Sun God Marvel

Chapter 498

“The so-called placement of Commander Hill as a liaison officer and so on is just a cover that was deliberately released by him. From beginning to end, he never thought that Maria could be truly . Hill inserts into the Avengers. The person he inserts must be the cunning Black Widow.”

I feel like I have seen through Nick. The Pierce of Fury’s tactics showed full confidence.

“The woman who works as a double agent is his real means. Using her to indirectly influence the Avengers, let the Avengers on the surface out of SHIELD’s control, but secretly with him There is an inevitable connection. This kind of cunning method really makes me have to say that this guy Fury is really not old!”

“Then, sir. If it is really like you said, we How to deal with it?”

Pierce’s insights obviously made the secretary beside him agree with him, and naturally, as the backbone of Hydra, he must now think of how to destroy all of this.

An independent avenger is obviously what they don’t want to see, because that means they have lost the means to interfere with them. When they are under the control of SHIELD, Hydra can use oneself in government agencies and in SHIELD to make the Avengers work for oneself indirectly. But when they became independent, it became an impossible thing.

As a terrorist organization, how could Hydra look indifferent to the loss of its own interests? Even more how, will the independent Avengers still become their opponents? So at this time, solving this problem has become an urgent matter. For this, Pierce has already made a decision in his heart.

“Let our people stir up the emotions within SHIELD and let them focus their firepower on Hulk. Those people in Captain America can escape from SHIELD, but as a price, they must Handed over, it will be monitored and controlled by SHIELD. This kind of thing can be done in the name of the Security Council, and you can send a written notice to the other directors in my name. In short, must let Hulk be the point of disagreement among them Even if they can’t split their internal divisions, SHIELD and the Avengers have to be in conflict, understand?”

To be Pierce’s assistant secretary, obviously you must have extraordinary abilities. So after Pierce ordered it down, he immediately replied.

“I will immediately inform the other board members of this in your capacity. However, sir. Should we do something about Nick Fury? I think he seems to have found out. I’m worried that if he continues to investigate, some of our plans will be exposed to him.”

Hearing this, Pierce frowned. , Knocked hard on the armrest of the seat with his fingers.

“Can’t let him go on like this. You send my order to unfreeze Winter Soldier. Then try to find a way to create a chance for him to solve Nick Fury. Once Nick Fury is solved. , Let our people immediately use all means to directly control the entire SHIELD, understand?”

“Yes, sir. However, what is the specific time for this action?”

“The sooner the better, no matter what, no one can interfere with the experimental development of Terrax Court Academecian. If the action is not smooth, then take Zola and the group out as a shield and let them fight for us Time and space in depth.”

Pierce’s words made his assistant stunned. Zola Court Academecian’s status is not low, can be regarded as a head of Hydra. But now in Pierce’s mouth, this leader has become an existence that can be abandoned. This was obviously unexpected to the assistant, so he asked tentatively.

“Sir, what about Court Academecian Zola, do you need to discuss with Baron?”

Squinted, Pierce’s eyes immediately became deep and sharp.

“You will explain to Baron for me, won’t you?”

As soon as this sentence came out, the expression on the secretary’s face immediately became stiff. He is Baron’s person, he was specifically inserted to Pierce’s side following Baron’s orders, as his liaison and monitor. Although this incident was not a secret, it was suddenly implied by Pierce. He still felt the fear that grew in his heart.

It was like being stared at by a poisonous Viper, making him involuntarily into a state of vigilance. And when he was about to say something to justify oneself, the car had stopped. Pierce patted his shoulder and smiled slightly.

“Go hard, Baron and I both appreciate your ability!”

After saying this, he got out of the car. Only the secretary was left, slumped on the seat in a cold sweat.

2nd day, Zhou Yi and Jean Grey brought Shirley back to Earth under the escort of Asgard Bifrost. Perhaps because of the fixed coordinates, Bifrost could only send three of them to the desert in Mexico. But this is not a problem for Zhou Yi and Jean Gerei. In the blink of an eye, they came to the suburban forest of Laken, before their new home.

“We are home, Shirley. From today this is our new home, and your new life will begin here!”

