Sun God Marvel

Chapter 566

Kunt Gander’s final abandonment actually meant his surrender. On the road to the mountain where he was stationed, he chose to give in to Zhou Yi. And this surrender is equivalent to surrendering the secret he kept.

“You are victorious, wise mortal. You have defeated me with your wit. In that case!”

The one-eyed giant said so, while holding out his own one The arm slammed into the owner’s chest forcefully.

The chest that had been smashed by Zhou Yi could no longer withstand his arrogant blow, so in just a moment, his chest burst open.

Splashing blood like lava rushed out, and amidst the hot lava and flames, a gem of molten golden Ze was caught in the hand by the one-eyed giant. Then he pulled it straight out of own’s chest.

Obviously, this molten golden gem is very important to the one-eyed giant Kunt Gander. Because when he took out this gem, the flames on his body began to quickly turn to the extinct state. Soon, he seemed to have become a mass of rocks about to cool down, and he looked completely dying.

But this doesn’t seem to be an important thing for One-Eyed Giant. He just smashed the gems in oneself’s hand, let the molten radiance burst out, and then aimed The direction of the top of the mountain rushed past. At this time, Zhou Yi could clearly see that a brand new path appeared on the mountain road following this molten radiance. At the same time, the one-eyed giant opened his mouth and said to him.

“Listen, wise mortal. Just as we agreed before, I have pointed out the way to the sleeping mountain of Martial Goddess. But there is one thing I need to remind you! “

“Once you awaken Martial Goddess, it means that you are provoking the king of my clan. And the anger of my king is not something mortal like you can bear. As a wise mortal , I suggest you think twice. It’s best to think clearly, is it really appropriate to offend the extremely powerful King of Fire Giants for the sake of Martial Goddess?”

“That’s my business, nothing like you It’s a relationship. Now that you have pointed the way out, goodbye. The God of Riddles!”

Throwing a word, Zhou Yi followed the road that just appeared without looking back. Ran to the top of the mountain. Looking at his back that disappeared in an instant, One-Eyed Giant, who had begun to lose oneself in the gradual cooling of petrochemicals, suddenly grinned and started talking to himself.

“What an unexpected mortal. But maybe this is the wisdom of mortals. Now that he chose this path, he must have already figured out how to deal with the consequences of this choice. But, mortal, are you really ready to deal with our King of the Balrog, the most powerful fighter in the nine kingdoms? I really want to know the ending! But it seems that I don’t have any Time is up.”

After saying this, One-Eyed Giant cooled down completely and turned into a huge obsidian statue. The lonely statue just stood on the edge of the mountain road. Soon, the mountain wind surging all around turned into wind and sand flying all over the sky, losing the trace of own forever. But at the moment he completely disappeared, Msbelheim, who was far below the World Tree, had such a reaction.

It was a huge palace composed entirely of flowing lava and solidified obsidian, and this palace was built on top of a volcanic lava. The billowing lava flowed from the obsidian floor, and bursts of dark red flames ignited and then extinguished. While immutable, it also gave this huge and ancient palace a wild and oppressive aura.

The people who can live in such a palace must not be mortals, and the facts are true. Only the most dangerous and powerful Flame Giant clan of the nine kingdoms lives here.

Even in the legend of Asgard, Flame Giant is a fearful existence. Flame Giant and Frost Giant, which also inherited the original giant Ymir, are different. They have Kong Bo’s desire for destruction in their nature. The bodies formed in the flames and ashes give them the capital to carry out such destruction.

Any Flame Giant possesses the fighting power of Frost Giant that far exceeds their clansman, and even Asgard’s most brave fighters, it is difficult for them to compete with these flame-ridden giants. Over the past countless years, Asgard and Msbelheim have never achieved any satisfactory results. And this fact, which is almost equivalent to repeated battles and defeats, has also made Flame Giant forged a great reputation in the nine countries.

Flame Giant is powerful and terrifying. Almost all nine countries have similar legends. And now, in this ancient and majestic obsidian great hall, a group of Flame Giants are kneeling on the ground respectfully, shivering like a group of quail.

“You mean, Kunt Gander just lost his signs of life, right?”

