Sun God Marvel

Chapter 624

A raid in the chaos has always been one of the scariest things on the cold weapon battlefield. Once the already chaotic army is violently attacked, it will suffer unacceptable losses. Then it’s easy to let the chaos in the minds of the soldiers and the thoughts of escape. Once this idea spreads, no matter how wise the leader, no matter how powerful the samurai, can’t reverse the whole defeat.

This is the reason why that many surprise tactics in ancient wars will have hundreds of thousands, even thousands of miracles.

However, at this time, facing the undead army, which is far from counting and showing an oppressive advantage in number. The possibilities in this plan did not show any hope of realization. This made Loki feel disappointed, and she also had to focus on the monster in front of oneself.

Fenrir’s battle strength is unexpectedly high. In this chaotic battlefield, he behaves like a meat grinder, and any monster that stands in front of him is torn to pieces by him. . Whether it’s the scale armor on Demon’s body, the ice shell on Frost Giant’s body, or even the thick rocks on the rare stone giants, none of them can stop his biting. This is a mad dog, yes, but it is a very useful mad dog. This alone made Loki satisfied.

However, no matter how fierce a dog is, it is impossible to fight against an endless army. Loki knew this very well, so his goal was simply not to defeat the enemy, but to delay the pace of these monsters. As long as it can be delayed until the arrival of the reinforcements in her plan, then the war is considered a victory.

And her delaying tactics were naturally clearly seen by Yemengard behind the enemy. Unlike Fenrir and Malkis, who don’t understand anything, Yemengard knows exactly what the enemy’s trump card is and what the purpose of own is.

Although these things in front of me are all abandoned children, they are all bait used to hang out the opponent’s trump card. But if oneself can’t make the other person feel the pain, how much time can these decoys delay? Thinking of the terrifying power that oneself had monitored during the last meeting, Yemengade felt a panic that was out of control.

This makes it impossible to stay behind safely anymore. He must break through these guys in front of him, and at least let some people’s hands be stained with blood enough to attract hatred.

Thinking of this, it quietly curled up its own body and raised its huge head high. This action naturally attracted Loki’s attention, but before she could figure out why Yemengard would make such an action, it had already launched an attack.

Endless black water jets out from its mouth, billowing black smoke and fog-like undead illusory shadow linger in it, making people just look at it and it will rise. Face the feeling of Death. And this terrifying black water is not sprayed toward the battlefield that needs more change, but sprayed toward the lightning that wanders in the sky.

Thor has been playing with the opponent’s cursed warriors again with the mentality of flying a kite and walking a dog. Sometimes the difference between flying and not flying is so obvious. As long as you increase your own concentration, Thor can almost make those cursed warriors who have a tendon can’t touch oneself. However, Yemengade’s attack was so swift and unexpected that Thor didn’t pay attention at all and slammed into the black water it sprayed.

Even Thor, he is powerless in the face of the sudden attack of Death’s power. Although the thunder and lightning on him could protect him from the erosion of this power for a while, it was inevitably held back. And in such a blink of an eye, the cursed warrior chasing him has already followed.

Completely ignoring the black water that symbolizes Death in front of oneself, the two cursed warriors plunged in one end, and then slammed their fists against Thor in the middle.

Heavy power hit Thor’s body, bursting with lightning from the sky above his body. That was the power of Thor to protect the body, but this power didn’t even hold on to a breath, and was directly smashed to pieces with brute force by the cursed fighter. At the same time, Thor’s body was also severely damaged. As for him, he couldn’t even stop in the sky. He immediately turned into a meteor shining with electricity, and fell quickly from the clouds.

Looking at all this happened, Loki instantly felt that his entire brain exploded. She desperately urged Fenrir under oneself to make him rush in Loki’s direction. I’m afraid that at this time, those monsters who don’t have long eyes will hurt him.

And her impulse immediately made the situation unclear. The tip of Fenrir and their lance spear is the strongest and sharpest place, and it is also the most stressed place. Once she left without permission, it was equivalent to exposing all the illusions to the crazy enemy.

Although these chaotic monsters are killing each other, it does not mean that they will let the humans appear in front of oneself. No matter who appears in their field of vision, they will be attacked. In this case, those illusions are naturally impossible as exceptions.

