Sun God Marvel

Chapter 610

Brownhild’s plea was so real that it was impossible to refuse. Anyone can tell that she is completely out of the kindness of the owner.

In this chaos where there is almost no hope, she does not want Zhou Yi to fall into this place, and then be dragged into the abyss by their group of people who are destined to die . Therefore, she very much hopes that Zhou Yi can accept her advice, and leave here as soon as possible while still being able to withdraw. As for the result of Zhou Yi’s departure, she didn’t think too much at all.

This is a somewhat selfish idea, especially in the critical circumstances of Asgard’s survival. However, as her selfish object, Zhou Yi could hardly say anything to accuse her. He can feel Brunhild’s special feelings for own, but it is difficult for him to make a clear response to it. And also unable to respond.

This is a very proud woman. Since getting along with her, Zhou Yi has a clearer understanding of her. So he is very clear that it is unlikely that there will be results between them. This loyal Goddess is firm-willed, and hardly loses to any man with a strong character. And with such a firm will and conviction, she will never violate her own nature because of any one person. Even if this person is the person in her heart is no exception.

So, instead of speaking out and embarrassing both sides, it is better to keep this situation and let them directly also have room for relaxation and closeness. But to be honest, even Zhou Yi oneself does not know if it is right or wrong to do so. But he knew that because of this non-advancing and non-retreating relationship, they had become more difficult.

Just as Brunhild didn’t want Zhou Yi to die in a foreign country because of them, he couldn’t even return to oneself’s wife and children. Zhou Yi couldn’t watch her just go to ruin with Asgard. This mindset has both sides. However, it is ridiculous that neither side can speak.

One is because of self-esteem, while the other is because of ineligibility. This kind of embarrassing situation makes any one of them now in a dilemma, and until the best, it was Zhou Yi that broke this embarrassment.

He stretched out his hand and pressed it on Brunhild’s shoulder. Then his face was full of helpless and firm wry smiles.

“Brynhild, I will not leave.”

“Why?” Suddenly hearing Zhou Yi’s answer, Brunhild was also unacceptable stand up. “Don’t you understand the current situation? We have no chance of winning. Compared with living, do you want to die here for a promise? You are not from Asgard, you don’t have to do this at all. What about your children and your wife if you die? Haven’t you thought about them?”

Brownhild’s emotions began to become agitated. She said a lot in an instant. After listening to what she said, Zhou Yi felt more pity for her in his heart. It was precisely because of these that he became more determined to own the decision.

“Of course I thought about them. It is to repay my daughter’s kindness that I will appear here. Brunhild, I owe Asgard a lot, so I must repay You guys.”

“Then you have done enough, enough to give back to any giving. I still have the same sentence, Zhou Yi, leave. I beg you!”

Opened his mouth again, and Brunhild even made a request. This was a behavior she had never had before, and it was this behavior that made Zhou Yi’s heart tremble even more. He knew how determined Brunhild was to say such a thing, so he couldn’t let her do anything stupid.

“I still can’t leave, Brunhild. Now is definitely not the time for me to leave.”

Speaking of this, he immediately pressed Martial Goddess’ shoulders hard, Seeing her platinum pupils that make people lose their minds just by looking at them, he said to her seriously.

“My mission has not come to an end, and I have a reason not to leave anyway. So I will not leave. Listen, Brunhild. I will not let it go. You stay here, and don’t you think about Aurora? She is still a child. Is it really good for her to welcome Death like this?”

Speaking of Aurora, it’s It immediately hit the weakness of Martial Goddess. As her biological younger sister of common origins, Aurora’s youth and simplicity made her feel a heartache and sorrow when she thought of her fate. If she could, how could she be willing to watch Aurora not enjoy the best years of her life, just ushering in the end of own? But, who made them the children of Asgard? Who made them the daughters of Odin, Princess among the gods?

From the day they were born, they enjoyed things that others could not enjoy in their entire lives. Power, wealth, reputation, even the power of immortality and God. These all are things that are innate, the things that Asgard and the gods bless them. To enjoy these, you must pay a heavy price.

