Sun God Marvel

Chapter 535

As soon as this question came out, it inevitably silenced the Avengers. Their absolute silence is not because they cannot accept Magneto’s statement, but because some of them have such thoughts.

Hulk’s madness and uncontrollable nature make some of them always wary of him. If we can throw away the burden of Hulk at this time, it is not unacceptable for some people.

But this kind of thing cannot be just and honorable to say, especially when they are teammates. Therefore, silence has become a way for them to express oneself attitude.

Some people think this way, but some people don’t think so at all. Among them, the most violent reaction was Tony.

“Listen, Captain. Don’t listen to his nonsense. We can’t leave Bruce there and stop him, even if we go to war with him, we will stop him. This is related to our reputation also more , And more important things. You must not let his conspiracy succeed, do you understand what I mean?”

Tony’s eager words let Captain frowned, but what he expressed is consistent with oneself . The Avengers cannot abandon their own teammates, if they do, then their organization will not be far from collapse. And without the Avengers, who can fight the continuous erosion of Hydra and the unknown and terrifying super enemies!

So, he made up his mind in an instant.

“Listen, Magneto. Let go of Hulk and send him back. Otherwise, there will be only one battle between us. Even if you represent the Brotherhood of Mutants, or even all Mutants, we too Don’t hesitate!”

“roar roar roar!” Squinting oneself’s somewhat blue eyes, Magneto suddenly showed a playful smile on his face. “Is that your answer? It’s really moving. But, Captain Rogers, I am afraid I am sorry to say to you. Because everything is too late, he has been exiled to outer space by me, and has already Farther and farther away from Earth, I am afraid that I changed my mind and it is unlikely that I will bring him back to you.”

“Magneto, you…” Hearing this, Captain immediately Own’s eyes widened, and he yelled at him with an expression of disbelief and extreme anger. Before he could finish, he closed his own mouth fiercely.

At this time, he knew very well that words alone could no longer change the fact that they were facing. Magneto is not a character that can be persuaded by words, no matter how vicious and ruthless words can do anything to the current situation. So instead of talking about these nonsense, it is better not to say it, it is better to use the most true actions to express their determination.

Although Captain didn’t say everything, from his eyes and from his movements, Magneto could already see the mystery of eight or nine points. The two sides are enmity, this is something he doesn’t want to see either. But if things happen again, he might still make such a choice.

Sacrificing others is better than sacrificing oneself. The situation just now is not that he is unwilling to let go, but that Hulk has been struggling. In that case, banishing him to outer space has actually become his only option. As for the consequences of this choice, he can only grit his teeth and accept it.

It has become inevitable to be hostile to the Avengers, so is it necessary to take advantage of this opportunity to weaken its strength? Magneto, who had already recognized the reality, looked at Captain, who was still glaring at oneself and the female Hulk who had fallen into a coma. In my eyes, cold light flashed, but a murderous intention arose quietly.

Such a character in the Avengers will only become his future scourge. Having lived so long and accumulated enough experience and life experience, Magneto knows very well the serious consequences of let the tiger returns to the mountains and the necessity of cutting weeds and eliminating the roots. So when he gave birth to the killing intent in the heart, his hands had already started to move.

Lightly raised his eyebrows, and immediately let a few sharp, extremely long metal thorns extend out from the back of Captain little by little, and then suddenly rose up towards Captain’s. Hou Xin flew directly over.

This action is hidden and there is no sound. It is impossible for ordinary people to react to this attack. But suddenly the Captain blessed the soul and rolled forward, forcibly avoiding the fatal attack.

And before he could make any response, the steel floor on which he was standing was immediately one after another exposing a large sharp blade, which flew towards him like a meat grinder Rolled over.

Since he has discovered it, Magneto is naturally impossible to stop. He simply turned the darkness into light, and directly just and honorable to kill the killer towards Captain. And when he did this, Captain immediately became surrounded by perils.

As a member of the Avengers, Captain is actually one of the weakest members in personal combat. Speaking seriously, his combat effectiveness may only rank above Natasha. Others, whether it is Little Spider or Tony, the combat effectiveness is firmly above him. Not to mention the Mutant siblings and giant siblings.

