Sun God Marvel

Chapter 609

The harsh thunder made the entire palace tremble crazily. And accompanied by the howling gusts, suppressed air currents and moist air, it makes people feel like they are under the storm.

This is the power of the furious Thor. Using God’s power to control the thunderbolt lightning, and even directly cause a huge storm, is not impossible for him. In this case, any target in it will be hit by the most terrifying thunderbolt.

But Zhou Yi was very relaxed. He closed his eyes to face Thor, and didn’t even make any defensive movements. There is no need to fear, or even fear. He just stood there to see what choice the furious Thor would make.

At the next moment, the storm thunderbolt all swept together. In the most harsh and roaring sound, he rushed over in an instant.

Zhou Yi suddenly felt the sound of the wind whistling on the edge of his own ear, and the hong long long thunder that could almost pierce the eardrum rushed to his side in an instant. Then he stopped for a moment, and ran away at a far more violent and faster speed.

At this time, Zhou Yi eyes opened again, but he can only see the back of the man in the interweaving thunderbolt and lightning in the sky. He screamed wildly in the clouds and lightning, like a lunatic. And in the blink of an eye, he completely disappeared from the horizon.

“Guardless bandit!” Watching Thor’s performance until he disappeared. Zhou Yi opened his mouth lightly and spit out such an evaluation from his mouth. But just after he said these words, Brunhild came out from behind a pillar.

While watching the fading dark clouds in the sky, she walked up to Zhou Yi and said to him.

“Actually, he shouldn’t be blamed. You must know that what happened here is really too big a blow for him.”

“That’s why I said he was nothing Courageous. Don’t even dare to face reality. He rushed up like a mad dog and blamed everything on me. If it weren’t for the friendship between us, I wouldn’t let it He walked so comfortably.”

Zhou Yi grinned, showing his disdain for Thor’s inability to face reality, and at the same time he didn’t even have the courage to act on oneself. And seeing Zhou Yi’s expression, Brunhild was sighed and walked to Zhou Yi’s side.

“Frigga’s death hit him a lot. Although he was not Frigga’s biological child, he was also raised by her. For him, Frigga was actually him. Mother. And when he watched his own mother being killed in front of oneself, he was really impossible, as if he was okay, maintaining his own rationality and sense of measure.”

“I know, so I gave He has a chance. A good chance!”

“I thought you said you gave him a chance to vent!”

didn’t know whether to cry or How could laughter Brunhild not understand the meaning of Zhou Yi’s words. He is simply invulnerable, seemingly undefended. Perhaps the flustered Thor can’t see it, but she can see clearly in the dark. In that case, if Thor really swings the hammer in Zhou Yi at Zhou Yi, then the result must be beyond his reach. of.

“But I’m really curious, what would you do if Thor really attacked you?”

“I will not burden you. I will fiercely Beat him up, and then heal it again. Then come back twice. Trust me, under my method, he will soon calm down.”

“I I don’t want to see you do it, it will make it hard for me to do it.” Sighed, Brunhild began to thank Thor for making a smart decision, a decision that would prevent oneself from being taught so badly. After this kind of rejoicing, she quickly got a headache because of the current situation. It was also because Zhou Yi was right by her side, so she didn’t shy away from anything, and directly asked the distress in her heart.

“What do you think about our current situation?”

Under the premise that the Golden Palace was breached, the advantages they had obtained before were instantly wiped out. Big cut. The Death of the Queen of God and the serious injury of Heimdall also brought an inevitable psychological shadow to these Asgardians stationed in the Golden Palace.

Although Golden Palace is still under their control, from a purely strategic point of view, this is by no means a good thing. Because the already riddled Golden Palace will inevitably drag them down, when it is necessary to race against time and fight all enemies as much as possible, they must also allocate a small amount of troops to rearrange the defense of the Golden Palace. This makes the already stretched battle strength even more embarrassing.

Furthermore, withdrawing from the Golden Palace, the hidden enemies have become more threatening. If they are not found out and cleaned up every day, they will tighten day by day like a noose around their necks, which will increasingly bring tremendous psychological pressure to the people in the Golden Palace. In this case, people will inevitably panic. Regardless of how much the uneasy heart will have on the current Asgard, whether it is Zhou Yi or others, each of them knows in their hearts.

