Sun God Marvel

Chapter 523

“Sorry, sorry. I have something urgent to do temporarily. So…”

Tony, with an apologetic face, just walked to his teammate who was already ready to go. At that time, Captain had already interrupted him very impatiently and shouted at him.

“You are late, Stark. Ten minutes!”

“I said I’m sorry!” Tony, who was unwilling to suffer from this idleness, immediately changed his mind. The loud volume replied. “Don’t you know that I have a lot of things to be busy?”

“Is there something to be busy, but it’s just an excuse.” After saying this almost without thinking, Captain immediately became nervous. Closed his own mouth tightly. He thought of what oneself asked Tony to do, and it was obviously not suitable for everyone to know.

Know yourself and know your enemy is one thing, but if the enemy’s strength can exceed the owner’s imagination, it is another thing. Steve Captain doesn’t want the own team to lose confidence because of the strength of the enemy before the battle, so he prefers to remain silent before everything happens.

“I know, you can understand me.” For Tony, it was not easy to see Captain eat. So he leaned in front of Captain immediately and said this almost winking at him.

Looking at his expression, Captain coldly snorted took the lead into the Kun-style fighter. After him, Natasha approached Tony’s side curiously, and asked him softly.

“Why do I feel that something you seem to be hiding from us?”

“I can be sure that it is your illusion.” Calmly moved away his eyes, Tony waved his hand like a fly. “Also, don’t always use the kind of spyability you used in SHIELD to see me, okay, we are also an owner person anyway, can we still cheat you?”

“I didn’t say I don’t believe you!” With a slight smile, Natasha twisted her waist and walked towards the plane. Only one sentence left Tony embarrassed inexplicably.

“It’s just that for me, your appearance is too unnatural. I can easily think of other places.”

This sentence is almost clear. Tony, oneself has seen a lot of things. And this kind of hint left Tony with no other way than a wry smile. There are not many fools of his teammates, and he doesn’t really expect to fool anyone with this superficial thing.

They will know about this sooner or later, depending on when Captain is going to tell the news. Until then, oneself should remain silent.

After much measurement, Tony made up his mind. At the same time, more energy was put on Trask Court Academecian. Compared with the possible problems of SHIELD and Hydra’s lurkers. The plan they protect is more worthy of his attention.

With an idea, he started to act according to the plan. As soon as the Avengers were dispatched, Nick Fury received the news.

This made him feel confident.

With the intervention of the Avengers, it actually means that he already has a powerful trump card in his hand. And holding this trump card, he has the confidence to start this adventure.

“Get ready, let’s go.”

Nick.Fury let the SHIELD agent, who was already ready to go by oneself, march towards the abandoned military base in front of oneself stand up. And following his orders, dozens of elite agents immediately turned into silent ghosts in the dark, and under the cover of the night, like a phantom, they entered the empty military base that seemed to have long been empty.

While watching their silhouette disappear in this base, Nick Fury squinted his eyes and fell into his own memory.

He is very familiar with this base. It can be said that a considerable part of his life is actually spent here. At that time SHIELD was not called SHIELD, and the leaders inside were not yet him and Pierce. Although at that time, SHIELD’s influence was not as large as it is now, but one thing is better than it is now.

That is, it is much cleaner than it is now. There won’t be any Hydra infiltration, and there won’t be any messy people extending the own tentacles here. At that time SHIELD had only a conviction and a group of truly like-minded partners. Instead of staring at SHIELD as it is now, other organizations and individuals are actually loyal to it.

Agent SHIELD? I’m afraid this name has already been misplaced.

Thinking of this, Nick Fury, who was beginning to be inexplicably sentimental, was suddenly awakened by a fierce gunfire. And he immediately converged his own mind, pressed the headset on the own ear, and asked aloud.

“What happened?”

“The enemy resisted, sir! We have completely suppressed them, and now we are in the hands of the owner!”

“I know!” There was a smile on his face that only oneself knew. Nick .Fury swept the hem of the oneself windbreaker and walked towards the military base standing in the deep darkness. And soon, he came to an underground command room that was equivalent to scrapped.

