Sun God Marvel

Chapter 625

Standing in front of the canopy of World Tree Uktra Hill, facing the magic of Destiny Three Goddess on oneself, Zhou Yi exclaimed deeply like a sigh Tone.

“It turns out that everything looks like this. It’s really interesting, this fate was involved with me from the very beginning!”

“It’s exactly like this. From the day you appeared, destiny has been closely entangled with you.” Goddess Wood, who was in charge of the past, saw it more clearly than anyone else, and because of this, she was more in awe of the power of destiny. . “No matter how powerful a person is, he can’t get rid of the control of fate. That guy is no exception, and you are no exception!”

“Is it!” Facing this destiny as always, Zhou Yi immediately hung his face He smiled disdainfully. “I’m very curious, Ms. Uld. You are the God of Asgard at all. What you say is as if you have already assumed that Asgard will be destroyed. By the way, also last time, why didn’t you Tell me the news directly?”

“Because it is not the time.” After Uld said this, he fell silent again. As for this silent performance like Goddess, which represents the past, Zhou Yi immediately coldly snorted.

“It is because there are people like you that there are that many meaningless sacrifices. Uld, what is the fate? Can you tell me? If everything is like you said That is doomed, so resistance and struggle are meaningless things? So, what are those who are still fighting for Asgard and I, meaningless idiots?”

“My elder sister didn’t mean that.” Belludandi had to intervene at this moment and explained. “Any kind of destiny, if you want to introduce a smoother river, you need to use the means of resistance to solve all the obstructions in the process of alternation of fate. So your resistance is necessary and the only way to save Asgard.”

“Why, do you think there is hope?”

As if listening to a joke, Zhou Yi grinned directly at Belludandi’s statement, showing sarcasm Smile.

“Of course, although it is very slim. However, there is indeed such a possibility!”

Shicoti, representing the future of Goddess, also supported his own elder sister at this time . However, Zhou Yi at this time has no intention of continuing to communicate with these Goddess. It’s just a group of people who are controlled by fate, and it’s not worth his effort.

While watching Zhou Yi walk away like this, Shi Koti, who is in charge of the future, sighed deeply.

“Elder sister, is this okay? If we let him go like this, then everything we have is really over!”

“Isn’t that better? “Uld did not speak, but Beludandi, who was more confident and tough, answered her. “Although we are God born on the World Tree, since the day we were born, our destiny has been tightly tied to it. Not to mention you, even I am bored. The countless years are coming, What is the difference between us and prisoners who have never left this land. Now we finally have this opportunity, anyway, I will not give up.”

“But, elder sister. I just Saying that there is such a possibility, we may be spared. But, there are other possibilities.”

Siccotti is a little anxious but also a little afraid, because she knows very well that oneself sees it from the future What’s the probability. But Belludandi didn’t mean to change his mind at all.

“Others will be discussed later. Anyway, I will not change my mind. At worst, we will destroy with Asgard, this can be considered We have fulfilled our obligations as God !”

Faced with this statement, Shikoti didn’t say anything. Ould was also deeply sighed. Destiny Three Goddess stood silently in front of the crown of the World Tree, allowing the ancient and sacred giant tree to sigh. Although this sacred tree is very beautiful and magical, the Destiny Three Goddess, who is bound to it, is already tired of it. It is correct to say that it is a cage. And the day to break the cage and gain freedom is already here!

Leaving the Goddess of Destiny Three, Zhou Yi once again returned to the great hall of the Golden Palace. As soon as he returned here, he immediately noticed something wrong. Martial Goddess who was waiting for him, the panicked warrior, and the maid all told him bad news. In the short time he was away, The enemy seems to have done something.

This made him immediately mention it, and then walked straight to Brunnhild and asked her.

“What happened, Brunhild. Has the enemy come over?”

“Thank God, you are finally back.” I saw the one who appeared in front of oneself Zhou Yi, Brunhild, who had been so busy, immediately let out a sigh of relief. However, she knew it was too early to relax, so she quickly explained to Zhou Yi. “When you left, Yemengard drove the flood and brought the army of undead who returned from the land of the dead to Asgard and killed them. Thor and Loki have gone to the front to stop them as much as possible, but It won’t be long. You have to save them back.”