Holding Shirley’s little hand, Zhou Yi could naturally feel her nervousness at that moment because of the sudden sight of the foreground. So he immediately called her name, and comforted her gently.

For any child, moving is not an easy thing to accept. But Shirley’s performance was good, at least she didn’t show any resistance. When Zhou Yi consoled her, she immediately returned to Tao.

“I’m fine, father. But where is Aretha? Is she here?”

“Of course! Aretha, Ida, Serana, also Lingdie and Yuriko, they will all be here. In addition, your little aunt and your grandma will also live with us. This is the place where our family reunite, and it will be our future home.” Pointing to the mansion in front of her, she said with a smile to Shirley. “Oh, it seems that someone is here, don’t you want to see who greeted you first?”

Zhou Yi’s words obviously made Shirley divert her attention, and when she put her eyes on When I was in the direction of the mansion, I immediately saw a vigorous black silhouette shooting an arrow out of the tree shade.

It was a huge Black Panther like a rhino, full of streamlined muscle beauty. As soon as it sprang out, it made a low whimper, and then rushed to Zhou Yi like a big cat, rubbing owner’s head into Zhou Yi’s arms.

It can be seen that it is very attached to Zhou Yi. And for this kind of enthusiastic attitude, Zhou Yi chuckled stretched out his hand and scratched its chin.

“It turned out to be you, Little Brat. I didn’t expect to see you in such a few days, you have grown up again.”

Zhou Yi’s movements made Black Panther hum comfortably. hum. And when it wants to get tougher, tilting its neck and wanting Zhou Yi to scratch it harder. A kind of magical power suddenly penetrated into its mind, and connected with its mind.

This change caused it to immediately stop its own movement, and then immediately opened its yellow eyes and stared at Shirley next to Zhou Yi.

Despite its huge size, it did not scare Shirley, a little girl who had seen a lot of things. She stared at the Black Panther as well, then stretched out her hand to its chin.

This is a very dangerous action, because it may give her a bite at any time, tearing her delicate little arm directly off her body. But no one stopped Shirley’s movements. Neither Zhou Yi nor Jean Grey looked at her quietly, and little by little put his own hand under Black Panther’s chin.

Shirley’s little hand began to lightly scratch the fur of Black Panther’s jaw. This action was the same as Zhou Yi’s just now. It quickly made Black Panther lose her guard and squinted her eyes comfortably. . And with its movements, Shirley can clearly feel that a special spiritual connection has been established between oneself and it.

This immediately made her hug Black Panther’s neck happily, and laughed at Zhou Yi.

“Father, father. Can I raise it?”

“I have no opinion, as long as you can get Ada and the others to agree!”

shrugged Bang, Zhou Yi has shown a consistent doting for children. But Shirley became a little depressed when she heard what he said. Obviously she knew very well that what Ada said in this house was the one with more weight. And whether Ada would agree, she obviously had no hope.

But the clever little girl quickly found a solution. As soon as she turned her eyes, she ran directly to Jean Grey’s side, and then took her hand to her and pleaded. .

“Jean, can you help me speak? I really like big dogs!”

“Big dogs?” Although Shirley is regarded as a savior The incident made Jean Grey very happy, but after hearing her chanting name, she still asked in surprise.

“It’s it, I decided. Let’s call it a big dog! How about it, Jean, promise me, okay! okay, okay!”

Child’s aegyo Obviously, Jean immediately lost the ability to resist, so she could only lower her body, squeeze her small face, and said with a smile to her.

“Well, I’ll help you this time. You unearthly Little Brat!”

“Very good, Jean! Don’t worry, I will definitely do anything about you and my father Full strength supports you!”

Shirley cheered and spit out a word that made Jean Grey blush and heartbeat. She just wanted to argue, but a silhouette that appeared in her field of vision made her silent and cold again.

That was the silhouette of Ada. After learning about Zhou Yi’s return, she rushed over immediately. And when she saw Shirley happily playing with the big cat, a smile appeared on her face immediately.

“Welcome back, it looks like everything is going well.”

“At last it hasn’t changed any worse!” With a smile in front of Jean Grey, he embraced Ada Now, Zhou Yi also asked oneself what he worried about. “How about, there is no problem with you here!”

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