Sun God Marvel

Chapter 537

Hulk, who knew the fear, could no longer fight. Because of fear, the anger in his heart could no longer maintain a pure form. As the anger changed and faded, Hulk immediately changed back to the original prototype of own, becoming the Bruce Banner who couldn’t fight.

But this is a good thing for both parties present. The angry Hulk is irrational. He is impossible to change his own behavior because of other people’s transactions. But Bruce is different, he is a smart man. And smart people can always learn to compromise.

So the situation immediately calmed down. After Zhou Yi disappeared into the depths of the sea with Magneto, the Avengers also sent a special plane to receive the three persons who avoided a catastrophe.

Today is really a long day for the Avengers. Hydra, Brotherhood of Mutants, and even Zhou Yi’s Huiyao City were exposed one after another, bringing unimaginable tremendous impact to them. Among them, the most terrifying is the information that Brotherhood of Mutants joined Huiyao City.

Although I don’t know the specific details yet, just relying on the things Zhou Yi verbally revealed, the Avengers have a feeling of fear.

What does he want to do? Establishing such a huge force and attracting such terrifying guys to the ranks, does he want to start a war and rule the world?

For those guys with powerful abilities, people are always accustomed to using the most vicious thinking to guess their intentions. This is a subconsciously protective behavior for one’s own safety. It’s not about being good or bad, but just a pure instinctive reaction. And just this kind of reaction really caused a huge shadow to sprout in each of them.

If Zhou Yi really thinks like this, can they stop him? If he really becomes the enemy of oneself, will they also have a future?

As soon as this idea came into being, they consciously suppressed it. They have not dared to think about it anymore, because if they think about it, they might lose even the last courage.

In any case, things can’t develop to that point. If it develops to that point, then it is really no different from the end of the world. And in line with the justice in his heart and the sense of worry, at this time, Tony Stark immediately made a decision.

“No, I’m going to ask him to find out. I have to know what kind of idea he played!”

He said, he looked for it from the plane Out of the own spare armor, he quickly equipped oneself with it. And before he completely put on the skin of own, Natasha stopped him, which amounted to reckless behavior.

“Don’t be foolish, Stark. If you go to him so recklessly, what is the difference from walking right into a trap.”

“Enough, Natasha. Me and him It’s a friend, a friend who has changed his life. Don’t speculate about him casually with your mind, he is different from you.”

Natasha’s blocking as it should be by rights made Tony furious . However, the reason for his anger was not because of his obstruction, but because of her distrust of Zhou Yi and the harm he might have caused to oneself.

This is really an insult to Tony, not only to Zhou Yi, but also to their friendship.

But in the face of his anger, Natasha acted very calmly. She just looked at the angry Tony, and the charming green eyes showed strange expressions that were difficult to understand. And she didn’t speak to him until Tony started controlling own emotions.

“I admit that he and I are indeed different people. But, Tony Stark. We are the same kind of people. You have to think clearly, if you really believe him, how can you worry about it? What he might do, even thinking about questioning him for this kind of unwarranted speculation?”

As soon as this sentence came out, Tony was stunned. The expression on his face completely solidified into a stiff astonishment, and even a blank expression began to appear in his eyes. He simply didn’t expect Natasha to say such a thing. In other words, he didn’t think that in his heart, like Natasha said, he had doubts and distrust of Zhou Yi.

In the face of harsh facts, their friendship didn’t seem to stand the test very much. It stands to reason that he should support Zhou Yi unconditionally. When such insiders are worried that he will have the idea of ​​a unified world, he should stand on his side no matter what, and say a few words of support for him. .

But he didn’t, he was just angry and worried. It’s as if these things are no longer speculations, but the reality that has been before them. All he thought of was questioning, in the name of a friend. But I didn’t expect that if oneself is really a qualified friend, what he should do now.

An inexplicable emotion began to grow in Tony’s heart, like regret, but more shame. This made him step forward immediately, pressed Natasha’s shoulder hard, and asked her harshly.

