Sun God Marvel

Chapter 394

Humans will only play an unremarkable role in future battles. This is something that is gratifying since people are indignant.

Indignation, human beings have almost no autonomous probability. In this kind of cosmic war, they can only passively endure everything, including the aftermath of the war produced by these Two Great Influences.

And fortunately, the same is true, humans do not have to face these enemies formally. With the current strength of human beings, wanting to get involved in this level of battle is really fantastic.

But in this kind of war, mankind is not just a spectator. They also shoulder great responsibilities. A beheading operation, this is the mission that Nova Revenge Legion gives to the ally of mankind.

If you want to be an ally, then naturally you have to shoulder the responsibility. If human beings want to save themselves and gain the protection of the rising star Legion in Thanos’s offensive, they must ensure that oneself becomes a solid ally of the rising star to avenge Legion against Thanos, and allies must naturally contribute.

This is a question of no choice, so it is clear what to do.

SHIELD’s decision was swift and powerful. Commander Hill had just negotiated with the Guardians of the Galaxy about preliminary cooperation issues, and Nick Fury, the back foot, obtained huge command from the Security Council.

In the face of threats from the universe, the Security Council has opened the door for Nick Fury as much as possible. Most countries in the world have almost secretly reached an agreement to give SHIELD special rights and even allow him to mobilize the army of oneself country at critical times.

But there is one thing, that is, you cannot expose the news from aliens to the normal human world at this time. No country is ready to accept aliens, and they are also not ready to tell the people of oneself that aliens are about to attack Earth, which is enough to shake the world.

The kind of panic that can be expected is definitely something that shakes the rule. In order to maintain stability, keeping secrets is the most correct choice.

This is a decision of the will of the country, and it is also a decision that Nick Fury agrees with. Everything will only be done in secret, including their beheading operations.

But it’s easy to say, but it’s not that simple to do. First of all, the first problem is that they don’t know where to find the enemy.

Neither Loki nor the accuser Ronan the Accuser have disappeared without a trace. Although they had what Loki they needed in their hands, they had been waiting so long and couldn’t even see any news. It was a bit too painful.

Especially for those who can’t stand their temper.

“Damn, why is there a raccoon here? And why am I so silly and sitting here all the time.”

Tony looked at oneself before his eyes The grinning little raccoon couldn’t help complaining loudly. And the little Raccoon Rocket, who has a personality similar to him, and even more frizzy, is more grumbling than him.

“Raccoon? Lao Tzu is called Rocket. You, pretty boy with eyebrows and mice, are you looking for something? Tell you, Lao Tzu’s big gun can’t be trifled with.”

Don’t look at the rocket’s small size, but the big gun he is carrying is not small at all. When the muzzle of that big gun began to show the radiance of energy gathering, no one had the courage to doubt the destructive power it would possess.

“Hey, this is not something you can play around. I suggest you be careful!” Coulson, who was staying with these two troublesome guys, immediately intervened, preventing them Contradictions that may intensify. “Also. Two. We are on the same boat now, so can we be more serious. I mean, can we sit down and talk about it like an ordinary person solves a problem, instead of just using lethality? Weapon.”

“It’s okay to let me put down the gun. First, let the girl on the opposite side apologize to me. He insulted my race. What happened to the raccoon. What is his qualification to look down on raccoons? /p>

The Rocket’s raccoon’s face was completely like a wild beast demonstration. Obviously he couldn’t put the gun down so easily.

“Tony?” Since this side was so determined, Coulson had to plead with Tony.

“Why should I apologize? Also, why do I look down on raccoons. I have always loved this brand of crisp noodles.”

“Please, people are far away The guest here. Can’t you have a little sense of ownership?”

“I have always treated guests like this. There is no reason to be an exception because of a person. Even if he is an alien raccoon. That way.”

On this issue, Tony didn’t give Coulson face at all, or he didn’t plan to give face to anyone at all.

But if he don’t give face so much, it doesn’t mean Coulson has to follow him like this. You know, he is just an ordinary person now, and he is not threatening at this time without the Mark 4th generation armor body protection. In contrast, Coulson, who was an agent, was able to put him in eighteen ways at this time.

