Sun God Marvel

Chapter 522

It took about an hour for Bruce to read the information in oneself’s hands. And it wasn’t until after reading this that Bruce frowned and asked Tony while pinching the bridge of his nose with his fingers.

“What do you mean by showing me these things? If you want me to imitate something similar to this, I can only say that I can’t do anything. This kind of scientific research requires a lot of basic data and clinical data. For reference, let’s not say that there is no such thing. Even if there is, I would not do it. The sins on my body are heavy enough, so I don’t want to carry some Mutant’s weight.”

For Bruce’s words, Tony knew what he meant. Like this kind of biological research, the existence of test products is always indispensable. In the biological research in the past, using humanoid creatures such as orangutans and monkeys as test objects can barely promote the progress of research. But now, in the study of Court Academecian of Trask, this humanoid mammal has been impossible to play any role. Only humans or Mutant can get the data he wants, so if you want to promote the results of this kind of research, you must use an astonishing number of Mutant’s lives as a foundation.

But this is something that no scientist with a conscience can do. Even for animals that have been subject to biological research all the year round, some people will feel intolerable in the heart. even more how is for Mutant who is alive, can speak, and even has oneself independent thinking and personality.

It must be the devil who can do this kind of thing. As for whether Trask Court Academecian is the devil, this question has been answered when it was discovered that he and Hydra were involved.

But Trask Court Academecian may be a devil, but neither Bruce nor Banner is. At the very least, their minds are not crazy enough to experiment with the lives of innocent people.

So seeing the undisguised disgust on Bruce’s face, Tony immediately said his own thoughts.

“Don’t worry, I’m not trying to repeat this evil research, it’s not in line with my aesthetics. In fact, I have shown you that these things are classified documents that I stole from the White House. It is certain that with the help of Hydra’s hidden forces in the White House, Trask Court Academecian must have achieved some results, and it can even be said that his results have approached perfection. I believe that you have understood the information very clearly. , If his research results in a finished product, it will be a terrifying thing. Especially if he is trading with Hydra.”

Tony’s words made Bruce’s complexion changed again. The change was because he relaxed for Tony didn’t let him study this idea of ​​damned things. But it changed again because he thought clearly about the importance of what Tony said.

Although he hates the disgusting government bureaucrats, he hates killing without blinking an eye even more for owning Hydra, which can even kill countless people for conspiracy. The government bureaucracy is just a disease of scabies for humans, but Hydra is a real fatal cancer.

For such a malignant tumor, also people want to inject Catalyst into it madly within the body to make it grow wilder. This is obviously the problem that has touched his bottom line.

So he asked not even think.

“Then what is your idea? As long as I can do my best, I will try my best to help you. Even if Hulk comes out, I can just try!”

“No no no, I don’t need such a terrifying ultimate weapon like Hulk.” Tony, who had lingering fear of Hulk, quickly waved his hand to stop his thoughts, and said to him with a wry smile. “Captain and I just want you to see if you can find some coping methods from these things. If they are transformed through body modification, we may be able to find a way to restrain them in the same way.”

“This is impossible.” After hearing Tony’s idea, Bruce shook the head directly. “You are learning mechanics and programming. You may not understand some unwritten rules in this biological field. You see, there are more than half of the papers and reports available, and these all are Trask in the human body. Although the results of the research on injections and transformation did not come out. But I can already guess almost. He must have tried this method, and then found that this road is a dead end.”

“But you see, his next few papers and reports are very smooth, there are no obstacles or restrictions on thinking. And if you distinguish carefully, you can see that there is a sense of fault in these documents. .Then I’m almost certain that he must have figured out a way. It’s not about human injection and biological modification, but a method that I don’t know yet. So I guess it must also be a confidential document It exists, and that document is the real core of Trask’s research.”

“You mean, also the more core things have not been obtained by me!” Hearing this speculation, even though Tony, who had always been so proud, also became a little worried. The reason why he can calmly arrange everything in front of him is because he has analyzed an answer that oneself can control from the data in oneself’s hands.