Fortunately, Loki, who is proficient in martial arts, can handle it. But the chaotic undead overwhelmed them with absolute numbers. In front of multiple crazy enemies, they were simply stretched and unable to cope. Without the monsters like Fenrir to attract firepower, they soon suffered casualties. And this is just the beginning.

Seeing those illusions of Loki appear declining, Yemengada even more recklessly rushed into the battlefield, spraying deadly Venom towards their position. Death’s aura instantly filled the entire battlefield. On this battlefield, the undead became vigorous instantly after receiving the bonus of these Death powers. On the contrary, those illusions began to feel pain and weakness.

Many illusions that have been damaged have been directly melted into dots of magic radiance. And more is the loss of power dragged down by this Venom, and then the chaotic monster harvested his life.

This situation made Yemengga very proud, but he knew that it was useless to do so, so it immediately turned its huge body and rushed towards Thor’s position.

Many people think that if they are huge, they will move slowly. This is actually a wrong idea. In fact, the bigger the figure, the faster the speed. For example, the size of the mountain like Yemengade, even if it just moves its body, it is enough for a mortal to run for 10-15 days. It is for this reason that it is incredibly quick to run on the battlefield.

But everything that was blocked in front of it was crushed by its immense body. Demons and ghosts, rocky forests, none of them could stop it. And seeing his menacing appearance, Loki immediately panicked.

She rushed up with Fenrir quickly, but in terms of pure strength, Fenrir was not a heavyweight player at all compared to Yemengard. Almost immediately, Fenrir howled miserably and was knocked out by Yemengade’s huge body, even to prevent this Little Brat from causing any more trouble to oneself. Yemengard also raised his own tail, and beat Fenrir fiercely with the tip that was stronger than any steel.

This made the demon wolf immediately let out a long hiss, and then smashed into the mountain like a dead dog. Although Loki had already saw that the situation was far from good before Fenrir was hit hard, but without Fenrir, she had no confidence in facing Yemengard.

After all, she is just a brain-playing god. Compared with the ancient god like Yemengade, who was incarnation of a river, her power was really hard to get out. But even so, Loki is still firmly guarding Thor, stubbornly holding the weapon in oneself’s hand, facing the monster who looks condescendingly at his own mountains.

“Hehe, what. Is this all your means? God of Evil Loki of Asgard, this is not in line with your good name for resourcefulness.”

With the winning ticket in hand, Yemengard became frivolous in speaking. It doesn’t care about the undead who have been destroyed, let alone Fenrir who was beaten to death by oneself. Because this has no effect on its plan, and because of this, it has the mood to tease Loki at this time, the prey in its eyes.

“But I really didn’t think that the identity of this woman would actually be your ontology. Is Frost Giant the current king? Such an identity is used as a gift to Surtel, it seems It’s a good choice.”

“Don’t think about it!”

Women, especially the women on the defeated side, will end up miserably at this time, Loki knows very well. She would never allow oneself to encounter such terrifying things, if it was that way, she would rather choose Death.

“Don’t think about it? This is not something that should be said to the winner.”

Yemenggad did not take Loki’s attitude seriously. As a winner, it thinks that oneself has Enough rights to deal with these two prisoners of war. And just when he wanted to say and so on, the two figures suddenly fell down and blocked it.

And looking at these two cursed warriors who didn’t say a word. Ye Mengjia spit out a snake letter, showing a smirk.

“Why, are you two going to stop me and stop your God?”

After a moment of silence, a cursed warrior replied formally.

“We only accept the king’s orders, God and so on has nothing to do with us.”

“These two are the king’s prisoners of war, even you can’t get from our Take them away.”

Another cursed warrior also added.

“Hehe, do you intend to formally split with me on behalf of your king?”

With a slight tug at the corner of his mouth, Yemeng got his own body curled up. It made an attacking appearance, and looking at it like this, the cursed soldier immediately stated clearly.

“The king doesn’t mean this yet. It’s just that we must take them back to their lives. I hope Your Majesty will not embarrass us, otherwise……”

Finished, but the meaning of threats has been leaked out. But when they heard them say that, Yemengade showed a retreat.

“If you want it, then give it to you. By the way, take that dog away with me, I don’t need this kind of useless waste!”

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