Now, it is time for them to pay the price. Others can leave Asgard at this time, but they absolutely can’t. Even if they fight to the last pawn, even if they are the only ones still standing, they must fight. Not only them, Thor and Tyr are the same, and even Tyr has already taken a step forward.

This is their destiny, the shackles they were born with. They can’t resist, and don’t need to resist. Because they do get it, and they have to pay for it. No one can change this, and no one can defy this rule. Moreover, even with this ability, Martial Goddess did not want to do it.

If she needs to give up her own dignity, her own glory and bottom line, she would rather die in battle. On this issue, she believes that Aurora and own have the same idea. Moreover, even if she can escape, where can she escape?

At this moment, a trace of fantasy appeared in Martial Goddess’ mind. However, she quickly shook her head, extinguishing all fantasies.

“Don’t say any more, neither I nor Aurora will not leave at this time. We will live and die with Asgard. This is the only thing we can do for Asgard. Things.”

Speaking of this, Martial Goddess’ attitude immediately became determined. Even in order not to let the own will waver, she turned around and walked step by step towards the depths of the corridor.

“Don’t you want to listen to my reasons?”

At this time, how could Zhou Yi allow Brunhild to leave here like this. He immediately grabbed Martial Goddess’ hand and forcibly pulled her back.

“From the very beginning, you just told me that we are defeated, and we will not have a chance. But have you ever thought about the previous battles, did you have a chance to win? I Since I can bring you victory at that time, why don’t you think about the present or even the future, I can also lead you to the end?”

“Brownhild, you only see the strength of the enemy .But I didn’t see our strength, especially my strength. Do you think the enemy will win if I drag me? I can tell you that they can’t drag me. None of them was me. Put it in your eyes. Don’t talk about dragging me down, just standing in front of me as an enemy, they can’t do it. If you say it’s irresistible, the side with me is the irresistible side. Even if it’s only I alone, I can also destroy all the enemies you see. This is my confidence to stay here, why, don’t you believe it?”

It is almost inevitable not to believe. Anyone who hears such arrogant words will be unable to believe the authenticity of such words. But I don’t know why, looking at Zhou Yi’s indifferent expression as if saying a good morning, looking at the scorching golden radiance deep in his eyes and the self-confidence that makes people unable to look directly at him. She had an urge to believe him, a feeling of trusting him even if she was desperate.

So, in this case. She is involuntarily nodded.

“I believe in you!”

“Thank you!” When he heard this suddenly, Zhou Yi’s face was taken aback, and then he immediately smiled with joy. To be honest, he thought that oneself would need to spend more time to convince Brunhild. After all, this kind of straightforward declaration, what can I do, I will not easily believe in any rigorous person.

So he is ready to explode oneself history. He even planned to tell her how many planets and worlds oneself had exploded in the depths of the starry sky. Although in this World, planet said is not necessarily convincing, but it is somewhat of a reference.

I just didn’t expect that Brunhild would believe him so easily, and he was completely convinced. This made Zhou Yi both gratified and touched, so that when he held Martial Goddess’s hand for a while, he felt a sense of reluctance to let go.

“Brownhild, I promise I will give you a new dawn. Trust me, I have never broken my promise, especially for women.”

“I It doesn’t matter anymore, Zhou Yi.” Stretching out a take action, he punched Zhou Yi in the chest very hard. After Brunhild vented oneself’s inner sadness in this way, he immediately became free and easy. “It’s just a death. In fact, if you are willing to stay with me, I am very happy. Of course, if you can bring me miracles, it would be the best.”

“Trust me, There will be miracles. In order to be like the morning star, even in the most impossible situation, I will let miracles bloom in front of your eyes.”

Touching the position of oneself’s chest, Zhou Yi stroked his chest , Lowered his head. Like the Asgardians, they made noble courtesy to Martial Goddess. And looking at this special etiquette between Asgard men and women, Brunhild blushed quietly.

She also bent down, put her own forehead against Zhou Yi’s forehead, and then pressed against his ears and whispered to him.

“I am honored. Thank you, my hero!”

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