes Nick Fury very uncomfortable. , But thought of the intention of own, also Stark’s special identity. He can only stand Tony’s attitude.

Of course, enduring does not mean conniving, and the director of dignified SHIELD can’t be threatened like this.

“I never know what it’s like to regret, Tony! And believe me, you still don’t have the power to make me regret.”

He paused, then said.

“Don’t worry, we didn’t do anything offensive to Miss Potts, and the protection of her has always been done in secret, which is impossible for her to discover. As for whether she needs our protection , Wait until you read the information.”

Nick .Fury put the prepared materials in front of Tony as he said.

“This is a report from Morocco. The guy who attacked you was rescued, and when he was rescued, the entire prison prisoners and the policemen also escorted by the prison guards were all rescued. The massacre was clean. Even the prison itself was washed by artillery fire. Such behavior, do you think if I don’t send someone to protect important people around you, are you sure you can protect them?”

This problem is somewhat realistic. Even Tony’s pride cannot guarantee that oneself will be 100% protected. And most importantly, he had no idea of ​​risking Pepper at all. Even if it is only a little probability, he is not willing to let Pepper suffer any harm due to the negligence of the owner.

So when Nick Fury said that, the anger in his heart immediately went out. At this time, it means that he can speak well.

“Well, it makes sense to count you. But this Norseman Young Lady, there is no room for negotiation about your expulsion.”

For this question, Natasha simply Shrugged. Showed a totally indifferent opinion. She obeyed Director Fury’s orders to lurk to Pepper’s side, and also obeyed his orders to expose her own identity. So, whether she is going or staying next, she doesn’t have to worry about herself, because Nick Fury will arrange everything for her.

“Tony, I did not ask Natasha to help me find you to let you know who she is and then fire her. I need your help for more important things.”

If Tony lived, Nick directly explained the purpose of own. And it also meant that he blocked Natasha behind owner.

“I knew that people like you came to me, definitely not to find me to relive the past. Let’s talk about it, what’s the matter!”

Perhaps considering that I have always wanted The invisible threat posed by the oneself mortal fellow, Tony also not at all insisted on this matter. So he acquiesced in Nick Fury’s behavior and continued along with his topic.

“Before I explain my purpose, I want to ask a question. Howard, what your father left for you. Have you found it?”

“You mean This?”

Knocked his chest, a large triangle pendant like a necklace passed through his shirt, emitting a blue radiance full of sci-fi style. And looking at this thing, Nick Fury’s pupils suddenly shrank.

What Howard has studied, he is naturally clear after living so long. Infinity Energy’s plan is simply not a secret among them. Because at that time they watched Howard salvage the universe magic cube from the ocean, and then proceeded to develop it for decades based on that thing.

In this long scientific research and development, they are not only developers, but also participants. It’s a pity that everything is in the hands of Howard. Even after he died, these things did not fall on them, but were reproduced in the world by his son.

If it weren’t for Tony’s identity is too special, Nick Fury anyway, even if he uses all means to get the power of Infinity energy from his hands. But now, he could only suppress oneself’s inner greed, and instead spoke seriously to Tony.

“Very well, Tony. You are worthy of Howard’s son. I believe that your father’s Spirit of Heaven will be proud of you.”

“Everyone will say these useless things. I think you’d better be obediently and honestly tell your intentions. You know I’m very busy.” Looking at his own watch, Tony curl one’s lip. “I only give oneself an hour to rest. Now it’s also 20 minutes. So whatever you want to say, you must be as fast as possible!”

Nick. Fury, who has been with Howard for a long time, knows this. It’s not about cracking a joke, so he straightened his own attitude and said.

“Well, Tony. Since you want to be direct, then I’ll be direct. I want to invite you to join one of our special teams.”

” Sorry, I don’t like to work for others. And even if I join you, will you pay my salary?”

“You need to pay by yourself because I’m just a bridge. This special After the team is formed, you will be completely responsible and managed by oneself. We will provide you with at most some information!”

