Sun God Marvel

Chapter 497

The city of Laken has now been renamed as Huiyao City. Once upon a time, this was an unforgettable place. Because the disaster that happened here is enough to make the entire world remember. Many people think that after the disaster, all that remains of this city is ruins. But no, after the super consortium corona group took over the city, the city has undergone tremendous changes.

The financial resources of the Corona Group have made this city bigger and more technological. As the actual owner of this city, the entire city is changing according to the wishes of the Corona Group. It can even be said that this city has completely turned into a corona city.

This naturally aroused the dissatisfaction of some people, especially the government, which issued repeated warnings of dissatisfaction to the changes in Huiyao City. But the corona, which has reached the top of the bourgeoisie, completely ignores the government. In this democratic country, the power of consortium is amplified by Infinity, so that sometimes they can even ignore part of the government’s pressure.

In the absence of a clear violation of federal law, Huiyao City is changing in a direction that the government absolutely does not want to see. It spreads the idea of ​​equality to the world. Humans and Mutant, humans and superpower users. This made it a popular place for some people, but also disgusted by some people.

And what this leads to is the changes in the members of the city. In the case where most of the city personnel are Corona employees, Corona only needs to adjust their work to allow most of the racist to leave this city. Keeping those pacifists, and even putting Mutant in the company directly, is really not a problem for Corona.

In this case, the city can be said to have become a shelter for Mutant, a place almost independent of the federal government.

For those in power, this is naturally something that cannot be allowed. But it is not easy to reach into this city. Especially when all the legal citizens in this city have already stood with the corona.

However, this does not mean that there is no chance. Especially when Zhou Yi’s identity has been half-disclosed, they really have too many excuses and reasons for wanting to do something against Huiyao City.

“Gentlemen, we can already be sure that the biggest threat to our country is in that city. We should immediately intervene in it, control all the key people in this city, and prevent that dangerous person from again Run away from us in front of one’s eyes!”

“It’s so nice!” At the interim decision-making level of the United States federal government, Pierce looked at the initiator of this meeting, who just sat up Secretary of State Ross. There was a sneer of disdain at the corner of his mouth. “Then Secretary of State, who do you want to deal with this dangerous existence? CIA or FBI, Delta or SEALs?”

“Mr. Pierce, you are the Security Council recommended by our federal government. Representative. We spend sky-high prices every year to support your work and SHIELD’s actions. At this time, isn’t it the time when you give back to the federal government and take action?”

As the new secretary of state who finally came up because of a series of circumstances, Mr. Ross naturally showed a different spirit. He did not follow the original habit to cater to the high-level, but clearly stated his own position as soon as he took office. He is the most typical kind of government hardliner. For all targets that have a hostile relationship with the government, his only proposition is to use military force to solve all problems.

“Your Excellency Secretary of State, are you mistaken about something. SHIELD is not an agency under the name of the federal government. It belongs to our Security Council. The Security Council and the federal government are not subordinate . We don’t have any need to obey your orders.”

“Mr. Pierce, if the Security Council and SHIELD mean this, I think it is absolutely necessary for me to submit an application to Congress to cut off all future claims against SHIELD. Economic and human support!”

In the face of Charles, who is gradually gaining power in both the federal government and the Security Council, Secretary of State Ross has no intention of being soft. He was tit-for-tat, and two sentences filled the meeting with the smell of gunpowder.

“Please feel free to submit your application directly to Congress if you think this is useful. However, before I receive any notification from Congress asking me to cooperate with your work, I will never I would agree to SHIELD’s actions in this regard.”

“hmph!” Ross Secretary of State was coldly snorted, and angrily got up from his own seat. “Then let’s wait and see, and see how it turns out!”

Seeing this guy walking away from the conference room so violently, Pierce chuckled, the expression on his face changed. Got even more disdain. For him, this is just a fool. There is no need to put the threat of an idiot on the owner’s heart.

However, although he has a completely lively and indifferent attitude toward this matter. But some people are not as calm as him. Especially those special, masked guys, they begin to stir.

