Sun God Marvel

Chapter 565

“No matter high or low, old or young. Invisible, intangible, and everyone wants to have it?”

Knocked his head hard, Zhou Yi’s answer to this question is extremely distressed. He has never been good at guessing this thing, so at this time he has no other way except to use oneself brain to find the answer.

“Let me think about it, is it liquid funds?”

“It is really a rancid answer. Unfortunately, this answer is not the correct answer. You also two A chance, a mortal.”

“Have you said anything like this before?”

Zhou Yi gritted his teeth with a smirk on his face when he heard Kuntgang Er When De spoke like this, he immediately reacted.

As for his slightly threatening words, the one-eyed Flame Giant just shook the head, showing a confident look.

“There is no use to threaten me. Instead of threatening me, you might as well think of a reliable answer. Mortal, your chances are running out!”

” That’s enough! Okay, I’ll think again, think again! Everyone wants to have it, invisible and intangible? I know, the answer is power.”

Knocked his head again, Zhou Yi desperately held up such an answer. And this answer can only make One-Eyed Giant shook the head indifferently.

“Unfortunately, not everyone wants power. Just like some people, they have powerful power, but they hate it very much, and even hope that oneself can throw it away They exchanged a peaceful life. So, the answer is still incorrect.”

“Not correct?” After gritting his teeth hard, Zhou Yi made a creak creak rubbing sound involuntarily. This means that he has endured almost patiently.

“Yes, it’s not correct. You also have the last chance. Take this opportunity, if you fail again, I will remain silent with you.”

One-eyed The giant just said such a sentence, and immediately let Zhou Yi shut his mouth. Since there is also a chance, then try again. If it doesn’t work…

Thinking of this, Zhou Yi involuntarily put his sight on the mountain behind him. If it doesn’t work, then it will take a long time to smash the entire mountain, anyway, at that time, no matter where the mountain peak is hidden, it will be revealed. As for Martial Goddess sleeping on the mountain peak, he was confident enough to rescue her before she was injured.

Of course, it is best to not make such a big movement. And this last guessing was his only chance.

“What everyone is eager for, what is everyone eager for?”

Mumbling such words, Zhou Yi suddenly felt something like a blessing to his soul. In this case, he immediately grasped the little tail of this thought and figured out what it meant before it disappeared. Then it replied to One-Eyed Giant who was still waiting for the answer.

“I know what the answer is, and the answer is the future. No matter whether it is poor or young, as long as any life is still alive, it will definitely have a longing for tomorrow. Although it is invisible and intangible, But it is something that really exists, and it is also the most desired thing. How about, Kunt Gander, is this answer right?” Zhou Yi’s answer silenced the one-eyed giant It took a long time, but in the end he still said.

“Sorry, I can’t admit that this answer is correct.”

“Give me a reason, or I don’t mind breaking you up again.”

As soon as he heard this answer, Zhou Yi immediately felt angry. So he immediately opened his mouth and threatened. One-Eyed Giant means that without giving a reasonable explanation, he will be cut off.

“It is true that the future sounds like a very satisfactory answer. However, some beings have no desire for the future when they are completely desperate and numb to the present. They are just pure walking corpse, I have lost the goodness in my heart. Then for the future, they will naturally not be what you think.”

The giant explained this, but his answer made Zhou Yi angrily With a wave of his hand, he immediately refuted.

“Farctories, what is called numbness to care about the future. As long as you are still alive, you must yearn for a better tomorrow. Despair will also have the birth of hope, and painful numbness will also have hope of liberation. And All of this is pinned on the future. On this basis, your argument can’t stand at all. So, Kunt Gander, you lost this guess!”

The one-eyed giant stood up abruptly, and for the first time something other than seeking knowledge appeared in his eyes. That is an expression of anger, an expression that is arrogant to the extreme and then pierced suddenly. He just looked at Zhou Yi like this, and the flames of the almost flaming breakthrough sky lingered on him, making his appearance almost changed in an instant. From a scholar who was seeking knowledge, he became a arrogant demon.

“No, no. The answer is wrong. I am the incarnation of wisdom, the God embodied in the riddle. What I say is the truth, and the answer to this riddle is wrong. I I don’t agree with this answer!”

Listening to this unreasonable language, Zhou Yi flew directly and kicked him on the chest, kicking him to the ground. Then Zhou Yi stepped on his chest and said with a smile at him.