“Regarding the current situation, I can only say that our enemies are smart. At least it seems that neither the heroes nor the Martial Goddess can be easily mobilized. No one knows when those guys I will stabbed here again, so only by leaving them in the Golden Palace can those who have been terrified feel at ease.”

“This is indeed a problem.” Standing on the high platform On, glanced at a dilapidated city. Brunhild couldn’t help biting his lips. “But this is not the thing I worry about most. What I worry about most is the dark dwarf who defeated Thor. The guy called the cursed warrior.”

“I asked Thor in detail. According to him, that’s an overwhelming formidable strength. Neither Heimdall nor Loki, nor even Thor, who rushed back, is his opponent. This means that we can defeat him here, and only You are here. But I am very worried about the number of these cursed warriors.”

“I know you are strong, but if those dark gnomes can construct curses like an army As for the warriors, I’m afraid even you can’t confront them head-on. Even more how also Fenrir and Yemengard who have escaped, and Surtel, who has been reluctant to show their true form. Once they unite Get up, I really don’t think you have the ability to fight against them.”

Speaking of this, Brunhild couldn’t help showing worry and worry on his face. Although her bright platinum eyes are not at all facing oneself, Zhou Yi still sees her concerns about oneself’s safety. Not only for Asgard, she is also worried for oneself. This made Zhou Yi feel gratified, but at the same time she couldn’t help but feel a little bit distressed.

shook the head, throw all these complicated emotions away from your heart. Zhou Yi took two steps forward and stood shoulder to shoulder with Brunhild in front of the railing on the side of the corridor.

“Are you too unreasonable. Don’t forget, we have wiped out most of the enemy’s forces. Even if the Golden Palace is broken, we will have a mixed result. That’s it. It doesn’t make you worry to such an extent.”

“No, I don’t want to tell you that.”

I stretched out my hand and held it tightly. At the railing, Brunhild lowered her head deeply, which made her expression invisible to Zhou Yi. Her hand holding the railing was not firm, even trembling slightly. It’s like her inner heart at the moment, conflicting and struggling. It was only a moment later that she opened her mouth and said to Zhou Yi.

“I actually meant…”

Before she could say what was in her mouth, Zhou Yi interrupted her and went straight in .

“What do you want to tell me? No matter how strong the enemy is. I have the confidence to win. I don’t think they are a threat. So, there are some things that can be left without saying You don’t need to say it.”

“No, I have to tell this kind of thing.”

Brownhild’s chest suddenly rises and falls, this It made her emotions seem very agitated. Even if you can’t see this, from her voice, you can feel how complicated she is now. She seems to be making a very difficult decision, and this decision seems to make her very contradictory. That’s why she has such a performance. After this performance, she opened her mouth again and said with difficulty.

“Zhou Yi, if you can. I want you to leave here and take advantage of this.”


For Brunhild Zhou Yi felt extremely incredible. He had this hunch just now, but when Brunhild really said this, he still felt that oneself was a little unacceptable. Obviously, they have been fighting for them for so long, so they kicked oneself away. Is it really suitable? And if you just leave, what about own promises? What counts as own promises?

In this very dissatisfied situation, he couldn’t help but increase his own volume. Brynhild, who heard his words, couldn’t help shaking.

Under the inner conflict, Zhou Yi’s question made her more conflicted. However, she gritted her teeth and insisted on own choice.

“If you want a reason, then I will give you a reason. Listen, Zhou Yi, I want you to leave here. Because we can’t win! I don’t want to look at you as an outsider because we die Here, it’s not worth it. So, it’s time for you to leave.”

“This is your reason?” shook the head, Zhou Yi showed an unsatisfactory attitude on his face. “Then please allow me to refuse, my promise should not be so cheap as this!”

“Don’t you understand? This is for your good. We are now at a complete disadvantage. As long as the enemy drags you down with a few people, the rest of them can wipe out the entire Golden Palace. Ragnarök is an unchangeable fact. In that case, why do you want to blend in and pay for it for nothing? own life.”

For the first time, Zhou Yi saw the sadness and deep plea in Brunhild’s eyes.

“Go back, Zhou Yi. Go back to your wife, back to your child. You have done enough, for us, for Asgard. This is enough Now. So, it’s really time for you to leave!”

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