So Coulson walked straight up and said to Tony’s ear.

“Listen, the order I have received is to ensure that you get along safely and keep these iridiums. If there is any conflict between you, according to the priority option, I will stand The valuable side. Do you understand?”

“I don’t understand what you want to say? My value is not as high as a raccoon? I just don’t apologize, what can you do to me?”

Tony obviously doesn’t accept this threat, so when Coulson said so, he retorted unceremoniously.

Faced with Tony who was self-willed and playful, Coulson showed a signature smile.

“Don’t forget, your armor is still being repaired, and now at this time I can give you a stun gun, and then take the raccoon while watching you trembling and whispering on the ground Mo, while eating popcorn. Believe me, I will do this kind of thing, and I will never show mercy.”

“Are you sure?” Hearing this, Tony was incredulous at first Glancing at Coulson. And seeing him nod without the slightest hesitation, he immediately overturned all the guarantees that oneself had made before. “Hey, listen. Little raccoon, I was wrong. I’m sorry, you are the most unique and unmatched raccoon in this world!”

Tony’s fetish is so fast that it is beyond everyone’s imagination . Even the little raccoon, who may be unique and unmatched in the entire universe, could not accept his transformation. He became stunned, his pointed mouth forgot to close for a while, and he almost couldn’t hold the big gun in his hand. Living.

“Damn it, can you have a little bit of integrity?”

“If you want to roll around like an earthworm, would you please show me what it means to be a bit of integrity? “

It’s really not a good thing that the two teams with the most abilities to play tricks get together. Coulson had realized this, but by the time he realized it, it was already too late.

“Who can help me?”

Looking at the physical conflict evolving into language conflict, from a single English scolding to foreign languages ​​and foreign languages With mixed in-depth verbal communication, Coulson really felt that oneself needed a cup of coffee to calm down.

And at this time, Barton appeared outside the room.

“What’s wrong, I seem to hear something strange here?”

How could it not be weird that the language used by these two guys to curse quickly I have compiled a dictionary of words.

“It’s nothing, I think the two of them may be a little bit late, so we’re talking a little bit too happily now.”

“Are you sure?” Although they don’t understand Tony What are the two talking about, but from their expressions, Patton didn’t realize that they meant to see each other late.

“This is just your illusion, Button. In fact, as long as you get used to it, you will find what I said not at all is wrong.”

“Well, I hope so . By the way, Coulson, I’m here to change shifts. You can go to rest and leave the rest to me.”

“But it’s not time yet?” Helicarrier has become a fully armed fortress. And here is the last line of defense.

In order to defend this line of defense, the two teams cooperated and monitored each other to establish a complete duty system. And Coulson was also placed into this last duty system.

“You also know that I didn’t exert much effort before, so I don’t need a lot of rest. If you don’t mind, I think I can take care of the rest of the shift for you. Of course. , If you mind, then forget it!”

“No, of course I don’t mind.” Anxious to calm down and relax, Coulson immediately accepted the offer. He patted Button on the shoulder. With a little gratitude, a little sympathy said. “Then please, Barton. I do need to take a break, and if you can’t hold on, call me anytime!”

“Relax, I will!” Nodded, Barton showed The deputy looks completely indifferent. “Looking at these two guys, it’s not a problem for me.”

“Well then!” For Button, Coulson was quite relieved. So he simply left the place that caused him headaches and walked towards the rest area. An aircraft carrier of Nuo Da, naturally has a complete infrastructure. So drinking a cup of coffee and seeing something that can relax oneself is the most important thing for Coulson now.

As soon as he arrived at the rest area, Coulson saw sitting in the corner, and seemed to be talking about and so on Zhou Yi, Star Lord and Gamola.

“What are you talking about?”

Relying on oneself’s fairly good friendship and the aura of harmless to humans and animals, Coulson took the coffee and walked over.

“We are talking about Thanos, and also some other issues.” Zhou Yi smiled and replied, as if he didn’t care about what oneself was being targeted.

“Mind one more listener?”

“Of course!” Nodded, leaving a place for Coulson, Zhou Yi continued to ask. “Where did we talk? The demise of the new star?”

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