If Hydra and Trask wanted to repeat the mistakes of the Super Soldier plan, he would not worry that what oneself described would become a reality. Even if that happens, it must be discounted. Because he may not be very clear about other things, but he knows something similar to the Super Soldier project that involves human modification.

The information left by Howard has the most detailed explanation, and in the several decades since World War II, all the accidents that have occurred due to the Super Soldier project are also a strong evidence.

No matter how much energy you put into it, no genius can repeat what happened to Captain. For several decades, United States has been trying to replicate Captain, but it can only get all kinds of variants, even uncontrollable terrifying monsters like Hulk and Evil. And now, Hydra also wants to repeat this process. Although he started with Mutant, Tony is also not optimistic about their ending.

Human genius is something that has almost been fixed. It is not something that can be changed by random external forces. Forcibly breaking this setting can only make everything run towards destruction like a wild horse. This has already become Tony’s theorem. Therefore, his previous remarks were completely lie about Captain and Bruce, in order to give some cover to the actions of the owner.

But he didn’t expect that things really changed unpredictably.

If Trask Court Academecian is really like Bruce said, using other methods to replace the body modification, then his plan may really become a reality. Once that kind of thing becomes a reality, it is definitely a devastating problem like a disaster.

Tony was very sure of this, so he started to feel anxious.

“I will try to find a way to see if there is anything I missed that I can find back. I just hope you can be prepared now, if things really go bad I hope you can find a solution as soon as possible.”

“Of course, that’s my business.” On this issue, Bruce obliged to say, and when he saw Tony After there was no false anxiety on his face, he also suppressed the anxiety in his heart and comforted him. “You don’t need to be too anxious. This kind of thing is actually not as urgent as you think. Everyone has done scientific research. Naturally, it should be understood that there will be a big gap from theory to reality. There is no accumulation over time. It’s almost impossible to do all this. So, maybe we also have enough time.”

“I hope so!” With a sigh, Tony began to put away the anxiety on oneself’s face. Of course, this didn’t mean that he really believed what Bruce said to comfort him. Everyone knows how much time Trask Court Academecian spent to study these things. The accumulation of several decades can completely allow him to take this most important step. To put it bluntly, maybe somewhere now, Hydra and Trask Court Academecian are already celebrating the champagne.

This is the worst idea he can think of, of course. The facts may be better or worse than this. Either way, it couldn’t change Tony’s current mood. His mood is very bad now, so bad that he can’t proceed according to oneself’s predetermined plan.

So he just silently took out a small gift box, placed it in front of Bruce, and then said to him.

“I wanted to invite you to have a meal, drink some wine, and have a chat. But I’m sorry, I’m a little out of control now, so I only have this gift. I hope we can cooperate Happy, it looks like this.”

After he finished speaking, he walked out energetic and bustling, but disappeared in front of Bruce in the blink of an eye. And Bruce looked at the gift box in front of oneself, hesitated for a while before opening it.

The tortoiseshell pen inside immediately caught his eyes and made him smile involuntarily. He had received kindness from Tony, and this was naturally a wonderful thing. Friendship is cultivated in this way, and if possible, he also hopes to get a new friendship.

And just when he was full of emotion. Near Washington, DC, in an abandoned base that once belonged to the military. Such a piece of information suddenly appeared on an old computer screen.

“Is the thing put out?”

Seeing this, the person who had been stationed in front of the computer immediately put on a headset and said in a nearly respectful voice.

“We have released the information, and I believe the Avengers have seen those things.”

“Very good!” Soon, some distortions appeared on the computer character. “Just do it. If Pierce wants to harm me, he must be prepared to fight against being entrapped by me. The plan will continue as usual, and more clues will be given for them to turn their attention to the sentinel plan. Understand!”

“Yes, long live Hydra! Long live Zola Court Academecian!”

One sentence has already revealed the identity of the person in the computer. And its appearance made things even more confusing.

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