Sun God Marvel

Chapter 567

Golden’s long hair is spread under Martial Goddess like a carpet of pure gold. The delicacy of the sleeping face is indescribable, and it makes people feel shocked at first glance. Even in her sleep, her sharp, blade-like eyebrows gave people a feeling of heroism. And wrapped in the fully armed silver white armor, one can even feel her awe-inspiring majesty and sacred beauty.

This is a beauty who looks amazing at a glance. Not only because of her beauty, but also because of her temperament. That kind of awe-inspiring demeanor is so eye-catching even in deep sleep, so it is completely conceivable that when she wakes up, she will be a dazzling existence.

There is no doubt that this is an existence that will confuse countless people. As long as she has the temperament and thoughts that match her temperament, it is enough for her to have countless supporters.

Of course, that is not Zhou Yi’s concern. He is concerned about another issue, which is also the most critical issue in this mission.

What should we do to wake up this sleeping Martial Goddess?

With this problem, Zhou Yi circled this Martial Goddess three times, but never found anything that could help oneself.

Flowers and so on just use the magic here to maintain the existence of things, as long as they are held in the hands, they will quickly wither to ashes. And the pure white deerskin is just a simple bedding. Zhou Yi has personally checked this, not at all, and found that there is something mysterious in it.

In addition, the only thing left is the shield and sword placed on the side of the stone platform where Martial Goddess is sleeping. If there is also anything questionable here, it seems that only these are left.

I picked up the shield closest to oneself. Zhou Yi immediately looked at it carefully.

The whole body of this huge round shield presents a dazzling silver white. In the very center of the shield, there is a gold ring. The inexplicable rune characters are engraved on it, giving the ring an unfathomable feeling. And in the center of the ring is a unicorn relief of gold and silver. The golden single horn and sideburns, coupled with the silver white powerful horse carving, make people feel inviolable at first glance.

However, after playing this shield in his hand, Zhou Yi didn’t feel any strangeness. Apart from being a bit heavier and more refined, this shield and most shields almost There is no difference.

It doesn’t seem that the problem seems to be here. Recognizing this, Zhou Yi directly picked up the sword beside the shield.

As soon as he touched the sword, Zhou Yi felt a certain power in oneself began to agitate. And he quickly recognized that this restless power was the power of the dragon he had just acquired. Obviously, this sword has an extremely close relationship with the dragon. And at this point, the curse of the dragon who had always been beside Zhou Yi also wailed to confirm this point.

What is the weapon that can be connected with dragon? With this kind of doubt, Zhou Yi looked at the sword carefully.

This sword is the same as all western heavy swords. The sword is wide, the sword edge is long and narrow, and it has enough weight. However, unlike many heavy swords, the body of this long sword seems to be made of two different materials.

The blade is still a metal structure, but the spine and body of the heavy sword have become an unusually peculiar bone structure. This white bone structure always reflects a dazzling metallic luster on the surface, so that it is easy for people to ignore its original material. And on this bony sword body, two rows of Runi characters are neatly arranged on both sides of the sword spine, seeming to communicate with the bony part in resonance, bringing incredible energy to the entire sword.

Above the sword is a dragon-shaped handguard. The dragon’s body is firmly entrenched in the middle of the handguard, and the slightly varicose wings are distributed on both sides to provide the master with the necessary protection.

The hilt of the metal gray sword is not gorgeous, but it fits very well. Following the lines on the hilt, Zhou Yi also saw two rows of small words. It’s not rune words, but Asgard’s ordinary words. Although there is too much research on Asgard’s text not at all, looking at this kind of something similar to Old Norwegian and Viking text, Zhou Yi can still roughly guess what it means.

“The sword of Brunhild, the soul and power of the dragon dwell on this sword.”

When Zhou Yi read these two lines of text, the ear The sorrow of the dragon curse became more apparent. Obviously, as it is engraved on this sword, this is a weapon that has been killed by a giant dragon and recast with the dragon’s skeleton. The power of the dragon lives on it, so naturally, it also makes the dragon feel fear and hatred.

Just looking at this sword, Zhou Yi understands why this Martial Goddess is called the head of Martial Goddess, Asgard’s most powerful female warrior. If she really kills the giant dragon with this sword, then she really deserves such a reputation.

However, their prestige cannot change their current embarrassing situation. Zhou Yi still did not find a way to wake up this sleeping Martial Goddess.

This situation caused Zhou Yi to scratch his head again, and when he put his gaze on Martial Goddess on the stone platform, he couldn’t help but slapped his mouth and muttered.