As soon as he entered the command room, he immediately saw several armed men fallen in a pool of blood. Most of them have only one wound on their bodies, which is a fatal shot in the forehead. And from their expressions, it seemed that they didn’t even think that someone would perform a sneak attack on them in this way.

On this alone, these SHIELD agents who came in assault are worthy of the elite name. But the elite go to the elite, are they loyal? Nick Fury, who already had the answer in his heart, just smiled and stopped thinking more.

At this time, the agents who had cleaned the scene came over and began to report to Nick Fury.

“Sir, this place has been cleaned up. A total of sixty-three hostile armed personnel have been killed. No one surrendered, and no prisoners. We have checked and there are no other suspicious targets here. “

“I see, you should be on standby!”

Nick .Fury gave a new command without any expression on his face, and then sat down in the command room. On the chair in the middle, he grinned at the old pile of computers in front of oneself, even relying on diodes to perform calculations, and asked.

“Zola Court Academecian, I have already sat in front of you. Don’t you want to talk to me?”

His tone barely fell, This old underground command room, which was even illuminated by re-erected headlights, suddenly became alive as if it were alive.

First, the already dim light tube began to pulsate with a radiance of varying brightness, and then bursts of old mechanical running sounds were uploaded from the pile of computers in front of Nick Fury. The sound was intermittent, as bad as the roar of an old engine. Especially the sudden loud noise of roar makes people worry about whether it will suddenly be scrapped like this.

But this worry is obviously unreasonable, because soon, this old machine completed the normal startup work, and the most original green character jumped from a heavy old computer screen. .

“I’m very curious, Director Fury. How did you know my existence.”

Characters pulsate to form actual words, and as the words appear, a Some shrill mechanical sounds burst out of the dusty speakers.

The harsh sound emitted by the dilapidated speakers is enough to make anyone with hearing ability cover their ears and wish to block their own hearing. But neither Nick Fury nor the SHIELD agents behind him behaved very calmly, as if they were not affected by the sound at all.

Especially Nick Fury, no matter the expression on his face or the movements on his limbs are unchanged. Even if he saw a dead electronic ghost appear in front of owner, he still remained calm.

“Why, is it weird to know your existence? I think it is really strange that I only know your existence now.”

” You shouldn’t know about me. In fact, no one should know about my existence. I’ve been hiding for 40 years and have been hiding in this place to watch you. In the past 40 years, you haven’t found any traces. How could it be possible now? Suddenly knew that I existed?”

Zola Court Academecian murmured his incomprehension like a professional habit. In fact, he really didn’t understand why it was this time that Nick Fury came to the door.

“I at first did not expect that my goal would be a dead person. In other words, I had doubted you, doubted Pierce, doubted many people. But after some people’s reminders, I Then I put my eyes on you completely. Zola Court Academecian, do you know what the biggest mistake you made is?”

Nick. Fury’s question was exchanged for Zola’s silence, obviously , He also really wanted to know where oneself had a problem.

“You should not leave your manuscript, although it is just a guess and assumption, there is no effective data support. But it is enough to attract my attention.”

Hearing this answer, Zola Court Academecian immediately sighed.

“It turned out that something went wrong here, I really didn’t expect it. But there is no other way. Uploading the human mind and soul to the computer is a very risky thing. I’m not sure even at the time. I just took oneself as a guinea pig and made a gamble with my last life. If I succeed, I will naturally appear as I am. If I fail, mine The manuscript can also be passed on to provide some reference for later generations. It’s just that I didn’t expect that I actually succeeded. And I never thought that the manuscript I left based on the principle of scientific inheritance would actually become my biggest Weak spot.”

“You shouldn’t have thought of it. How, is it easy to feel that you are falling short at the juncture? Is there a feeling that fate will crack a joke on you again.”

Zola’s sigh did not arouse any sympathy from Nick Fury, he just sneered and said to the computer in front of oneself.

The computer laughed at what he said.

“Director Fury, did you make a mistake. You just found me, and I am afraid it is also a long distance away from your final victory?”

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