Sun God Marvel

Chapter 370

Back home at the same time as usual, the first thing Ida did was to look for Zhou Yi’s trace. Not seeing him at this time always makes her feel uneasy.

Not because he is worried that he will go to meet his lover, but because he is worried about his current state of mind. Being forced to give up a part of oneself’s life, this experience will be a heavy blow to many people. For Zhou Yi, the blow will only be more severe.

Because this part of his life is very different, this part of his life no longer belongs only to himself, but to many people who are closely connected with him.

When he abandons this part of his life, it often means that he abandons all the hope and sustenance of those who are connected with him.

Based on Ada’s understanding of Zhou Yi, she knows exactly what he is enduring at this moment. So she very much hopes to bear some for him at this time.

After searching for a long time, Ida finally found Zhou Yi in the quiet room. At this moment, he was sitting cross-legged in a pure white room, his eyes closed and his eyebrows frowned. Shows his extremely restless inner fluctuations.

While watching his performance, Ida sighed and walked behind him, then knelt down and hugged him from behind. She didn’t know what to say to him at this time, so he could only use such actions to tell him that no matter what, she would always be by his side to accompany him.

The two cuddled together quietly, and it was not until a long time later that Zhou Yi opened his eyes. Smiled slightly at Ada.

“Sorry, I worried you!”

Ada said with a grudging smile back.

“Am I a bit too much! Like you, I feel that oneself needs to bear a large part of the responsibility.”

“This has nothing to do with you, Ada! “Grabbing Ada’s hand, Zhou Yi’s bag stopped everything. “The cause of everything is in me, and the consequences are also in me. I can bear everything, so you don’t have to worry about me.”

Hearing this, Ada immediately stared at beautiful eyes.

“Do you think I can make it easier for you to say that? Listen, I don’t care about the hell, all I care about is you. If I can’t help you share your things, then I am What?”

With a silent smile, Zhou Yi did not answer this question. He just held Ada’s hand tighter. For him, meeting a partner like Ada is already the luckiest thing in his life.

The two people just enjoy the silent tenderness, letting time pass so quietly, there is hardly any feeling.

Also, those who look at the passage of time but don’t know their feelings also have such a existence.

Jinlunga gap, in endless void. Loki continued to wander without knowing where to go. The territory of the void is boundless, and in this sea of ​​void without boundaries, Loki is like a ship that never touches the shore, always drifting with the flow, and always being so helpless.

He is God, and Death is still very far away from him. So all he can feel now is complete emptiness and loneliness.

If nothing happens, he will continue to taste this suffering until the end of his long life. But some people didn’t want him to die like this. Loki has Loki’s value, and some people still value the value he shows.

The invisible force violently tore open the endless void here, and the majestic power instantly made the Jinlunga gap pierce a huge gap. endless void is a joke to this sudden power.

And in this power, Loki is like a doll played in the palm of a man, disappearing into the Jinlunga gap in the blink of an eye.

On an empty asteroid, the tall silhouette sitting high on the throne looked with a subtle smile at the skinny Little Brat at oneself’s feet, which was deeply crawling on the ground.

That is Loki, Loki who was taken away by invisible power. He, who had just been pulled out of the Jinlunga Gap, now looks like a big fish just caught in the water.

While admiring his embarrassment, the tall silhouette chuckled of aloof and remote, asked like this.

“Loki, is Loki from Asgard?”

The thin air on the asteroid makes Loki extremely uncomfortable. Although he doesn’t need this thing, it is fierce. Entering this environment, he still needs to adapt a little bit.

But Loki, who was slowing down very quickly, entered the state immediately. He first glanced at the environment all around. The desolation around made him feel flustered, and the person sitting on top was even more It made him feel an inexplicable fear.

“Who are you, you saved me from the Camelunga Gap?”

“Save? I don’t like the word. Because it makes me feel like oneself I’m doing something unrequited. But it is indeed me who brought you here from that piece of in the sky!”

The person sitting on it grinned, deep purple face Kong showed a sharp smile.

“Then it is ridiculous to say that you want to repay, I don’t think that someone like me can provide you with what kind of repay!”

Hearing what he meant, Loki immediately asked with a little sarcasm.

“I decide how you return me, not you. If your return does not satisfy me, trust me. I have many ways to make you regret .”

