Sun God Marvel

Chapter 393

The five-person alien squad is probably not considered by SHIELD. But the Interstellar fleet of 3,000,000 aliens is an issue that must be taken seriously.

It is a question of whether the air forces of the world add up to 3,000,000, even more how are Interstellar soldiers capable of space operations. So when I heard this news, even the city and mind of Commander Hill became excited.

“Are you sure you are not exaggerating?”

“If you can see how many light-years away, I might be able to give you a coordinate! The Shandars are hiding I’m in a meteorite belt, waiting for a signal from us at any time, ready to jump over.”

Shrugged, Star Lord gave a proposal that was basically useless.

Human technology can’t even see through the solar system, how could it be possible to see the alien fleet lurking light-years away. So for his words, I believe it depends on Commander Hill’s judgment.

And in the rigorous style of being rather trustworthy and untrustworthy, Commander Hill did not unilaterally deny the probability he said. Think about everything badly so that there will be no unexpected accidents. This is especially true for this kind of thing.

So she asked.

“What do you want to take up the so-called Shandars. Or send troops to join you and fight the guy named Thanos?”

“The Shandars fleet is now Come towards your galaxy, of course, come together with the coalition forces under the also Thanos. If they are allowed to enter the solar system, then I am pretty sure that Earth, your home planet and I are impossible to stay. So, we and The Shandar decided to fight the Thanos fleet directly outside the solar system, and it would be better to destroy them completely before they enter the solar system.”

“And the Interstellar war at this level, To be honest, Earth is not yet eligible to participate in it!”

“What do you mean by contacting us, let us be the referees for both of you?” It sounds like they still don’t know that Star Lord they really Zhou Yi came in again.

“No, of course not!” Star Lord shook his head again and again, and he denied Zhou Yi’s words. “Since I want to contact you, it is naturally because there is a need for your help. New Star Revenge Legion is responsible for solving Thanos’s fleet. And we need your cooperation to eliminate his several leaders on Earth.”

“According to the information we have received, the leader of the Cree in the Thanos fleet, the accuser Ronan the Accuser, has come to Earth to fetch something for Thanos. Also Thanos, who also came with him, is the newly appointed Skuru Commander. As long as you solve them, it is equivalent to destroying Thanos’s hands, and his fleet will naturally be greatly reduced in combat power. When the time comes, Nova Revenge Legion may be able to annihilate them in a spurt of energy. This It’s the best opportunity, so we don’t want to let it go!”

The Star Lord finally said his intention. When Zhou Yi heard his intentions, he immediately matched the two roles he said. There is almost no doubt that the accuser Ronan the Accuser was the one who defeated Wanda. And the other Commander Skuru he was talking about, most likely to be Loki.

Although I don’t understand why Loki has changed from an Evil God of Asgard to a commander of an alien race, but if what they say is true, it can only be him. However, Loki and other people like Thanos in the universe are tied together. How do you think will not be a good thing.

Commander Hill basically agrees with this. If the enemy they are facing now has that identity background, it is obviously unlikely that they can be dealt with with the strength they are preparing now. They have to rely on external forces, so these aliens may be the only power they can count on.

Commander Hill, who was given full command, thought about it repeatedly, and finally made a decision.

“I think I understand what you mean. If what you said is true, then I would be happy to join you on behalf of SHIELD. In addition, if the two people you mentioned were our contact As for the enemies who have passed, I think we probably know what they want.”

“What, have you had contact with them?” Somewhat surprised by Commander Hill’s answer, Quill couldn’t help it. Shouted. With his shout, the big Drax immediately erupted like a volcano.

“Do you know the location of Ronan the Accuser? Tell me where he is?”

No one thought he would have such a big reaction when he heard Ronan the Accuser’s name Star Lord and his teammates couldn’t stop him. He yelled, rushing towards Commander Hill like a tank. And this immediately made Star Lord cry out in surprise.

“Get out of the way, Drax is mad. He will hurt you!”

However, in the face of the menacing Drax, Commander Hill did not produce any panic. Emotions. She stood there motionless, if it weren’t for her eyes calmly like lake water, Star Lord they would think she had been scared stupid.

