Sun God Marvel

Chapter 392

“Strictly speaking, it’s us!” The first person in this strange group of five to speak was the guy wearing the helmet. He walked out of his own teammates, stood in the front and said to Commander Hill. “You are the SHIELD who responded to our communications, Earth’s highest security agency?”

“We are SHIELD, the world security officially authorized by the World Security Council, jointly established by the governments of major member states of the United Nations. Organization, you can think that we have enough authority to communicate with you face-to-face!”

Faced with the doubts of this group of aliens, Commander Hill answered very simply and did not procrastinate at all.

“I don’t mean anything else, ma’am!” The guy wearing the helmet shook the head and continued. “I just want to make sure that the people I communicate with can speak in this world. Since you say that, I think we can continue. First of all, introduce myself.”

He took off his own helmet, revealing a look indistinguishable from a normal person.

“I’m Peter Quill. People who know me call me Star Lord. As you can see, I’m an Earth person. But for some unexpected reason, I wandered in the universe for twenty For many years, compared with most Earth people, I may be more familiar with the outside world. By the way, the air in my hometown is better. But I really didn’t expect that I would return in this situation. Come to my hometown.”

There is actually an Earth person among the representatives of aliens. This is an unexpected thing. But when it comes to unacceptable, it’s not enough. Because this is also a good thing after all, a common identity is always easier for people to accept.

“I am Maria Hill, SHIELD tactical commander, and the main Chief-In-Charge of you aliens. Whatever you want to say, I will tell you.”

“Very good, it’s always good to have someone willing to listen to us. These are my teammates.” Nodded, Star Lord incidentally introduced oneself’s grotesquely shaped partners.

“This is Gamura, who claims to be the most dangerous woman in the galaxy. Of course, if you get along for a long time, you will find that she is not as dangerous as you think.”

Before he finished speaking, Star Lord was punched in the soft underbelly by the green-skinned woman named Gamora, and he took a cold breath because of pain. So he immediately changed the target and introduced it.

“This is Destroyer Drax, a powerful warrior from the galaxy. He has no sense of humor, so his reaction may be strange when you tell a joke.”

“I can understand, Star Lord. You are cracking a joke of me!” As soon as he finished saying this, the big man with his upper body humming loudly immediately.

“You got it wrong, I’m just talking to them about your characteristics. This is the social etiquette of this planet!”

“Is that right?” Listen to this , The big man didn’t even think he had lowered his voice. Obviously, he couldn’t tell exactly what a joke was.

“Of course, okay Drax, don’t delay me from talking about business.” He waved his hand, and made the big man withdraw back with silly words. Star Lord pointed to the raccoon at oneself’s feet again, and said.

“This is the rocket, our spaceship technician and weapon development expert. Uh, you may think he has a familiar face, but believe me, he must be different.”

Familiar face? That is almost certain. Seeing that man standing up, wearing clothes with a strange weapon on his back, only oneself knee-high little raccoon, whether it is Zhou Yi or Commander Hill, the first reaction is whether it is a zoo or circus mascot running out Up.

This playful look immediately stimulated the fragile heart of this small mammal. He immediately scratched the face of own bear with his own paws, and then held the handle of oneself behind him, facing Star Lord asked.

“Quil, can I send them a post?”

“What? Of course not.” Upon hearing this, the Star Lord immediately stepped on the tail of the little raccoon. Warned at him. “Rocket, this is not where you came here. Listen, we are here to find partners, not to make trouble. And this is the hometown of both of us. I can’t let you make any problems here. “

“Damn, you bastard Quill, I know, hurry up and take your paws away!” The little raccoon who was stepped on the vicious spot immediately scolded and jumped, and he died. He scratched Star Lord’s boots, but how could his tiny claws move him.

However, Star Lord obviously only gave a slight warning. He quickly let go of his foot and made an innocent look.

“Sorry, did I step on you? I was so careless, but I can’t completely blame me, after all, you are a little too short.”

“Asshole, You’re an undecided bastard!” With tears in his eyes stroking oneself’s dirty tail, the little raccoon severely condemned what the Star Lord had done. But this kind of feeble accusation was obviously ignored by him.