“Riddles can also become gods? Really ridiculous. Then tell me, God of riddles, what is your answer? Let me taste what is the difference between your answer and mine. “

“My answer, yes, my answer.” Kunt Gander, who was knocked to the ground, muttered to himself, and then immediately said the answer he had. “My answer is the rules. Regardless of high or low, young and old, want and desire to establish own rules. Noble people want to specify the rules that let him do as one pleases. Lowly people want to specify what makes oneself noble and rich Rules. The rules for the elderly to let oneself back to the young, and the rules for the children to make the dream of oneself come true. Invisible and intangible. What anyone wants is the rules! Break the original truth of the world and establish what belongs to own. This is not Is it everyone’s dream? Isn’t this the answer to this question?”

The almost roaring voice of Kunt Gander made the sneer on Zhou Yi’s face deeper. He stomped hard on the giant’s chest, causing his rock-like body to begin to be crushed and destroyed. At the same time, the weapons in his words are not inferior to the actions on his feet.

“It’s a pity, the god of riddles. I really don’t think what you said makes sense. In fact, I still think what you said is very ridiculous, it is ridiculous to the extreme!”

“It’s ridiculous, what qualifications do you have to say that my answer is ridiculous. Answer me, mortal. How is this answer ridiculous. This is the best answer I can think of, and the most true answer. Is it worth you? Can’t you understand?”

Hearing the sneer, the one-eyed giant immediately opened his throat and yelled. For him, physical pain is a small matter, but disagreement and trampling on the answer to his riddle is a serious matter. He must ask clearly, ask clearly. No matter what means is used.

“Why, you actually believe that your answer is seamless. Don’t be funny! In this world, not everyone wants to establish rules. Don’t forget, in this world also fools and vegetatives Exist. They will never agree with your shit point of view. Rules, for a person who changes the oneself rule all the time and the idea that there will never be a rule in his mind, it is as you say Does it matter?”

One-Eyed Giant fell into an awkward silence. But after the silence, he roared like thunder again.

“Sophistry, sophistry. This is sophistry, and I will not agree with this reason. Mortal, you have failed, and I declare you failed. You are impossible to reach the top of the mountain, absolutely impossible!”

“Don’t say so sure, the god of riddles. Let’s guess another riddle. Let me see if you have the ability to be the god of this so-called riddle!”

This topic has already touched on Kunt Gander’s power and personality as a god. If he rejects Zhou Yi, then it is equivalent to believing that oneself has a riddle that cannot be guessed. And he who uses riddles as the source of divine force has only one end, and that is to fall from the position of God.

And this is definitely something that no god is willing to do. Compared with the broken Divine Spark, many gods would rather choose Death. And Kunt Gander is such a guy. Therefore, under Zhou Yi’s aggressive method, he could only grit his teeth and replied.

“Come on, tell your riddles. I will tell you my greatness as the god of riddles!”

“Very well. Then put your ears up and listen. What can never change. Come, tell me the answer, the God of Riddles!”

“No change, no change?” He lowered his head, thinking hard in his own mind Up. After a while, he suddenly raised his head. resolutely and decisively replied to Zhou Yi. “I see, the answer is destiny. Destiny does not change!”

“Wrong, have you never heard of fate? It is completely different from your answer, destiny is the most variable in the world Things.”

shook the head, Zhou Yi immediately denied him. And listening to Zhou Yi’s denial, Kunt Gander struck his neck again and vomited an answer.

“Then it is history. History is something that has already happened. This thing will never change.”

“History will be tampered with and will disappear over time. Nothingness. You say that history will not change, this is not tenable, the god of riddles!”

Zhou Yi began to laugh, and his ridicule made it impossible to think of any answers. One-Eyed Giant’s face was sweaty, an expression of pain and torment. Although Zhou Yi did not limit the number of times he guessed, he knew that oneself was already impossible to have any more answers. The answer just now is the best answer he can think of. If even that is not right, he really doesn’t know what also is right.

So, after turning his face several times, it finally lowered its head and asked Zhou Yi weakly.

“Tell me, what is the answer. What is it will never change.”

“The answer is simple.” With a smile, Zhou Yi announced the answer . “In this world, the thing that will never change is the change itself. Because everything is changing, there is nothing that will not change. Then it means that the change itself is unchanged. God of riddles, you are the answer to this Do you have anything to say?”

“I lost!”

Faced with this answer, the giant slumped down his own hand. At the last moment, he finally chose give up.

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