“I have been waiting for you for a long time. Dawn Knight!”

Zhou Yi tilted his head, he asked curiously: “You seem to have Expected, but I’m very curious, how do you expect that I will cut you off.”

“You underestimated our Vampire.” Asaph’s expression was calm, as if facing no one at all. Like irresistible opponents. “We have existed in this country for hundreds of years. Our tentacles can extend to various places, and our allies are more than you think.”

“Traitors among humans!” After listening to Asaph Zhou Yi raised his brows, revealing an expression of disgust. In this world, there are always guys who are in high positions, but use their power to profit for oneself, and these guys often don’t care if they are dealing with oneself or not.

Asa toothy said with a smile: “This is your humans, isn’t it? Dirty work. As long as a little bit of oil flows from the fingers, they will be like dogs with wagging tails. Surround yourself.”

“I am not interested in discussing the roots of human inferiority with you. As the minions of Damaskinos, you are not qualified to say this.” Zhou Yi directly raised his hand and pointed at Asaph. “Tell me, where are the things that Damaskinos told you to put? Obediently and honestly, I can at least guarantee that you will die more comfortable.”

Asa grinned out his fangs. “Dawn Knight, do you think I will be the kind of waste that is afraid of death? As evidenced by my life, you can’t leave this plane before sunrise.”

“Then you go and die, To blame, you are a Vampire.”

Zhou Yi, who has inspected the entire aircraft, is almost certain that the so-called dangerous substance is most likely to be in Yasa’s body. It’s the same to just turn him into ashes and find out slowly. Therefore, he was not very impatient for a long time, and radiated a dazzling radiance directly from his palm.

The radiance from the sun is the most deadly existence for Vampire. Countless ashes of Vampire have verified this, and now special cases have appeared.

Radiance shone on Asaph’s body, but not at all let him disappear, but there was an unpredictable change.

It’s like a plant that stretches out under the radiance of the sun. His body also began to stretch out. Layers of skin and muscle burn under radiance, but there are more organic tissues spreading and growing. And this speed is incredible, almost with naked eye you can see that Asaph is changing.

His body gradually rises up, and his clothes are torn apart by the newly born muscles. Strictly speaking, that is not muscle. It’s bloated, massive organic tissue, piled up piece by piece. This kind of organic tissue does not grow in accordance with the standard arrangement of human body structure. Instead, it swells wildly and desperately, filling every corner that oneself can reach.

Soon, Asaph’s form changed to something else. A bloated and terrifying monster with shattered skin, leaving only the crimson tendons all over his body, barely maintaining a humanoid posture, more than three meters high. A monster mutated from Vampire that was inspired by sunlight.

Just like the huge size of this monster, the tendons of his body are not decorations, but contain amazing power. With a slight wave of your hand, you can see that the metal seat is twisted and deformed in contact, which is not much more difficult than breaking a biscuit. And he moved a little bit, and the floor of the entire cabin trembles slightly, as if he might step on it at any time.

Such a monster on an airplane is the most undesirable scenario for passengers and Zhou Yi. Especially for those passengers, at the moment when Asaph changed, the crowd who was still watching the excitement burst out with exclamations and shouts, and even two individuals with poor psychological quality fainted.

“It’s like this, Dawn Knight, you didn’t expect it, I am the dangerous thing.” Ignoring the presence of the passengers, Asaph spoke to Zhou Yi roar, his voice vague. Qing, faintly breathing and roaring. It’s hard to believe that a guy whose entire head is about to be blown up by strange body tissues can still speak, but he did, and he clearly expressed his own will.

“The master’s experiment has been successful. The sun can no longer cause harm to us. It will become our source of strength. Vampire will eventually become the master of mankind.”

“You are dreaming, and you can only make this good dream dawn.” Set up a posture, Zhou Yi coldly said to the monster in front of him. “I will kill you by myself!”

“Come and try it!” Asaph madly said with a big smile. “This is an altitude of 20,000 feet. What happens when your proud supersonic attack is carried out in such a place? Or guess how many times this aircraft can withstand the supersonic shock waves inside.”

Zhou Yi turned his head and looked at all around, Medusa’s analysis data has appeared before his eyes. The supersonic attack is used here, even if it hits the target, the surging shock wave will deform the side wall of the cabin. For an aircraft that relies on a streamlined body to ensure smooth flight, what it means to deform the cabin is self-evident.

Looking at Zhou Yi’s hesitant movements, Asaph burst out laughing.

“Are you hesitating? For these humans? But I won’t.”

He stretched out his arm like a pillar, and squeezed his thick palm. The pale sharp claw, which was a foot long, bounced out of his fingers. The front of these sharp claws are beast-like hooks, and the glaze luster shows that the texture of the sharp claws is extremely fine.