“Where did I say it, our last member. This big guy, it is…”

“My name is Groot!” Huge The tree man said his name before the introduction by the Star Lord, and at the same time he bent down and stretched out a large hand with coiled roots towards Commander Hill.

An amazing little flower grew quickly on the palm of his hand, and looking at this little flower, even Commander Hill, who had always been cold-faced, showed his face An expression of astonishment.

This is a heart-warming gift, but Commander Hill is hesitant to accept this gift or not. Because she didn’t want to show the side that ordinary women would have under her hands.

“I’m Groot?” Still that sentence, the Treant’s voice had a confused tone. He squatted lower so that Commander Hill could see To his shining, pure eyes that make people unwilling to refuse.

“Well, this is the only gift I have received in the past few years.” I couldn’t bear to refuse such a Groot, Commander Hill picked off this lovely flower and saw her After receiving the own gift, Groot showed a cartoonish smile on his face.

I have to say that this guy has an extraordinary charm. Especially for women and children.

While watching Commander Hill peacefully accepted Groot’s gift, Star Lord also breathed out and patted Groot’s thigh.

“This is Groot, our mascot. He will only say this phrase,’I am Groot’, so please don’t be offended. Besides, Ms. Maria, G Root likes to give flowers to women very much, you are not the first one.”

“I am Groot!” It was the same sentence, but this time it felt a little sullen. The ability to express so many meanings in one sentence is probably the unique ability of this tree man.

“As you can see, this is all our Guardians of the Galaxy personnel. And we want to talk to you about cooperation issues, for the problems you are about to face, come from a powerful universe hegemon The invasion of the coalition forces.”

After introducing the own teammates, Star Lord finally talked about the most important thing. When he heard this, Commander Hill immediately became energetic. She didn’t say a word, but just made a pose for a detailed explanation.

“Maybe you Earth people don’t know yet, but what I want to tell you is that you have been targeted by a terrifying figure with a notorious reputation in the universe. His name is Thanos, the last one in the universe. Titan. At the same time, he is also a terrifying tyrant. He has ruled no idea how many planets, let alone how many races and civilizations tremble under him. And now, you have fallen into his sight.”

“I don’t know what caused Earth, a planet that has not yet entered the Interstellar era, to be noticed by him. But I can tell you that this is definitely not a good thing. Because an entire Interstellar fleet is already facing you The world is coming. Even the Skurus and Crees, who are known for being good at war in the universe, are the main body in his fleet, and facing these terrifying fleets, it is beyond your world’s military fleet. I don’t think you have any means to fight them!” Hearing this news, Commander Hill was extremely shocked. But she concealed all the fluctuations in oneself’s heart well, and instead said as if nothing had happened.

“This is really bad news, so if according to what you said, we are about to face such a terrifying invasion. Then what do you mean by cooperating with us?”

“Because we have a little time with that horrible guy. He has a guy who uses a hammer. He and most of us in the Guardians of the Galaxy have some things to do!”

When people asked the reason, Star Lord answered very quickly, but his answer was not satisfactory.

“It’s up to you?” Zhou Yi, who hadn’t said a word for a long time, suddenly stepped in. “I don’t mean to ridicule, but you only have five people. I mean with this little raccoon and this tree. Even if you have a special boat, I still don’t think you have the ability to fight against one. The so-called Interstellar fleet!”

Zhou Yi’s words were very rude, so the little raccoon exploded in an instant, and even Gamola, who had been cold and speechless, began to stare sharply. Staring at him. In this case, only Groot, who is the mascot, and Destroyer Drax, who can not change their color in this situation.

Even at this time, the big man is still confused about the emotional changes of oneself’s teammates.

“What’s wrong, he’s right. We have only five people in a boat!”

“I have to remind, sir. This is the Dawn, yes My wife, so don’t point your fingers to him.” When facing Zhou Yi’s obvious look down, Star Lord first grabbed oneself’s impulsive teammate. Then he corrected it and said in general.

“also, this sir. Who told you that we only have five people. I am here on behalf of the 3,000,000 Shandars, the rising star Revenge Legion and our Guardians of the Galaxy, to formally negotiate with you on the military It’s a matter of cooperation. They have an entire Interstellar fleet, and so do we. And our fleet is still a fleet full of revenge. In that case, do you still think we are not qualified?”

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