“Oh. Then I am really interested, but if you don’t intervene at all, So what did you build this team for?”

“We are for the next crisis, Tony Stark. This World hides too many dangers, countless guys hiding in the dark are waiting Outcropping, waiting to stir the wind and the rain. The peace of this World is what we, including your father, have finally established. So we must not allow these harbor ulterior motives guys to exist. And want to maintain the current peace, we only rely on us The power of is already impossible. So, Tony. We need your power!”

Nick .Fury’s words made Tony a little touched. And the place that touched him the most was the feeling of being needed. In his words, Tony is simply indispensable, you must exist. And for this tone, it has always been a narcissistic separation that I enjoy.

“Okay, okay. Since you have invited so sincerely, it’s okay for me to accept it. But I have to say it first. If the people in this team are not obedient, don’t blame me. It gives you face.”

Almost squinted and said such words, Tony’s expression was very intoxicated. Being used to the boss of the company, he has never experienced the feeling of being a group of special ability users. When he thought of this kind of thing, he immediately became energetic.

But Nick Fury’s reply clearly indicated that he really thought too much this time.

“Tony, it’s not what we say to be a boss. You need to fight for it yourself, and really, I don’t think you have this ability.”

“Are you cracking a joke with me?” Tony never questioned oneself, nor did he like others questioning him. So as soon as he said this, he immediately expressed his dissatisfaction with a beard and a stare.

“Agent Coulson, you should know it. A few weeks ago he found a sleeping Captain America, Steve Rogers, from a glacier in the Arctic. As your father’s former comrade in arms, the hero who ended World War II He is also one of the people we invited. As far as leadership is concerned, I think he is more suitable than you.”

“Damn, you don’t count. And, Old Antique of the last century What effect can it play now?”

“Who knows, maybe it is a big effect?” Nick Fury behaved very innocently, and Tony had nothing to say about his innocence. But since there is nothing to say, he will just be more straightforward.

“Then please forgive me for my unaccompaniment, I will not play with you!”

I grabbed the sandwiches on the table and stuffed them all directly into my mouth. Tony stood up straight away and walked outside the door.

Looking at him leaving, Nick. Fury not at all stopped him, but turned halfway around, put one of his arms on the chair, and then said to him with interest.

“Tony, do you really want to leave? This kind of opportunity is rare!”

“There will always be, right?”

“I think you can think about it more. The next time you want to receive an invitation letter, you don’t know when it will be. Moreover, if you don’t go in now, you probably won’t even be able to get the identity of a veteran.”

“Don’t bother you to worry about it, Mr. Cyclops. I don’t think your small team can recruit the people oneself wants. So, goodbye!” He shook his hand and made a classical farewell etiquette. . Tony’s intentions are almost certain.

No one can stop him, and no one wants to stop him. He just pushed open the door and walked out easily.

And until he completely disappeared before his eyes, Nick Fury didn’t say even a word. However, his expression was not at all annoying after being rejected, on the contrary, he was full of confidence that he could win.

This kind of pretending to be profound made Natasha on one side roll her eyes, she asked puzzledly.

“Sir, you are so aggressive about him. Wouldn’t there be a problem?”

“You don’t understand, Natasha. Tony is like his father, like them, just It is impossible to solve the problem just by request. What is easily obtained will not make them agree, and refusal from beginning to end will only make them disgusted, so the best way is to hang him like this, and he will oneself get the bait.”

“Well, you are the sir. You say it!” Natasha asked after ordering a cup of coffee like a normal customer. “Then what also do you need my help next? If so, it’s better to say it now. I don’t want to expose my own identity at the risk of being discovered.”

Although I want to say Your identity has been exposed, and it is useless to pretend. But at the thought of who doesn’t have two quirks, Director Fury pressed oneself tsukkomi’s heart.

“You continue to own latent work. I have asked someone to recruit the remaining few people.”

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