Sun God Marvel

Chapter 536

Giving up the hatred in my heart is still a steadfast revenge. This is the problem Captain is facing at this moment. And when the nameless fire in his heart burned wildly, Captain made up his mind immediately.

How could you just give up like this! If they just give up, what do they count? Even the oneself partner’s revenge cannot be avenged. What kind of face do they also call the Avengers? What qualifications do they also continue to protect this World?

So almost gritted his teeth, Captain spit out such words to Zhou Yi.

“I don’t agree! This incident must not be ended so easily! The account between us has not been cleared, so even you can’t stop this.”

“Huh?” Slightly frowned, Zhou Yi immediately made a low voice from his nose. “Captain, have you been beaten stupid? You can’t agree or disagree with the current situation. If it wasn’t for me to intervene, you would be dead now! My decision is for your own good, don’t you understand?”

“Understood, I am very grateful to you for saving me. But!” Captain replied, but suddenly clenched his own fist, lifts the head and looked towards the station with eyes burning like flames. Magneto there. “We have lost a partner because of this person. If we just let it go, I am afraid that I will not forgive own for the rest of my life. Therefore, I can only be sorry for your kindness!”

“Really?” Although nodded, Zhou Yi raised his head and looked towards the sky above oneself. “The partner you are talking about is Bruce Banner. Why, do you now consider him a partner? As far as I know, your relationship with him is nothing more than mutual use at best.”

“Indeed, the relationship between us is not good, even because he is completely out of control. We are still very jealous of him. However, he saved us, he is a comrade-in-arms who fought side by side with us. Just Based on this, he is our partner and deserves our revenge for him!”

Speaking of which, Captain stretched out his hand and pointed it straight at Zhou Yi and Magneto behind him .

“The war has started, even with your intervention, the situation will not change in any way. We and him are destined to only become enemies. Destined to only end in life and death!”

Solid words show a more determined heart. At this moment, Captain’s will is completely revealed. And whether his will is consistent with the will of the Avengers, this is an unknown question. But regardless of their inconsistencies, it was a provocation for Magneto. Although he has now devoted himself to Zhou Yi’s command, this does not mean that he loses his own dignity.

He is still a powerhouse, and the dignity of powerhouse is absolutely not tolerated by others. Especially if he is still a winner.

So when he heard Captain’s decision, he immediately laughed darkly.

“Captain Rogers, have you forgotten something. Strength is the capital to speak. Do you think you have any strength to tell me this kind of life and death?”

Captain didn’t answer his words, just glanced at him lightly with cold eyes. This was a look that looked like a dead person, but this look was enough to show what kind of killing intent Captain had about him. For this almost provocative look, Magneto immediately had the meaning of action.

The best way to prevent a threat is to completely eliminate it before it occurs. In order to prevent Captain America from using the wisdom of own and the power of the Avengers to set up a killing game against own, it is the best way to eliminate him here.

Magneto understands this very well. Although this may offend Zhou Yi, it is completely worthwhile to make a little sacrifice for future safety.

Thinking of this, he began to make some small actions secretly. But when he just started to move, he suddenly discovered that an invisible force was suddenly loaded on own.

I can’t even move, even breathing is almost impossible. The body was so heavy that it was filled with steel, and even had the illusion of being crushed and flattened. All of this is due to Zhou Yi’s eyes.

Although he didn’t say anything at all, Magneto still saw the harshest warning through his eyes. If he dares to move rashly, what awaits him is the most terrifying thing. At this point, Magneto immediately made the wisest choice when he realized it.

He stopped all the actions of oneself, and flinched and let out a begging look at Zhou Yi. Seeing his begging for mercy, Zhou Yi silently turned his gaze back to Captain’s body and said to him.

“I understand what you mean, Captain. But he is my subordinate after all, and I don’t mean to be evil with your Avengers. So, how about we step back!”

Speaking of this, he directly stated the own condition without waiting for Captain to express his position.

“I will help you rescue Bruce Banner. But as a deal, your grievance with Erik has also been written off, how about it!”

“Can you save Hulk back?” Listen At Zhou Yi’s request, Captain immediately exclaimed. But then, there was a sudden stop on his face, but it showed unspeakable bitterness. “By the way, of course a guy like you can bring him back from outer space. I almost forgot!”

