Sun God Marvel

Chapter 425

Slap people without slaps, and expose people without revealing shortcomings. This can be regarded as the rules of the world. But now Zhou Yi has slapped Thanos in the face and exposed the short. So from a certain point of view, there is no longer a probability of peace talks between him and Thanos.

There is almost the same mind on both sides, that is, they want to completely destroy this enemy in many aspects from spirit, soul, and even body. But to implement this mindset is a big problem.

Both are characters that are not easy to deal with. Each of them possesses the powerful strength to dominate the universe. If you want to eliminate any of them, you must pay the highest price. The price is heavy and high, and it is definitely not something that can be paid casually.

So they can only continue this stalemate, continue this meaningless stalemate battle. Until one of them is completely bored. At this time, it was not others who bored first, but Zhou Yi.

Generally speaking, Zhou Yi is still a more patient guy, but in this kind of battle, he really can’t find any fun at all. Because it was totally different from what he thought, and everything Loki told him.

He thought he was fighting with a real overlord with dominant power, a noble fighter with a status that matched his own. He will give oneself a hearty battle, a sufficiently gorgeous opening ceremony. But the facts proved that he was wrong. Thanos may be the overlord of the universe, but he is definitely not the kind of person he thought.

He is just a villain, a shameless by fair means or foul. Absolute interestist. In short, he is the kind of person who is far from Zhou Yi. And this huge difference in personality and even principle makes them unable to identify with each other at all at this time. Or, Zhou Yi cannot identify with the villain, and the villain simply cannot identify with any enemy.

Get rid of Thanos’s rogue-style entanglement once again, Zhou Yi casually threw him a few huge golden fireballs with formidable power. As soon as this kind of casual fireball exploded in the universe, it immediately caused dazzling bright light to explode in the dark universe. The flames of Cyclonus can swallow almost everything and make everything disappear. But only Thanos, this damn exception always exists.

The golden fire burned his body, destroyed his body, and then revived in the destruction. Then he entangled again like a piece of brown candy.

This made Zhou Yi’s whole person almost crazy. Until now, he has fought countless opponents, among them powerhouse, and the weak. There are madmen who are determined to get revenge, there are madmen who have ill-intentioned and planned for a long time, and there are countless little characters who cannot be named. No matter what these people say, even if they are humble. All made Zhou Yi feel the so-called shining points on them.

Dreams, ideas and even so-called hopes.

But now, in Thanos, Zhou Yi can’t feel any of this thing. All he saw was disgusting corruption, and greed that was so extreme that it couldn’t breathe.

This is a selfish guy who can do anything for oneself, and also a guy who doesn’t put anything in his eyes. He has no so-called sense of honor and no so-called sense of responsibility. As long as he can achieve his own purpose, he can even betray everything he owns.

Perhaps the only exception is his hunger and deformed love for Ms. Death. But this love has been answered. Even Zhou Yi oneself began to believe in what oneself had guessed. Ms. Death gave him the undying body to make him disappear from the eyes of the owner completely.

If this speculation is true, then it can only be said that this guy’s so-called love for Ms. Death is just a stalker. In addition to disgusting, impossible to get even the slightest sympathy.

Such a guy is simply a scum, fighting him for so long is a waste of his life. Zhou Yi, who has already recognized the nature of Thanos, is determined to end all this, and is the first attempt. It started with the Infinity Gem on him!

The stone of time, the stone of soul! These two gems are the source of Thanos’s power. Having been fighting for such a long time, Zhou Yi has been very clear about Thanos’s methods.

Almost all of his powers are based on Infinity Gem, apart from this, he has almost no ability to take action. As long as he left the gem’s power buff on him, he would not be Zhou Yi’s opponent at all. The same goes for the so-called undying body.

However, how to take away his Infinity Gem, this is the crux of the problem.

Although I really want to face Thanos yelled, we put down the Infinity Gem, just and honorable relying on our own strength to have a real contest, and then a showdown. Thanos will be able to honour and promise, and the two people will put an end to this ugly battle. But Zhou Yi is very clear that this is completely impossible.

Like a hunter with a shotgun in his hand, he will not release his own weapon in the face of a ferocious wild beast anyway, Thanos is also impossible at this time to give up the only possibility to cause damage to Zhou Yi Weapons. So he could only take the opportunity to move.

