Sun God Marvel

Chapter 424

Listening to Professor Charles’ words, Captain couldn’t help being silent. No one wants to become a puppet in the hands of others, even if it is possible. If he had a choice, he really didn’t want to take this risk. But now he really has no choice.

People always decide to do some special things at some special time. This decision may be difficult, but it has the most significant meaning. It’s like now!

Captain did not abandon the idea of ​​owning teammates, not even the slightest idea. At this most critical moment, he still made up his mind to continue this special action. He wants to rescue the teammates who are trapped here and end the final ambitions of those alien invaders. And this requires him to face the terrifying Psychic Power.

He has put his life and death aside, but he has no right to decide the life and death of others.

“I decided to continue my actions. As for you, I can’t force you to follow me to die. So I want to know your answers. No matter what you decide, I can accept it!” Looking at the own teammate seriously, Captain’s eyes were extremely solemn. “But you have to think about answering me clearly, because once you make a decision, it’s impossible to look back!”

“I must follow you, Captain!” The first to give Captain the answer was Jennifer . She has a reason to have to enter this battleship. “I promised Betty to take care of Bruce and go back with him. You can’t let me break my promise, and nothing can make me break my promise.”

“Count me!” After Jennifer posted it. After speaking, Quicksilver also expressed the image of own. “Although it sounds dangerous, I have confidence in the professor. And if there is something wrong, I can at least run away!”

Speaking of this, he immediately received a weird stare from his teammates . He glared back at this, and then said confidently.

“Don’t look at me with this strange look. This is the theory of a military strategist I admire the most. The so-called enemy advancing and retreating should be like this. You use this look again, Be careful not to take you with me when I run!”

“I don’t mean anything else, Pietro!” Shrugged, Captain said helplessly and relievedly. “I’m just glad that you made the same decision as me!”

“That means it was the right decision, Mr. Captain.” Charles’s voice echoed in their minds at this time. “Everyone has an own opinion. It is difficult for you to instigate them to maintain a common tone with you. But there is one thing that can be done, and that is justice. Human beings are inherently biased towards justice, and I have always believed that Here!”

“I’m glad you can stick to this concept, professor. If there is an opportunity, I think we can face to face and have a good chat.” He casually responded to the professor. , Captain has stepped into the battleship. “But not now, now we have to do more important things.”

“I understand, Mr. Captain. I welcome you to the Xavier Genius School as a guest. In addition, I have to tell Good news for you, my students are already on their way to support you. They are all experienced fighters and want to be your best help at this time!”

Professor, as always, said gently Now, and the news he brought is truly good news for Captain. Except at the time of World War II, he has never been as weak as he is now. So at this time, as long as there is a little support force that he can count on, it is a good thing for him.

“Thank you, Professor. This really solves our urgent need. On behalf of all the Avengers, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to you!”

“Don’t thank me, Captain. This is what we should do. I hope you can win, and I will do my best here to give you some help, but I can only do this. In short, be careful!”

“I know, I also made a bet with others that I can bring people back a lot. So I don’t want to lose at all!” The professor replied in a very flat tone. Captain had already stepped into the outstretched hand. spaceship in the cracks. He, who has never been afraid in his heart, truly reflects the mentality that a soldier who has experienced the cruelest war should have at this moment. And this mentality immediately gave his other two teammates infinite confidence.

A firm belief always makes a person’s heart stronger, and a strong heart is often the most indestructible city wall. In this particular case, this is especially true.

The Avengers walked firmly on the own road, and at a place light years away from them, Zhou Yi and Zai fought a difficult battle with Thanos.

Although Zhou Yi has the advantage on every level. Regardless of strength or ability, he firmly suppressed Thanos. He even said that he could be suppressed to the point where he was helpless. However, even if he had such a big advantage, he could not completely defeat Thanos.

Thanos’s undying body gave him a body protection symbol that is called a fraud. In the absence of the power to parry, he simply gave up the so-called parry. No matter how Zhou Yi attacks him, he just eats it. Anyway, no matter what Zhou Yi did, he couldn’t kill him. He simply wasted his strength a little bit like this, while seizing the empty plane to counter Zhou Yi.