Speaking of which, although Captain’s face is also bitter, the whole person is Become a lot more energetic. Because of the change in the results, he took a long breath, and then seriously responded to Zhou Yi.

“I can agree to this transaction, if you can bring Hulk back. We naturally have no reason to continue to be enemies with him. However, I need to remind you that this guy will not be you at ease He’s a vassal. He is definitely not that simple!”

“Then you don’t need to worry about it. Now that you have agreed, let’s say so!”

Speaking of this, Zhou Yi stretched out two hands and pushed in front of oneself. Suddenly his five fingers seemed to be inserted into something, and disappeared out of thin air in Captain’s sight. And as his arms spread outward, a pitch-black crack suddenly emerged in front of him.

The rift Captain is very familiar, because such a thing has appeared in the sky above New York, and it is this kind of thing that kicked off the New York war. For Captain, this is definitely not a good memory. So even though he knew that this was Zhou Yi’s behavior, he still couldn’t help but cheer up and made a defensive posture.

Of course, this is just a useless performance. It can’t even get Zhou Yi’s attention. He just maintained the own movement, and with a bit of force, the space gap pulled out by his hand became wider. When the fissure became difficult to be large enough, Hulk, with some metal debris remaining on its body, looked like a huge balloon, passing through the fissure in a floating posture, and then there was a huge boom. In the sound, it fell heavily on the metal floor where they were standing.

Returning to Earth and being bound by Earth’s gravity again is something that Hulk is really unaccustomed to. Although he has always kept oneself conscious of will, he is still a little confused at this time.

The change in the environment is so great that he did not come back to his senses at all for a while.

When he saw the figure in front of oneself again, he suddenly let out a thunderbolt-like roar. Magneto’s silhouette was right in front of him, and this immediately made him angry and killing intents.

So there is no hesitation, no fear. Hulk roared, galloped, and shook his own fist at Magneto again. A fist enough to destroy him ten thousand times.

This situation immediately caused Captain’s face to change wildly, and even Magneto, who was standing there, couldn’t help but a shocked expression appeared on his face. Face-to-face confrontation with Hulk without any preparation is actually the same as death. If it was before, he might not be afraid of such an attack. But now, all his preparations are left in space, and he really has no way to deal with such an attack.

Seeing that Hulk was about to rush to the owner, Ling Li’s fist even made Magneto feel a torn pain. But at this time, a person stands in front of him.

Hulk’s fist stopped. Not because of his own wishes, but because of others’ obstruction. In front of him, Zhou Yi stretched out a hand and firmly held down his huge fist, so that his body and his offensive were all stopped. However, this situation caused Hulk to become even more angry immediately after a brief period of shock.

For him, Magneto is definitely a life and death enemy that must be eliminated. So anyone who stands in front of him and prevents him from attacking Magneto is his enemy. The own attack was actually blocked by the enemy, which in itself was an insult to him, and facing the insult, Hulk’s most direct solution was to completely smash the enemy to pieces.

So as the anger surged, Hulk, who was more powerful than three points, didn’t even hesitate at all. He raised another fist and fell to Zhou Yi.

The terrifying fist brings a terrifying blast and amazing formidable power. Just passing through the air makes an explosion-like violent sound from the entire air. But it was such a fist that fell on Zhou Yi’s outstretched palm, but it was silent, and the silence was like clay ox entering the sea.

There was no big movement as imagined, not even a trace of tremor. The huge contrast just looks at it, and it makes people feel uncomfortable. Compared with this feeling, more people still feel fear.

At this time, no one can say that Hulk doesn’t care about it and doesn’t use effort. Just looking at the violent blue veins on his body, his horny dragon-like bulging muscles and the ka beng teeth that were bitten by him, you can see that he is definitely using full strength at this time.

However, the enemy he is dealing with is an existence he cannot compare at all. He is a powerful guy who can only be useless with great strength. In the face of such an enemy, Hulk is really indistinguishable from a weak child.

Everyone can see that he is just doing a futile effort. But Hulk still didn’t know it, he was still roaring, constantly squeezing even more powerful power from his own body within the body. This situation continued until Zhou Yi whispered such a sentence to him.

“Hulk, don’t you remember me?”

This voice was so impressive for Hulk that when he heard this, his whole eyes The pupil shrank suddenly. Weird expressions began to appear on his face. Like fear, but also like panic. This situation made Captain dumbfounded.

Hulk actually knows to be afraid? I must be dreaming!

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