Commander Hill is of course impossible. The reason she can be so calm is only because she has a bodyguard around her who can be completely assured.

The most powerful hero recognized on Earth stands a short distance away to protect oneself. In this case, if she still loses one’s head out of fear, it would be too bleak.

And the facts have also proved that she does not need to panic. Because of the big man who looks wild and terrifying, she simply didn’t touch her probability.

As soon as the other person ran halfway, Zhou Yi’s silhouette suddenly appeared beside him. Seeing that he squeezed Drax’s arm slightly, Drax flew straight in the direction of oneself teammate like a broken balloon.

While watching such a big smash from the top of the owner’s head, the Star Lord and the group of people are scattered like birds and beasts. Although they are teammates, none of them are willing to come forward at this time. There is only one exception, and that is Groot.

While the other people wanted to run as far as possible, Groot extended his own hands towards Drax. His big hand full of tree roots immediately stretched out the thick branches, entangled him tightly before Drax fell to the ground, and then pulled him back into Groot’s embrace.

This made him hug Drax in a strange Princess hug pose. The two of them are sturdy and tall, coupled with Groot’s pure eyes, the picture is so beautiful that it cannot be seen directly.

The humans around here have withdrawn their own eyes, and the Star Lord they are also similar, especially the little raccoon, with a paw on his face. It’s as if to wake up oneself.

Almost everyone is looking at these two guys with strange eyes, but these two guys have no sense of consciousness. Drax’s thick lines and lack of humor made him completely ignorant of what the current situation means. As for Groot…

“I am Groot!” He just hugged Drax so affectionately and said in a gentle voice with a lovely smile. .

“Damn it, Groot. Shut up!” The little raccoon, who was already a little crazy, jumped directly on Groot, and then gave him a meal on the branches and leaves. Madly tore and bite.

This kind of action can’t help the tall and strong Groot, but he was so flustered that he even dropped the Drax in his arms. He didn’t dare to touch the little raccoon on oneself, so he could only move his body awkwardly while shouting loudly.

“I am Groot, Groot, Groot!”

This situation is funny and ridiculous, but at this time, it makes people feel that this guy The guy called Guardians of the Galaxy is really unreliable.

And Star Lord also seems to feel that the performance of oneself teammates is too low for impression points. So he quickly defended.

“Don’t get me wrong, Drax and the accuser Ronan the Accuser have a great feud. His wife and daughter died in the hands of Ronan the Accuser, so when he heard Ronan the Accuser’s The names will get out of control. And Groot and Rockets, don’t look at them like this, they are actually very reliable at critical times.”

“Really, I doubt it.” He himself doesn’t look very confident, Zhou Yi, who has already played a black face, naturally doesn’t mind playing it again.

In order to reverse the impression of oneself and the group, Star Lord hurriedly smashed Gamola by his side and said to her.

“Hey, it’s not the time to be silent, so you can say something too!”

Gamola, who has been watching Zhou Yi since the beginning, started with Zhou Yi When she started staring at him, when Star Lord did something to her, she said immediately.

“Who are you? I feel as if I have seen you!”

“Madam, I think you must have remembered wrong!” Facing Gamola this inexplicable Zhou Yi shook the head, said with certainty. “Although I have been to many places, but I can be sure. I have never had contact with aliens, especially a special existence like you, lady.”

“No, not with me. Yes. But I saw you!” Gamola said very positively. “I used to see your image when I was still with Thanos. He has been paying attention to the existence of an Earth person since one day. He regarded that Earth person as an enemy and always wanted to treat him What to do. Although I don’t know why he hasn’t done anything. But I’m pretty sure his hostility to that person has never changed. And that person is exactly the same as you. I remember his name, Zhou Yi!”

Listening to her, the smile on Zhou Yi’s face slowly converged, and then turned into a weird expression with elusive meaning. It cannot be said that he is laughing, nor can it be said that he is worried. It can only be said that his eyes are getting brighter and brighter.

“So I am so famous? Do you even know that I exist with an influential figure like Thanos? It is really an honor!”

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