Sun God Marvel

Chapter 547

Stepping into the land of the Golden Palace again, Zhou Yi feels a completely different atmosphere from the last time. Majestic and solemn, a completely black cloud overwhelming the city’s tense atmosphere enveloped here, so that the laughter and singing of the past have disappeared from this ancient God palace.

Whether it is the guards who come and go, or the maids whose expressions are in a hurry, they all have a look that no strangers should enter. It feels like a terrifying disaster is about to come.

In fact, this is indeed a terrifying disaster. Ragnarök is not only a terrifying destruction for the gods of Asgard, but also for ordinary mortals of Asgard. This is the catastrophe of this World, the fate of this World being destroyed and destroyed. No matter God or mortal, they will only be treated equally in front of this. Therefore, it is understandable that these attendants of the Golden Palace will have such a performance.

Thor’s footsteps are very fast, and under his leadership, Zhou Yi quickly entered the main hall of the Golden Palace.

In the great hall at this time, most of the gods of Asgard have gathered here and are standing by Odin’s side. All of them are neatly armored and their faces are serious, which makes Zhou Yi feel like stepping into the temple of enjoying the ancient Ayesha the moment Zhou Yi stepped into it.

Because at the moment they are almost like the mud puppets in the temple, and their faces are only God’s majesty and aloof and remote, as if everything is under their control .

However, when they saw Zhou Yi walking in with Thor, the group of Gods could no longer maintain the awe-inspiring expression on oneself’s face.

“Welcome to you, my friend. We have been waiting for you for a long time!”

As the host, Odin is the first person to respond to Zhou Yi’s arrival . Hearing what he said and seeing the anxiety in his eyes, Zhou Yi couldn’t help being frowned and solemnly asked.

“Odin Your Majesty, has it deteriorated to this level only after such a short time?”

“The speed of the destiny trajectory is changing faster than we thought There are many, they are coming. Uktrahir has already wailed, and the horn of war has also been heard in the land of fire. The song of the dead begins to sing, and the silhouette of the wolf and the giant snake also appeared in As Above the Guardian. Everything is coming, the war we foresee, the destruction we foresee.”

“Really?” Hearing Odin’s words like this, Zhou Yi immediately looked solemn , Asked. “So, Odin Your Majesty. Do you have any place where I can help?”

“Yes, my friend. We need to use your formidable strength in many places. But before that, I I also need to take you to meet some important people. I hope you don’t mind!”

Speaking of which, Odin stood up, gestured to Zhou Yi, and then went straight to the one behind oneself Go to the tunnel. Zhou Yi naturally followed along, and as they went deeper, he soon came to a strange room.

This is an empty temple piled on huge rocks. Except for a place in the center that looks like an altar, there is nothing here. After arriving here, Odin immediately explained to Zhou Yi.

“My friend, this is Asgard’s greatest secret, and it is also a place that only Asgard’s king can know and lead to. Although I am now bringing you here because of compelled by circumstances Here, but I hope you can keep this secret and don’t tell anyone what happened here.”

“Of course, I will be tight-lipped, Your Majesty.”

Little things, Zhou Yi will naturally not refuse. After getting Zhou Yi’s reply, Odin immediately inserted Gangnir, who was holding in his hand, into the middle of the altar, and then chanted Zhou Yi in a loud voice without knowing its content. Words.

And with his chanting in this weird language, strange and familiar runes appeared on the altar, and like bricks, a door was piled up little by little shape.

For this situation, Zhou Yi was a little surprised, but he quickly recognized it as a matter of as it should be by rights. Not because of anything else, but because all these weird sights are from the hands of Odin.

Odin, the Divine King in Norse mythology, the father of the gods of Asgard. It is a God with a very broad power. In mythology, he is not only the Guardian of kingship, but also a symbol of wisdom, but also represents victory and glory. However, few people know that the father of the gods is still the Owner of magic in Norse mythology.

Once at the cost of owning an eye, he obtained knowledge from the fountain of wisdom. By hanging oneself upside down on the World Tree Uktra Hill, clear comprehension came out of Runi Text. That is the origin of Asgard’s magic. It is precisely because of this that he became the god of magic, the user and owner of the most powerful magic power in Asgard.

