If it is on the ground, or wherever there is no one. Zhou Yi can try to eliminate it in more ways.

Whether you use a flame of 30,000 degrees Celsius to burn it, or use extremely focused heat rays with a temperature of more than hundreds of thousand degrees Celsius to kill it a little bit. Zhou Yi has a way to eliminate it. No matter how bad, he can also wrap this monster with telekinesis and exile him completely out of Earth. He does not believe that it can survive in the space environment without any energy source.

However, the crux of the problem is that this monster is indeed present with him and hundreds of innocent humans in a large iron can traveling 20,000 feet in the air. For the safety of these hundreds of human beings, all effective methods he could think of were useless.

If you use his powerful abilities here, everyone on the plane will have a mortal danger. Whether it is ultra-high temperature flame or heat ray ability, it will cause huge damage to this giant air passenger. The formidable power of these two abilities is so great that even his own telekinesis defense cannot resist. Just a little release, it is possible to leave a huge scar on this big guy.

The other methods are not obvious for this Vampire monster named Yasa. Especially this kind of pure physical damage.

In the encirclement formed by the wreckage, the giant Asa still survives tenaciously, and his body tissue has spilled into a twisted shape. As the mixture of muscles, skeletons and even blood vessels and nerves has filled every corner of the wreckage, it has even spread to the crevices of the wreckage. They are still pushing desperately outwards, stubbornly confronting Zhou Yi’s telekinesis.

This kind of resistance is so powerful that it makes Zhou Yi’s telekinesis a bit difficult to operate. Although compared to physical strength, Zhou Yi’s telekinesis is not particularly powerful. But in operation, there are dozens of nearly a hundred tons of kinetic energy in it. It can make him feel strenuous, indicating that this monster’s body has mutated to an extremely terrifying level.

However, hard work is just hard work, and it does not mean more. Completely let go of the own spirit, Zhou Yi has already output own telekinesis full strength. Asaph’s changes have surprised him. Before he changes even more, he must do his full strength to destroy it.

The object composed of debris began to tremble under the joint force of both sides, especially the metal inside has already made an overwhelming noise. But Zhou Yi didn’t care, still exerting tremendous pressure. The entire wreckage collapsed inside again. From a certain point of view, this was squeezing the last living space of monster Asaph.

Monster’s ** and wailing are passed from this cage. As the cage gradually compressed, its screams gradually changed. Since it was simply hard to hear, many passengers involuntarily covered their ears. But it is useless, the sound is still harsh, and it is simply with no opportunity.

Many people feel the tingling sound in their brains. This tingling seems to be no longer a stimulus from the ears, but a deeper level that directly stimulates the brain’s senses. . People with sensitive senses have begun to bleed blood from their noses, and their brains have been slightly traumatized.

Zhou Yi also felt this stimulus, and he was even more surprised because of this. He knew the essence of this power very well, it was the essence of telekinesis, the fluctuation of the amount of dissipated Telekinesis. As if in a state of pain and uncontrollable appearance, the monster awakened the ability on Telekinesis, but was completely unable to accurately control it, and just scattered loosely. Even the dissipated Telekinesis fluctuations are enough to cause harm to ordinary humans.

This is not the first time I have felt the evolution of monsters. However, Zhou Yi still has a sense of surprise. In such a short period of time, just because of external oppression, there have been three passive mutation evolutions. This kind of creature is terrifying to the extreme. Just imagine what happens if this kind of creature is allowed to develop? Maybe it is the end of all other creatures.

Damaskinos has no idea what kind of monster he has developed. This kind of monster is completely beyond his control. After all, he just opened a door to hell.

Can’t let this thing mutate anymore. Zhou Yi clenched his palms firmly. Monster Asaph was still fighting, but he could no longer sustain it. It’s like crushing an egg vigorously. When all the power to resist pressure disappears, it is the time when its internal destruction.

The cage of debris suddenly collapsed, the organism’s body tissues flowed out in the cracks of the broken and collapsed debris, and more of it was spread there like a puddle of mud. Not only drowned most of the debris, but also spread to the middle of the cabin. It is hard to imagine that so many things have multiplied and grown from a creature the size of a human being.

This thing makes people look disgusting, but it is enough to rest assured. Because it seems to have no probability of being alive at all.

Only what Zhou Yi observed, Vampire’s brain and heart have been completely shattered. It is completely mixed with other body tissues, including other important organs, almost like this. It can be said that the ground is just a pile of rotten meat, mixed with rotten meat of brain, internal organs, skeleton, muscles and even nerves. Such a thing is almost impossible to call a living lifeform.