I didn’t care about Loki’s little emotions, the people sitting tall showed extraordinary majesty and demeanor. And listening to his words, Loki couldn’t help but bared his teeth.

After Asgard, he never wanted to see anyone so aggressively instructing him, threatening him, and dominating him. Now he is like a wounded lone wolf. Anyone who may irritate him will trigger the ferocity and tyranny in his heart.

But in the face of such an existence, no matter what kind of dissatisfaction and mania he had in his heart, he did not dare to explode even a bit.

The prestige of the man sitting above is beyond his imagination. His imposing manner is far superior to the Divine King of Asgard who was his father. Feeling his majesty, Loki’s body and mind were trembling imperceptibly. He did not dare to act blindly without thinking, let alone an emotional outburst.

So he can only endure it, while thinking in his heart, who is this person?

A person with this style is absolutely impossible to be an unknown person. But Loki couldn’t find a matchable existence from his own memory. This is a bit abnormal!

“Why, what are you thinking?”

The words of the person sitting tall evoked Loki’s mind. He raised his head and glanced at it, then quietly narrowed his eyes.

“I’m thinking, how do you want me to return you!”

“It’s very simple, I need you to do something for me. On that planet, there is a What you need, and that thing, you have to get it for me!”

“What can an existence like you can’t get? And if you can’t even get it, then What role can I play?”

Loki, who is used to thinking carefully, quickly discovered the problem. What role can he play if such a powerful guy can’t solve the problem? ?

But the people above looked at him very differently. He knocked on the armrest of the oneself throne. The peculiar gloves made a crisp knock on the cold metal armrest.

“I admire your brain a lot. You are much stronger than the trash under me. So I brought you here for this. Use your wisdom, Solve this problem for me, this is what I want you to give me in return! Do you understand, Loki?”

“My wisdom?” The smile on Loki’s face became weird. “You want to use my strength to complete your plan for you. It’s not impossible. But what can I get?”

“What do you get?” Hearing this, sat down The guy stood up abruptly, his tall body had a bronze-like metallic luster, and the armor draped all over his body made waves of cracks and cracks following his footsteps. And in this distressing voice, he walked up to Loki in a few steps and gave him a chilling smile. “You are the first to say this to me Thanos!”

Thanos, this name was said. Loki immediately thought of something that is taboo even in the universe. Asgard is not closed, and they still have an understanding of many things in the universe. And in the information they learned, Thanos is an existence that should never be mentioned.

He is the overlord of the universe, the terrifying Destroyer, the ruthless conqueror. Countless planets, races, and Gods have all become past and history in his hands.

No one can tell exactly how many existences in his hands have been destroyed, let alone how many people are crawling in his shadow, just hearing his breath will tremble trembling. He is the existence that the entire universe is afraid of, with few exceptions. Because those exceptions have already been destroyed in his hands.

Now that the Legendary in this universe appears in front of own, it is difficult for Loki to tell exactly what kind of psychology oneself is. He already had the urge to kneel down, but a fierce feeling from deep in one’s heart made him unable to do such a thing at all. So he just looked at him directly, repeating his previous words.

“What can I get, Thanos. If you pay, you should be rewarded. I help you get what you want. How can you return me?”

“Then you What do you want in return? Insect?”

Thanos lowered his head and stared at Loki almost closely to Loki’s face. He was not only looking at this person, but also at him. heart.

“What do I want? I want to continue my plan.” Although fear is growing, a kind of flame also inexplicably floods from the depths of my heart. “I used to want to be king, but this plan has been completely ended. I don’t think it is my fault, my plan has no shortcomings. Everything is just Odin’s fault, they ruined everything about me. So This time I want to do it again, I want to ascend the throne again.”

“Throne, do you want to be the ruler of a world?” Thanos smiled contemptuously. “Just such a little dream? It’s not impossible, but can you show such value?”

“As long as you are willing to lend me this strength!”

There was a moment of silence, and the expression on Thanos’s face changed. He put away the contempt on oneself’s face, and then pulled away the corners of his mouth meaningfully.

“Small insect, you interest me a little!”

A transaction was concluded in this way, and this transaction will bring a terrible disaster, enough to overthrow The disaster of the world! Earth, a world that has never been calm before, will usher in a crisis that will cause the world to be turbulent!

No one knows what it will bring.

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