“What a coincidence?” Zhou Yi frowned and said, then immediately nodded. “I see, don’t worry. I’ll be there.”

“It’s too late!” At this time, Heimdall, who was looking ugly, came up and said to Zhou Yi. “They have been captured, and they have fallen into the hands of the dark gnomes. And now the most critical issue is not them, but the safety of the Golden Palace. I have seen the enemy’s movements, and ten powerful cursed warriors have carried darkness. The dwarf’s elite rushed towards here, and we did not have the power to defeat them. It’s time to make a decision, Your Highness Brunnhild.”

“Decision, what decision. Heimdall, I don’t understand what you mean. Are you trying to make me surrender?” Brunhild flushed immediately upon hearing what Heimdall said. “I will not be a sinner of Asgard, let alone an answer full of insults. I would rather die than surrender.”

“I didn’t let you surrender, Bren Hilde. I asked you to take Martial Goddess, the civilians guarding the Golden Palace and all the children to leave here and leave Asgard.” Heimdall also said not to be outdone at this time. “Don’t you understand? Asgard is no longer working. At this time, we are not thinking about how to fight to death, but how to keep a trace of fire for Asgard. You are the only hope, and only you have this qualification. Let them find this way out.”

“No, I can’t leave here. Let Aurora go, I must stay here to defend the Golden Palace and defend Odin.”

It was a different explanation, and Brunhild had no intention of accepting it. Even her emotions became more agitated, and Heimdall frowned excitedly.

“Don’t be silly, Brunhild. Now Tyr is dead, Thor and Loki are in the hands of the enemy again. As Odin’s heirs, you are the only one qualified to lead them. , If you don’t do these things, then let who do it. Aurora is still just a child, she is not qualified to take on such a heavy responsibility. Only you, and only you, can take over the burden of your father and defend Asgard People. This is the last chance!”

Said here, Heimdall broke away from oneself’s bandage, pulled out the Divine Sword on oneself’s waist, and one-knee kneels in Buren In front of Hilde.

“You must take over the important task and become the new king of Asgard and lead them out of this darkness. I will open Bifrost and escort you out of Asgard. This is my last wish , Brunhild. I watched you grow up. I believe you have the consciousness and will to take on all this.”

“I…” Body, Brunhild hesitated for a moment. “But Odin…”

“Odin won’t leave. I served him tens of thousands of years. I know very well what choice he will make. If He is still awake, I believe he will live and die with Asgard. This is the will of the kings of the past, and I will guard him until Asgard comes to an end. Leave, Brunhild. Give Asgard. Guardian keeps the fire, and gives us hope!” Heimdall said exactly what he said, and Brunnhild knew exactly what choice Odin would make. But she just didn’t want to do this, just couldn’t be willing to look at her own father, who was left behind. So at this time, she could only look towards Zhou Yi with pleading eyes, hoping that he could bring the last light to oneself.

And this is what Zhou Yi is doing now.

patted Brunhild’s shoulder, Zhou Yi comforted her.

“I already know the whole sequence of events of this catastrophe very well. Brunhild, to be honest, it is really not safe here. Even with me, I also don’t have complete control to protect you. Because there is also a powerful guy hiding behind the scenes, he is my last opponent. So, you should listen to Heimdall and leave first. I can assure you, I will return you a complete Asgard, not a wasteland. After I have dealt with these enemies, you can still return here safely and continue your life.”

Hear this Then, Brunhild was finally completely desperate. She knows that oneself cannot change this reality, and facing this reality, all she can do is accept. As Heimdall said, Asgard must leave the fire behind, and she is the only one who can protect the fire. But I don’t know why, she is still unwilling, 10,000 points unwilling.

But if she is not reconciled, there is no other way. For Asgard, she can only choose to accept it.

The final evacuation mobilization began. The elders among the civilians, women and underage children, all evacuated towards Bifrost under the escort of Martial Goddess. The warriors of the Golden Palace guarded behind them, becoming the last city wall to protect the Asgard fire. Seeing all this, Heimdall closed his eyes and said to Zhou Yi in a desperate state of mind.

“After they are safe, I will do my last to send you home, friend. You have done enough, please let me give you the last thanks on behalf of Odin !”

“Everything is not over yet, is it!”

This is Zhou Yi’s reply. For him, this is far from the end.

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