Sun God Marvel

Chapter 546

Hearing Zhou Yi’s words like this, Thor was naturally impossible to keep his own mission in his heart. So he followed the tide and said directly to Zhou Yi.

“My father asked me to tell you that the catastrophe that was once revealed in fate has kicked off. Although we Asgard are ready to fight, we need more at this time Your help. Yes, my friend, Asgard needs you, very much!”

Two needs in a row, it is obvious that the current Asgard gods have How eager. Before Ragnarök’s coercion, they had no patience. And summon Zhou Yi’s return to Asgard was the 1st Step where they exhausted their patience and sounded the horn of counterattack.

As for the feelings of the gods of Asgard, Zhou Yi can understand. In the face of destruction and doomsday, no who can remain indifferent. In this regard, there is no difference between a mortal and God. Helping these Gods to fight back against their established destiny was something Zhou Yi had promised. At this point, Zhou Yi didn’t have any idea of ​​refusing to repent, so he immediately asked Thor.

“When are we leaving?”

“The sooner the better. Seriously, I didn’t know about Ragnarök. But now that it’s a reality Yes, I can only ask you to help us overcome this difficulty. Just like my father said, Buddy. No matter what the final result is, you are our Asgard eternal friend and my eternal friend. But there is I’ll give you orders!”

Looking at Thor with a solemn expression on his face, Zhou Yi just patted his shoulder and said with a smile to him.

“You don’t need to look like this, Buddy. You look like this is uncomfortable for you or for me. Give me half a day, I will explain what’s in my hands, and then I will talk to You go back to Asgard together. Now that I have promised you, I will definitely do what I promised. So, you don’t need to pay more!”

Thor said nothing , But Zhou Yi could see what he was thinking in his eyes. This is a determined person. The firmness of will often means that once he has made up his mind, it is almost impossible to change it. At this point, even if Zhou Yi said more, he would not have any effect, so he could only shake his hand at Thor and left straight away.

Time is a little tight, and he has a lot of things to arrange. Therefore, many things need to be paid close attention to.

In immediately, Zhou Yi found Ada, who was still busy in the company. For him, Ada is not only his lover, but also the left and right hands in his life and work. Because of her powerful ability and skill, some people are now saying that the corona can be without the creator of Zhou Yi, but it cannot be without the topic of the maintainer of Ada.

Zhou Yi does not deny this somewhat provocative topic. Because the corona is far less important to him than he imagined, it is even more indifferent to give it to Ada’s control. As long as Ada wants to, he can do this anytime. Therefore, those who spread the rumors are destined to be disappointed, and this little trick is destined to be useless.

I found Ada and told her that oneself was going to Asgard. Zhou Yi was immediately interrogated like Ada.

“What are you going to do in Asgard? Are you fighting some terrible God? If that’s the case, I don’t agree!”

“How is this possible!” shook the head, Zhou Yi explained with a wry smile to Ada with a gloomy expression. “The gods of Asgard are bound by fate, and they can’t resist their own fate alone. But I am different. I am a person outside Asgard and the most powerful person they know. That’s why they I asked for it, and even paid a huge price for it.”

“Think about the help we received from them in Shirley’s case. Under that premise, we give them back , Isn’t it normal to give them the same arms?”

“Don’t change the subject, you know what I mean!” I grabbed Zhou Yi’s ear very smoothly, Ida The whole person has changed into Mu Yecha’s appearance. “I’m asking if there is danger, do you understand? Is there any danger!”

“How could there be danger!” Ada’s emotions could not be suppressed at all, and Zhou Yi naturally did not. Any ideas at this time tease her. So he immediately hugged Ada, stopped her violent behavior, and at the same time comforted her. “As you know, the gods of Asgard are just a group of ordinary Gods. And I am the uppermost existence of God. Their fate is completely different to me. For them, it may be destruction. But for me it will only be a breeze. Believe me, Ada. I know this kind of thing very well and there is no danger.”

“This is what you said, don’t Forget it!”

Since Zhou Yi has said so, Ada is naturally impossible to continue to mess around. She agreed to Zhou Yi’s journey to Asgard. On the one hand, she had enough confidence in Zhou Yi’s power. Except for powerhouses of Universe level like Thanos, there was an impossible opponent. On the other hand, she also believes that it is necessary to build a friendly relationship with Asgard.