After the meeting ended in such an unhappy way, a member of Congress quietly walked up and whispered beside Pierce.

“Your Excellency, are we going to get rid of him?”

“Don’t expose your identity casually, idiot. Now many people are planning to find you, if you At this time, don’t blame me for being rude to you!”

Glanced at the jumpy guy with a steady expression, Pierce warned him with threatening language. And this warning immediately caused the Hydra pretender who had jumped out to withdraw his face sadly.

It seems that this warning is not thorough enough, Pierce once again lowered the own tone, making own words more gloomy.

“You have listened to me, and remembered clearly. The mission you are currently executing is an important part of our next plan. If there is something wrong with this plan because of you , Then you should understand, what kind of Penalty is waiting for you!”

“I understand, sir. I will not be troublesome!” Hearing this, the congressman’s face twitched Click, and then immediately made a guarantee.

“Just remember, put more of your energy on Court Academecian, that’s what you want to do!”

coldly snorted, Pierce goes straight The earth walked away. Only the congressman stayed in place, continuously wiping the cold sweat on oneself’s head. He already regretted his own stupidity.

For this idiot, Pierce doesn’t have much thought to pay attention to him. He just walked into the own car as usual after the meeting. At this moment, there is already a person in the car waiting for his arrival.

That was his secretary and assistant to the former vice president. From his appearance, it can be imagined that the death of the vice president is absolutely inseparable from Pierce. “Sir, Secretary of State Ross has already flown directly to the Helicarrier. It seems that he is either looking for Nick. Fury is going to Captain America!”

“Don’t worry too much about his problem, he is treating us The plan has no effect. And having him there is more conducive to holding down that guy’s attention and letting him temporarily relax his attention to us!”

Silent place a cigarette, Pierce put own focuses on a document placed in front of oneself. That was a special document proposed by him, and it was an extremely important part of their plan.

“How is it going on at Court Academecian at Trax? Will it keep up with us?”

“Everything at Court Academecian is going according to plan. It’s just that he told us More experimental items are requested. But you know, the current situation makes us not at all too much room for manipulation. It is not so easy to move those Mutants!”

“Don’t worry about this problem, I will use all the forces at my hand to cooperate with you. No matter what Court Academecian wants, I will satisfy him as much as possible. No matter what, must let the sentinel plan start on time, understand?”

“I see, sir. Then also a question!” Nodded, the secretary handed a report to Pierce. “This is the report from SHIELD. It’s about the Avengers. The report says that Captain’s actions are a little abnormal, and it seems like they want to get out of SHIELD. Our informant said they were already talking to Nick. .Fury has discussed it. Once they have discussed it, it is possible that Avengers will completely become an organization that is not under our influence and control. Therefore, the informant was a little worried, and he asked us if we should take any action.”

“Avenger?” Pierce asked suddenly after closing his eyes and thinking for a while. “Nick. What’s Fury’s reaction?”

“The informant said that he seemed to disagree at first. But he didn’t know what Captain had said to him. He seemed to have suddenly changed his mind. And also called high-level agents, held a private meeting to solicit their opinions.”

“This is not his style!” murmured in a low voice, Pierce relied on the Nick. Fury’s years of intersecting experience have keenly discovered the abnormalities. “Nick. Fury is not a democratic hobbyist. He prefers to control everything in the hands of the owner. If he has a decision, he will never make such things as soliciting opinions. Have we got any information, if Avengers is independent, Will there be any changes to the members?”

“The news now is that Black Widow, Quicksilver also Scarlet Witch and Captain will all be separated from SHIELD. For this reason, Natasha and the others will be released from SHIELD. To prevent them from revealing the secrets of SHIELD. Moreover, Nick Fury seems to have intentionally inserted Commander Hill in as a liaison between the Avengers and SHIELD!”

“Ming repair plank road, secretly Chencang . I know what the hell is that Nick Fury had in the end!”

Hearing this information, Pierce immediately came up with a clue.

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