He has no sense of dominating own, and even the basic structure of living things no longer exists. Because of this, he is already equivalent to Death.

For the disgusting things on the ground, even though many people’s faces are not pretty, bursts of cheers erupted from the crowd behind. They sincerely thank Dawn Knight. If it weren’t for his appearance, no one would want to know what such a monster would do on an airplane carrying hundreds of people. Just thinking about this situation is enough to make their hands and feet cold and their brains numb.

The sense of worship in the face of idols stimulates the hearts of these passengers, and there is no lack of young impulses among them. Soon, someone restrained their inner fear of the monster on the ground and ran towards Zhou Yi. Being able to take a group photo immediately after Dawn Knight defeated the terrifying monster, this thought gave this youngster the impulse to surpass everything.

He is getting closer and closer to the idol in his heart, and as he approaches. An invisible force spreads like a stone falling into the water, always causing ripples. But this ripple is a heaven overflowing giant wave.

As soon as this invisible force fluctuated, Zhou Yi had already sensed it. But the source of power made him feel unbelievable, this power is coming from the monster on the ground. It is not just a certain component with individual thinking, but extremely chaotic, coming from every corner of its body tissue. This is the telekinesis of Telekinesis, but it is not an ordinary telekinesis, but like a whole of countless existences.

This feeling is as if Asaph’s consciousness disappears, every part of his body, every tissue, every part has own consciousness. These consciousnesses also have a unified goal and way of thinking, and they all have telekinesis. These scattered telekinesis, although one by one is very subtle, but extremely resilient. When they are put together, they have a terrifying attribute. Tough, like gravel, although it is small, it cannot be pulverized into powder by human fingers. After they gather and become a handful of sand, no matter how humans exert force on it, its essence will not change, that is Just a handful of sand.

At present, the tissues of these organisms are like a handful of sand, a sand with oneself will and common thinking. Their thinking is very simple, but it is just a biological instinct, and eating is one of the most basic instincts.

The proximity of human admirers aroused its most original biological instincts, and it was badly injured in need of food to supplement its own energy. Therefore, in the face of the human beings rushing over, countless constituent bodies of will formed a unified operating instruction.

A mixture of flesh and blood that resembles tentacles and spider silk is ejected from the mud on the ground. Its speed is extremely fast, and there is even a sharp sound of breaking through the air at the thinnest tip, which is tearing. The sound after the sound. This proves that its speed has exceeded the speed of sound. And its goal is very clear, a food for it to walk right into a trap.

Zhou Yi subconsciously used the telekinesis field to protect this reckless guy. The telekinesis field was blocked in front of the flesh and blood mixture, but it did not play a blocking role. The telekinesis field was easily penetrated. Strictly speaking, this is not a penetration, and Zhou Yi’s Telekinesis does not feel broken. In his senses, it was more like being neutralized. His telekinesis seemed to resonate with the co-waves emitted by countless tiny Telekinesis, completely losing physical kinetic energy. So the mixture of flesh and blood still pounced on the food they knew.

Zhou Yi quickly withdrew from Telekinesis and drew towards the man, but he was still a little late. He did not at all hide completely, even though Zhou Yi had pulled him a step sideways, the tentacled flesh and blood mixture still hit his shoulder.

The tiny tip immediately tore through his fragile body defenses under the supersonic movement, piercing his entire shoulder. I looked at this scene incredibly, and just wanted to shout out, I found that the mixture of flesh and blood that pierced his body started to rhythmically, through its thin fascia, even some blood could be seen. The fluid is flowing fast. And the thing nailed in his body was running into his body in a weird feeling.

This situation scared him to the point of losing his mind, he didn’t even know whether oneself should scream or do something else. All his thoughts seemed to sink into silence in an itchy sensation on his shoulders. Fortunately, there are other people beside him.

Zhou Yi has rushed in front of him, looking at the thing that has penetrated deep into this guy’s body. Zhou Yi didn’t dare to pull it out with any force. Maybe he will pull out an organ that he doesn’t know is and so on as soon as he exerts force. So he directly drew out the Adamantium spear tip and cut the flesh and blood mixture from the place where the flesh touched.

At the moment he cut this thing, the whole pile of flesh and blood trembles fiercely, the invisible Spiritual Fluctuation stimulates everyone’s nerves more strongly, and the broken tentacles tip, It is desperately drilling towards the injured guy’s within the body. Even if it leaves the body, it still has the consciousness of oneself. Just this point illustrates its threat.

This terrifying monster.

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