It is precisely for this reason that he used this almost magical method to construct a new door. Zhou Yi was not surprised at all.

Soon, this door constructed by rune completely completed its shaping work. As soon as it took shape, a portal to another world appeared in front of Zhou Yi. Obviously, this is the true purpose of Odin bringing him here.

“Come with me, my friend. We should also visit Destiny, and see what it says about our future!”

It’s done. Everything, Odin immediately walked into this portal. And following his footsteps, Zhou Yi also walked in.

As soon as he entered this magic gate, the scene in front of Zhou Yi immediately changed into Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

An incomparable gigantic golden Holy Tree appeared in front of him. The tall branches covered the sky and covered the sun, almost covering the entire sky and the world.

Golden’s radiance falls from the gap between the sky and the leaves, shining on this vibrant land, and people suddenly feel like being in a dream.

At this time, Odin, who was walking in front of Zhou Yi, stopped his own figure, and pointed to the fine jade that was pure and white, but the leaves were the purest golden giant trees. Said.

“This is the true face of World Tree Uktra Hill, and where we are now is the top of World Tree, where the Destiny Three Goddess is.”

” According to you, is the purpose of our trip here to visit these three Goddess?”

Looking at the World Tree in front of you, and the little one resting quietly by the lake. Caolu. Zhou Yi immediately thought of the true identities of the three Goddess they were going to visit. And seeing Zhou Yi’s eyes clearly, Odin stroked oneself’s gray beard and replied to him.

“It’s like this, my friend. Destiny has changed, but what will happen is that Goddess, standing on the side of destiny, can’t be understood by us. . And only through them can we know how to fight back against our destiny. Where to start and where to end!”

For Odin’s statement, Zhou Yi directly nodded. This is the first time Zhou Yi has violated fate. Therefore, it is best to listen to the opinions of the parties. He is just an Outsider hired to help, and he doesn’t need to express too many own opinions on this. At this point, Odin clearly thinks so.

No longer explaining anything, or thinking that oneself has made a sufficient explanation. Odin took a step forward and walked towards the cottage by the lake.

This grass cottage nestled by the lake was built close to the World Tree, so if you turn around the grass cottage, you can find the target they are looking for.

Three women weaving yarn. Or, Goddess!

From the image point of view, these three Goddess seem to have nothing common with each other. The one on the far left is wearing a black dress. Although her face is still beautiful, the faint wrinkles on the corners of her eyes have already explained the fact that she is no longer young.

She was the first Goddess to notice a visitor, and when she saw Odin and Zhou Yi appear in front of oneself, walking towards them step by step. While showing an amiable smile, she took care of the yarn on her hand and said to Odin at the same time.

“Odin Your Majesty, have you come to observe the path of fate again?”

“Odin, this is my duty. The fate that Asgard will face is How is it, you should be very clear. I am their king, and I have an obligation to protect them and guard the future of this kingdom. So, please help me and tell me the direction of the future. Help me reverse this The fate of terrifying.”

“You are already doing it, Your Majesty!”

It is Goddess in the middle who speaks. His appearance was eight or nine points close to that of a black clothed Uuld, but he was younger and more gorgeous. Golden’s long hair draped over her shoulders like waves, coupled with the confident radiance in her azure jewel-like eyes, gave her a scorching self-confidence and sanctity.

She lightly flirted with oneself’s white dress, boldly and directly shifted her eyes to Zhou Yi, and then said in a confident tone.

“This person is the existence that changes the fate of Asgard, Your Majesty. Now that you have found him, you are still hesitating and hesitating!”

“I know How important my friend is to our destiny, Beludandi. But I need more confidence, not just me, but everyone in Asgard. We hope to hear from you The good news, how to reverse the good news of destiny, and only the web of destiny in your hands can tell us the way to reverse the destiny.”

Odin is still talking, but at this time, some people are already impatient Interrupted him.

“Your Majesty, you are too greedy. Now that your destiny has been changed by you, it is unrealistic to want to know the direction of your destiny. You want to work every step of the way to take the lead. But yet again How can one be sure that oneself is not repeating the destiny that is doomed!”

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