One half of his body was submerged in the lava, and his half was hidden under the palace. The giant in the shadow looked condescendingly at the poor clansman who was smaller than him, knocked on the handrail beside oneself, grinned silently, and said to the poor bug kneeling below.

“Yes, Your Majesty. Just now, the flame representing the god Kent Gurder went out. We have tried repeatedly to contact God Günt Gurder, but have never received a response. So We just judged that he must have been in an accident! Or maybe…”

“You mean, he may be dead, right?” Flame Giant in the shadow just speeded up his finger tap slightly The frequency of the blow made Flame Giant, who was kneeling on the ground, trembling as if he were in a polar region. But they didn’t have any hesitation or slowness, but immediately answered the question of the giant in the shadow.

“My lord, things may really be as you guessed it. God Kunt Gander has really suffered misfortune!”

“hmph!” coldly snorted, The raging flames spurted out from the nostrils of the giant in the shadows, like two Fire Dragons intertwined on the floor of the obsidian great hall. In the blink of an eye, the few Flame Giants who were still shaking like a quail have completely lost their tracks, turned into ashes in the billowing Fire Dragon, and returned to their origins.

And the giant who had just killed the killer against own’s men just seemed to have crushed two insects to death, and there was no sense of regret. Even he simply didn’t take the crime that oneself had just committed seriously, just casually tapping his own finger, and at the same time thinking about oneself’s doubts.

“It’s really interesting, someone who can drive Kent Gander to death. Is it a so-called smart person? Simply a trifling It doesn’t matter if a Kunt Gander is just what I want… …. Will this so-called smart person move what I want? It’s really curious.”

After that, he chuckled. Suddenly disappeared in the lava like the ocean. And when he did this, all the volcanoes in Msbelheim began to move. Volcanoes erupted one after another, and the volcanic ash and lava began to spread throughout the world of flames along with the movement of the volcano.

For any world, this is a near-destructive situation. But here alone, in this kingdom of flames, all this happened means abundance and endless grace.

Countless creatures knelt down on the ground at this time, worshipping the biggest volcano in this World, offering oneself the greatest respect. For them, the King of Flame Giant who maintains the power of the world is their only God.

And how this god treats them, no one has ever thought about this problem.

Zhou Yi, who had already reached the top of the mountain, was suddenly blocked by a fiery flame. From his perspective, Martial Goddess could be seen sleeping on the top of the mountain, but the appearance of this flame just blocked him out.

“The final test?” Zhou Yi muttered to himself as he watched the flame blocking oneself’s eyes. He stretched his hand directly into the flame. And as soon as he did this, the light of justice in his armor suddenly radiated brilliant light.

Those inscriptions engraved by magic words radiate a different kind of radiance in the flames, like the purest gold, spreading in the crimson flames, arrogantly. Out of place, competing against each other.

As the owner, Zhou Yi felt very clearly at this time. The current situation can be said to be a spontaneous reaction of the light of justice. He didn’t use a single bit of oneself’s power at all, and let the light of justice counterattack it. This also means that before the power of this flame, the light of justice has recognized it as an enemy. The power between them is conflicting and hostile, and this has clearly explained the origin of Flame Power.

“Does it come from the power of the flame kingdom?” Thinking of this, Zhou Yi is carefreely smiled, and the whole person rushed directly into the flame.

The light of justice became more and more divine light in the envelope of flames, dazzling. The golden radiance is almost all over every corner of the armor, making it a woven garment of light. And in such a dazzling radiance, Zhou Yi has step by step, walked directly past the flames.

Martial Goddess is right in front of his eyes, and the flames can’t stop him. Moving forward like this, Zhou Yi came to the side of the sleeping Martial Goddess Brunhild.

Looking at this one lying flat on the stone platform, protected by a sword and shield, surrounded by pure white flowers, lying flat on a pure white deerskin, as if sleeping on a Princess Martial Goddess who couldn’t wake up, even Zhou Yi had to let out such an exclamation.

“This is Odin’s daughter, Aurora’s elder sister. Martial Goddess is amazing? Is it really a beautiful woman who can’t breathe?”

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