“Damn Odin, are you going to let me act out the plot in a fairy tale?”

Everyone knows the story of the sleeping beauty, but if a real sleeping beauty is there In front of you, how strange would you think of waking her up with a kiss.

According to Zhou Yi own, he is absolutely unwilling to use this strange method to awaken Martial Goddess. But no matter how weird the method is, it is better than a method that can’t be produced at a critical time.

After thinking and thinking, after hesitating, Zhou Yi chose to take off his own helmet and walked towards the sleeping Martial Goddess.

When he walked to Martial Goddess, his observation of Martial Goddess naturally became more detailed. And what I have to admit is that, no matter from which angle, this sleeping Martial Goddess is almost perfect. The three-dimensional facial features like a sculpture can make people feel her charm as a female when viewed at close range.

Can’t help but look at Martial Goddess back and forth, Zhou Yi put his eyes on her somewhat pale lips. And after three seconds of stunned, Zhou Yi took a deep breath directly, and then bowed his head deeply.

The cold touch at first made Zhou Yi couldn’t help being frowned, and the warm and luscious feeling that followed made him feel a little lost.

It worked very hard to stabilize the mind of owner, but Zhou Yi did not find any changes in Martial Goddess. She is still asleep, like a doll that has lost her life. This situation made Zhou Yi bitterly laughed in his heart.

And just when he was about to give up, something strange happened.

The flowers that were originally full of Martial Goddess suddenly bloomed, and countless petals fluttered all over the sky without wind. At the same time, the touch under the lips and teeth became warmer. A violent heartbeat sounded from the chest of the sleeping Martial Goddess, and with this heartbeat, Martial Goddess’s cold and white skin quickly became white and ruddy.

Her chest began to rise and fall, and her lips began to glow with blood. A burst of fragrant breathing came from Martial Goddess’ throat and nose and sprayed on Zhou Yi’s face, which actually made him feel an electric shock.

Such a change has clearly explained one thing, that is, Martial Goddess Brunhild has begun to wake up. Realizing this, Zhou Yi just planned to get up, but he noticed that Martial Goddess’ eyelids moved under him, and then suddenly opened his eyes.

Golden Ze’s pupils stared at Zhou Yi coldly, with doubts and disbelief in his eyes. Looking at her eyes, Zhou Yi quickly stood up and said with a bitter smile to her.

“Wait, I can explain. I just want to wake you up!”

“Wake up?” This word obviously made Martial Goddess who had just awakened realize something, She looked around all around, and then asked Zhou Yi in an uncertain tone.

“Then it is you? The hero of the mortal, you are the hero of the mortal, who has passed the trial of wisdom and passed the trial of wisdom, and came here after the test to save me from the curse of the father of the gods Odin Came out?”

“Strictly speaking is like this, yes!” Nodded, Zhou Yi directly admitted everything oneself did. Hearing his words, Martial Goddess immediately smiled gratefully at Zhou Yi.

“Thank you, mortal hero. Thank you for your courage to defy Odin, and thank you for everything you have done for me. I don’t know what I can repay you, but as long as you speak out, I am willing to go through water and tread on fire for you.”

On the opposite of own life saving benefactor, Martial Goddess directly showed the greatest sincerity of own. After hearing her words, Zhou Yi took a deep breath and replied.

“Don’t be so polite, Your Excellency Martial Goddess. I am also entrusted by Odin. Helping you wake up is what I should do, and you don’t need to pay more!”

“You said, you are entrusted by Odin?” After keenly aware of some words, Brunhild immediately held the weapon beside oneself. “According to you, you are my Royal Father’s lackey. It’s really interesting. After the imprisonment cursed me, he actually sent someone to rescue me. Should I resent his ruthlessness? Or should I thank him for his kindness? What?”

“Your Excellency Martial Goddess, please forgive me to speak bluntly. Your father has realized the mistake of own, and he invited me to make up for the mistakes made by oneself. So, I think as a child It’s better for you to forgive your father!”

As a father, Zhou Yi naturally wanted to talk about Odin. But hearing his words, Martial Goddess immediately sneered and pulled out the long sword.

“Forgive him? Of course you can, but you have tarnished my purity as Martial Goddess! Since you want me to forgive my father, then use your kindness in exchange for this forgiveness. And now, It’s time to settle your offense and blasphemy against me. Raise your weapon and let me see what kind of existence my father agrees with is a warrior!”

The situation suddenly changed. It immediately developed to a point that Zhou Yi did not expect at all.

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