Seriously, this method really disgusts Zhou Yi, because he has nothing to do with it. Thanos is like a copper pea that can’t be beaten or beaten. He can’t do everything he can. What’s more terrible is that he also uses absolutely deadly means.

If you don’t dodge or dodge, let Thanos display his own ability, even with the body of Zhou Yi’s God, it is difficult to withstand a few heavy blows. So unlike Thanos’s rogue methods, Zhou Yi can only resist his attack obediently and honestly. And under Thanos’s wild offensive, even if Zhou Yi’s advantage is huge, he can only forcibly be dragged into an awkward tie.

Seriously, this made Zhou Yi extremely frustrated. Because he couldn’t imagine that the overlord of the universe could be shameless to such a degree, and he needed to rely on this kind of trick to fight for a hopeless victory.

So in this kind of progressless fight, he can only use words to launch his own second offensive.

“Thanos, don’t you think that oneself is too shameless? You have already output, and you have lost completely. Relying on this way of to have no shame to maintain the current situation, you Don’t you feel ashamed of your prestige?”

“I never care about this thing, victory is the only result I want. As long as I can win, I never care what means I use.” Almost With a grinning grin, Thanos threw a smaller battleship down Zhou Yi forcefully while giving him a reply. “Why, are you tired and irritable? The battle has just begun. I want you to taste the taste of defeat in this impossible battle. As long as there is a little chance, I will let You smash the broken bones, the soul flew away and scattered!”

Smash the flying battleship into pieces in the air with one punch, turning it into countless splashes in the vast space Cosmic garbage. Zhou Yi sipped fiercely, revealing the deepest disdain and sarcasm.

“You make me sick, Thanos. You are simply not worthy of being a powerhouse. Without the Infinity Gem and your undying body, you are a worthless trash. I really don’t know who you are. How did you become the overlord of the universe! I don’t even understand, what exactly did Ms. Death fall in love with, would give you undying grace!”

It’s okay for him not to mention Ms. Death’s name, one Talking about her, Thanos’ eyes reddened suddenly. Pounced at Zhou Yi like a madman, attacking frantically while shouting at him.

“Shut up, I said you are not qualified to mention her name.”

“It is you who are not qualified!” I have already repeated this many times. Zhou Yi’s offense was easy to handle, but he was also upset and irritable. He dodged while parrying, and hit back. “To a shameless like you, you don’t even have the qualifications to see her. I even wonder if you deceived her with some fancy words to get such power. The body of undying, it’s ridiculous to use it on you. You are simply not a fighter, you are just a villain!”

“Shut up, shut up, shut up!” Thanos, who became more and more angry in Zhou Yi’s taunts, made his offense even more There is no constitution. Although it doesn’t matter to him whether he has a composition or not, all his actions make him look flustered and exasperated at the moment, which is almost laughable and generous.

Compared with those blows on the physical level and even on the energy level, this kind of verbal fighting is the only blow Zhou Yi can have a serious impact on Thanos. I have to say that the development of the matter really exceeded everyone’s expectations. At the very least, this situation was something Zhou Yi had never thought of.

Although I don’t want to do this kind of unnutritious things, at the moment, only this method can make Thanos upset, and at the same time give oneself some comfort. So Zhou Yi could only go on and use the sarcastic and sarcasm skills that Tian Tian and Tony’s group of bad friends learned to deal with this cosmic bully who obviously had unrealistic fantasies about Ms. Death.

“Seriously, Thanos. I’m starting to wonder if Ms. Death gave you the undying body for anything else. You know, she is the incarnation of Death, from the Kingdom of Death Ruler. She only belongs to another world that belongs to the dead. And she gave you the undying body, and she has a different idea.”

“Let me guess, she must be I’m tired of your ugly purple pie face, that’s why I gave you this gift. With the body of undying, you will not enter the world of the dead. Without entering that world, she will never see You. Thinking about it this way, this kind of ability is really suitable for you, Master Lover. Your deep affection really plays an extraordinary role.”

Let’s guess, even open up. Brain hole. Zhou Yi was stunned and came up with an explanation that also seemed to have some meaning. And listening to his explanation, Thanos sauce purple’s face became more and more ugly. He almost broke his own steel teeth, and made such a shout from the depths of his heart and lungs.

“Zhou Yi, I must make you die so miserable!”

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