“Do you know what you are talking about?”

“Of course I know that I am exposing the ugly nature of a man.”

Although Tony’s actions were considered threats, but Natasha still slapped him face doesn’t change. For her, it would be too sad for a man if he didn’t even have the courage to admit the thoughts in oneself. So, not only did she not fear Tony’s threat, she continued to tease his mind. Even made no secret of the pity and sympathy on oneself’s face.

Of course Tony couldn’t bear this silent mockery, but just when he wanted to continue to vent the evil fire in oneself’s heart. Captain stood up and interrupted him with cold words.

“Enough, Stark. Now is not the time to mess with you. You calm me down!”

Captain’s words are somewhat deterrent. even more how Tony actually didn’t have much confidence in his heart, so after Captain made a sound to stop him, he also took advantage of the trend and stopped his own action.

But what he did has left an impression on all his companions. The Avengers are not as united as outsiders imagine, they are actually divided. No one can do anything about this. Captain too!

He can see the mistrust among the Avengers. But he has no way to change this status quo. So he can only try his best to do what oneself can do, such as keeping the Avengers’ actions from going out of track.

They are Guardian, the protectors of the world. But it must also be sensible. Now it seems that most of them lack this. If it’s okay for ordinary things, their power allows them to ensure that they solve the troubles that oneself faces even if they are not so rational.

However, irrationality can be fatal when it comes to Zhou Yi and Huiyao’s forces. So, after in the heart, Captain has made up his mind.

“Natasha, this matter is left to you. After you go back, you will prepare a little bit and set off for a trip to Huiyao City. You don’t need to do anything specially, just give full play to your expertise, Just find some useful information. Remember, the first priority of this mission is that you can get out of your body without angering that guy. Understand?”

“Of course, I’m not that stupid “

Hearing Captain’s order, Natasha’s eyes flashed a complicated expression, and then he calmly accepted.

The fear of Zhou Yi made them step out of this step. And just when the Avengers were thinking about how far the power of Huiyao City had been. Zhou Yi and Magneto have come to the Sea Territory far away from the world.

For humans, this place is definitely a desolate place that can’t even stand to stand. But for Mutant, this is an excellent shelter, a place where they can rest.

Magneto’s city is in this place. Using own magnetic control, Magneto gathered countless metals from the depths of the sea to create this magical city on the sea. And this city has naturally become a place for Mutant that is not recognized by the world.

From the time Magneto established this city, tens of thousands of Mutants have often been stationed in this city. And these Mutants will soon become a part of Huiyao City and a member under the asylum of Zhou Yi. And this is the content of Zhou Yi’s transaction with Magneto.

If it weren’t for the existence of these Mutants who are about to become oneself subjects, Zhou Yi would never forgive Magneto, who just caused trouble for his city. What he has done has touched the interests of Huiyao City, and touched his interests. If it weren’t for these Mutants, Zhou Yi would just tidy him up and hand him over to the Avengers.

It’s just that he temporarily let go of him when Mutant needed his comfort. Just warned him.

“Erik, I assume that today’s thing has never happened. But if you provoke enemies for Huiyao City casually, don’t blame me for being rude to you. Things you can do , Jean can do it too. Even compared to you, she is a more suitable and stronger leader. Do you understand?”

Erik’s warning from Zhou Yi made Erik sweat. He knew that Own Xiaoming had dangerously walked back and forth before hell. He knew that his own behavior was a bit reckless. In order to let others know about the relationship between Mutant and Zhou Yi, he was too outrageous and too risky. Fortunately, the situation is not beyond control, and it is still within the scope of control.

So facing Zhou Yi’s confession, he immediately promised again and again. In response, Zhou Yi just waved his hand impatiently.

“Okay, you can start. Don’t waste time. This kind of thing should be done as soon as possible!”

Nodded, Magneto immediately stretched out his own to the city at oneself’s feet hand. And with his actions, the entire steel city immediately began to operate.

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