However, his value in the Avengers is not reflected in combat effectiveness. Compared with combat effectiveness, everyone pays more attention to his wisdom and his ability to command combat. However, all of this is useless now. In the face of absolute power, he can rely on only own power, and his power is so fragile and unable to withstand a single blow. Therefore, without support for too long, he was stabbed in his own thigh by a metal blade, and then instantly lost the ability to move.

Behind him is a sharp-edged scroll wheel. It is already very clear what it means to lose mobility at this time. Faced with this situation, Captain could only close his eyes and wait for Death to come.

Although he is unwilling to die here, he really has no choice. Magneto’s power is beyond his imagination, even to the extent that he can’t fight it at all. So, what else can he do besides eyes closed and waiting to die?

Seeing that Captain is dying under the hands of own, seeing that the so-called Avenger is about to suffer heavy losses because of oneself. As one of the most powerful characters in the world in the past, Magneto couldn’t help showing a triumphant smile.

His glory has not completely passed away. Even today, he is still the powerhouse in this world. As for powerhouse, it is natural to decide the fate of others. With this thought in mind, he immediately waved his own arm and gave Captain an order to end his destiny.

At this time, a harsh sound suddenly resounded from Captain’s side.

That is the sound of metal twisting and deforming, the sound of layers of metal being crushed and broken under invisible weight. Because there was so much metal crushed in an instant that the sound was really noisy and a little harsh. Even to the point where people couldn’t help frowning and moaning.

However, Magneto did not show any expression of impatience to this sudden harsh sound. In other words, all his impatience has been replaced by another mood. That was panic, and the target of his panic was the man standing in front of Captain, the existence that had defeated him, and now he needs to look up.

I don’t know when Zhou Yi appeared in front of Captain, and invisibly released his own power. Losing the identity of God, his power and power degenerate into gravity control again. However, the degradation of the level does not mean the degradation of the destructive power. On the destructive power, the gravity controlled by him is still terrifying amazingly. So much so that it was just a slight thought that the metal controlled by Magneto was directly destroyed and twisted to the point where it could not be seen directly.

Although Magneto can still regain control of these crushed metal fragments and restore them to their original appearance. But he didn’t have the courage to do so, because he was not sure what terrifying consequences would be caused if he did.

So he wisely stopped all the actions of oneself, and instead manipulated the floating metal under oneself’s feet, let oneself fall in front of Zhou Yi, and then said respectfully to him.

“You are here, sir! I’m so sorry for showing you such an unbearable sight.”

“Enough, Erik. This thing will stop here!” Feel free Waved to Magneto, Zhou Yi glanced at the battered and exhausted Captain and Jennifer. Then he spoke to them flatly. “Let them leave, just treat it as my order!”

“Of course, if this is your order, I will obey it!”

Understand oneself and Zhou Magneto of Yi’s gap naturally agreed. From his body, he can’t see the domineering just now, some are just submissive, unbelievably submissive.

For his submission, Captain immediately stared wide-eyed and looked towards Zhou Yi incredibly.

“Zhou Yi, you guys? What the hell is going on?”

“As you can see, the current Magneto and the forces under him are all They have been loyal to me. They are now a member of Huiyao City and one of those people protected by me!”

Faced with Captain’s questioning, Zhou Yi swept away from the corner of his eye. With a glance, he explained to him like this. Hearing his explanation, Captain immediately understood the meaning of his words.

Zhou Yi is telling him that Magneto is already his subordinate and one of the group of people protected by him. So if they really plan to fight Magneto, or even do something and so on against him, it is equivalent to declaring war against him. As for the consequences that will result, they need to consider them clearly.

After clarifying the meaning of this, Captain immediately felt a bitter taste. What it means to be against Zhou Yi is really clear. That is simply bring about one’s own destruction. but. Do you really have to give up like this? Treat everything as if it never happened?

Looking at the smiling Magneto behind Zhou Yi, Captain did not come to get angry with an unknown fire in his heart.

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