There is a completely different world as a retreat, and many things can be done. Now that I met such a good opportunity, Ida naturally wouldn’t let it be lost from oneself.

The two people reached a consensus on this issue, and after getting Ada, Zhou Yi immediately ran to the owner’s house. The lover’s too much trouble at this time is also reflected. In addition to Ada, he has to explain to Serana at home, Jean who is busy collecting Hellfire, and Lilith who rectifies the dark forces.

Fortunately, they didn’t think that this Asgard trip would pose any threat to Zhou Yi, so they didn’t mean to stop Zhou Yi. This naturally saves Zhou Yi a lot of trouble.

But their trouble is solved, but also other troubles need to be solved. For example, his two troublesome daughters, and his mother and younger sister, these are the key to his headaches.

However, with Serana’s cover, these things were finally resolved. After arranging everything at home, Zhou Yi had to get busy for the own power.

For him, there are two unstable factors in his power. So before leaving, he must control these unstable factors. Among them, the first to bear the brunt is Magneto.

When Zhou Yi found Magneto, he was still busy with the reconstruction of the steel city. For this city to become a city that can accommodate both humans and Mutant, it is naturally impossible to maintain its original appearance. Remodeling is necessary. If it is to be remodeled, Magneto, which controls the metal, is a necessary existence. Therefore, he can only be here at this time.

As soon as he came to Magneto, Zhou Yi went straight in and said to him.

“I want to leave Earth temporarily and go to Asgard where the Nordic gods are. It may take a while before I come back. During this time, I need you to maintain the current stability. Do you understand the status of the ambition?”

For his own relatives, Zhou Yi can only persuade them softly, but for the subordinates of the wild ambition of Magneto, Zhou Yi can only use this kind of tough Tones to command and suppress. This is the majesty and dominance necessary for being a superior, and only in this way can a guy like Magneto obey.

Faced with Zhou Yi’s almost tough command, Magneto did not look angry. He just expressed plainly nodded, and asked at the same time.

“Of course it’s okay, sir. It’s just that I want to know how long it will take you to go. If it’s too long, it’s likely that people in the federal government will be aware of something. At that time, They are likely to take advantage of your absence to do some terrifying things to this city. What if?”

“You don’t need to worry about that kind of thing, I have already arranged it! If someone doesn’t have eyesight , Jean and the others will give them an unforgettable bitter lesson. Remember, even if I am not in this city, this city is still as stable as gold. No one can destroy the peace here, from the inside or from the outside. You understand. , Erik!”

Faced with this, Magneto immediately bowed his head respectfully and replied.

“I understand, sir. I will remember these words.”

Magneto’s guarantee cannot convince Zhou Yi. So after he deterred Magneto with military force, he immediately spoke to him logically.

“What you want is a bright future for Mutant, and I can promise to give you such a future. But I don’t want to see you do anything stupid, remember what you said today. I want me When I came back, the steel Iron Guard star city looked like humans and Mutant worked together in harmony.”

“Of course, sir. I will show you something like that.”

From Zhou Yi’s words, Magneto can fully realize that he values ​​own. He knew that because of his previous actions to provoke the Avengers, oneself had already caused Zhou Yi’s dissatisfaction. So at this time, he didn’t dare to make any extra moves. He is already on Zhou Yi’s boat. He doesn’t want to be thrown into the sea, he has only one choice. As a smart person, he naturally knows what to choose.

Magneto’s statement made Zhou Yi nodded, and he immediately hurried towards the interior of the city. There is also an unstable factor.

Standing outside the window of the Chief’s Office of the Huiyao City Police Station, looking at Jill who was busy inside. Zhou Yi doesn’t know what kind of identity oneself should use to face her. Is it the master of Huiyao City? Or as a former friend and comrade-in-arms? Or is it a man?

After thinking for a long time, Zhou Yi never stepped out of this step. He knew that oneself was not determined to dominate Jill’s choice. Therefore, he can only choose to leave. Although this might reveal a huge weak spot in the Huiyao City that he worked so hard to manage, he still chose to do so.

He respects Jill’s choice, and what will Jill choose? For him, it was already something he couldn’t intervene. He can only accept, apart from this, there is no other way.

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