Watching the actions of Thanos who was entangled in launching the offense, Zhou Yi’s fist against him was a violent fast attack. The fists quickly struck Thanos’s big hand with Infinite Gauntlet like lightning, and the power carried on it immediately broke Thanos’s big hand muscles and bones, shattering into a bloody and indistinguishable mass.

But this did not help Zhou Yi’s plan, because Thanos, who was able to wander in the long river of time, gave him no chance at all. In the river of time, he who holds the Time Stone has a certain priority. This priority allows him to protect the two gems in his hand before Zhou Yi stops him. So as to cut off all Zhou Yi’s thoughts.

This is not a real idea, and it is the kind that has been proven. So Zhou Yi can only find another way. And soon, he discovered a special way, a special way to get the desired result by sacrificing something.

In the previous match, Zhou Yi has discovered something very special and weird, and that is the Infinity Gem in his hand. Whether it is the Power Stone or the Reality Stone, as long as it comes into close contact with the two gems in Thanos’s hand, it immediately produces a strange reaction.

That is a very special reaction, as if a divided whole wants to regroup together. They have an extremely strong desire for each other, and they are eager to regroup those separated individuals together. For example, let the two gems in Thanos’s hand return to them.

This may be the connection between Infinity Gem, and this connection has made Zhou Yi a kind of probability. If he can make this connection Infinity strengthen, to a certain extent, can it make them produce all the peculiar effects? For example, to interfere with the power of Infinity Gem, or to let them do things that were originally impossible.

This is not random thinking, because Reality Stone is enough to create a firm and feasible foundation for his various ideas. As long as he is willing to implement his vision.

Got a crazy gamble to bet on an unknown probability.

No one knows what the source of these Infinity gems is, why they are so powerful, and why they have such terrifying and mysterious power. So he basically knows what happens to Infinity Gem when oneself does this.

Is he attracted the gem from Thanos’s hand as he had imagined, or was it completely the opposite to let the power and Reality Stone in his hand fall into Thanos’s hand. Even some other things, these all are possible.

Zhou Yi can say that there is no reason to take such risks, but he also has reasons to do so. If he really wants to stop this endless entanglement, stop this meaningless tug of war, then this kind of adventure becomes necessary.

Unlike Thanos, he lost the Infinity Gem. He is still a powerhouse, an existence that can run rampant in the universe. And Thanos, without Infinity Gem, he has only a so-called undying body. This can only make him an undying cockroach, but impossible allows him to continue to act as the overlord of the universe. He will no longer be threatened, even saying that he can only let Zhou Yi do it.

If you want to make him round, make it round, and if you want to make him flat, make it flat. Just leave Infinity Gem!

Just do it when you think of it. This is Zhou Yi’s consistent way of acting. Although sometimes it seems a little reckless, but sometimes, this way does work.

I instilled power into the Reality Stone, and this Infinity Gem with magical power began to shape the real reality of the things he conceived. At the same time, the power of the Power Stone is poured into it, so that the reality it creates is more formidable power. Then find the right opportunity and face Thanos’ big hand. Zhou Yi greeted him with a punch.

Two fists, also wearing Infinite Gauntlet, collided and fell together, and then burst into a multi-colored magical radiance. The radiance is like flames, but also lightning, more like some other dazzling things. And in this radiance, Thanos and even Zhou Yi have an involuntarily feeling.

This is an extremely majestic force, a force that is so powerful that it is almost unimaginable and even more irresistible. In just an instant, this force made Zhou Yi and Thanos all lose their defensive power, pulling them all into the space full of radiance.

In this weird space, they can’t even move, cannot speak, and can’t even use any effective means to free oneself from this weird phenomenon.

So they can only watch, watching these four Infinity gems shoot dazzling radiance on the gloves of the two of them, and then break free from the shackles that bind them bit by bit, as if there is life The same slowly gather together.

There is no preference to any party, they are just separated from the glove, and then form an independent third party. Not against Zhou Yi, nor against Thanos. It simply releases own energy, and then uses this energy to destroy everything around it.

From the soul, from the reality, from the time, from weak to strong, little by little, like the erosion of flowing water. This is a long process, but also a short process. In this process, Zhou Yi and Thanos can only passively endure it until the moment it ends.

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