Asaph waved his arms unscrupulously, sharp claw tore the seats around him like tearing paper, and he splashed hard, throwing these heavy guys in the direction of Zhou Yi Come here. As for whether it can be thrown, it is completely out of his consideration. Even if Dawn Knight hides, these deadly heavy objects may hit the passengers behind him, or break all around bulkheads.

Zhou Yi naturally wouldn’t let him hurt the passengers behind oneself or the surrounding bulkheads. Faced with various heavy objects being thrown, he stretched out a palm and telekinesis burst out.

telekinesis is the embodiment of the powerful Telekinesis quantity, and the embodiment of the Telekinesis quantity transcending the material category into kinetic energy. This kind of power is unspeakable, unimaginable. And the strength of the generated kinetic energy depends entirely on the user’s mental breadth. The greater the thought, the greater the power.

Zhou Yi is not the kind of great man who can shake the world with his thoughts, but his telekinesis is a very powerful type even among Mutants. It was so powerful that Asaph could never imagine it.

Before him, the heavy objects that were thrown seemed to have entered slow motion. Their flying speed became slower and slower, as if they were advancing in thick oil. When they were less than one meter from Zhou Yi also, they had completely stopped.

This kind of scene like a magic show caused many tourists to take out their cellphone and start taking pictures quickly. But Asaph gave a low growl and rushed over. He doesn’t believe in Zhou Yi’s extra power, able to control these things while also defending against attacks from him.

The huge body collided, and the heavy and rumbling footsteps had a violent formation comparable to a tank charging. The large-scale facilities were broken into pieces by him, and then they spilled over randomly. For a while, as if entering the battlefield, heavy tanks came oncoming, all around was rain of bullets.

Looking at the rushing giant Asaph, Zhou Yi once again expanded his own telekinesis, and all the flying fragments were restrained in midair by him. Then he shook his arms violently and folded them towards the middle.

The language on the body represents the way he uses telekinesis. All the objects that have been stopped seem to have been manipulated by invisible people. They are gathered together like a huge palm. Fiercely grabbed the oncoming giant.

Asaph yelled loudly, waving wildly with his huge arms, hitting the huge palms again and again. The already dilapidated debris fragments scattered into more small debris under his violent attack, but these debris not at all splashed out. Rather, it is still advancing with the push of telekinesis.

Asaph can block the larger objects, but cannot block the small debris. Countless debris penetrated into his within the body like bullets, and the feeling of being pierced by countless needles made the giant Asain pain unbearable and hissed.

However, no one would feel sympathy for his yelling, and the power of the pain broke out completely unable to stop the advancement of telekinesis. Soon, not only the small fragments, but also the huge heavy objects began to squeeze toward him desperately.

The giant Asaph can’t retreat, his side has been surrounded by these constantly squeezing things. He stretched his body desperately, no matter whether it was punching or kicking or using other parts of the body to hit him. The little by little space around was squeezed, and the place for him to move around became smaller and smaller.

Even if the hardness of his body tissue can be harder than steel, it is still not enough to look at in the face of such pressing. Large piles of things have been squeezed into his flesh and blood, and more things will continue to squeeze into his body. From the perspective of passengers in the distance, the giant Asaph seemed to have been hit by tons of goods dumped from a hoisted container, and he was miserably unable to look directly at it.

The wailing voice came continuously, and there was no time to stop. Zhou Yi didn’t know whether this would kill the giant Asaph, he was still working hard. Free up a hand and continue to do a clenched posture. The telekinesis is still exerting pressure on those heavy objects.

The piled up heavy objects have completely buried the giant Asaph. These wrecks twisted and squeezed in the middle under telekinesis have filled every corner of the encirclement circle. Going up is like a semicircular sphere. In the middle of the sphere is the giant Vampire who has been crushed and distorted.

Humans can’t see the situation inside, but Zhou Yi can. His body has been bent into a weird look. The large pieces of skeleton and muscle are completely kneaded together in the squeeze, becoming a strange crushing mixture. Even his head is not complete, a hard metal object crushed his skull and ran into his cranial cavity. To be sure, his brain is definitely incomplete.

Even if it has been miserable to such an extent, he still does not have Death. His body tissues worked quickly, expanding and contracting with his breathing. An organic cell material is constantly repairing and reorganizing in his remains. Although this reorganization and repair is completely wrong, it is indeed proceeding in this way.

Zhou Yi’s brows have been deeply frowned, and Yasa, who has become a large Damaskinos experiment, has completely become the same monster as Jared Nomak, and has the terrifying power of common origins. More dangerous than Jared Nomak is that he has lost his most obvious weakness-the sun. Even the sun has become a factor that stimulates their growth.

Such a monster is far more tricky than imagined.

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