Sun God Marvel

Chapter 626

Faced with Zhou Yi who was still confident, Heimdall did not express anything. He didn’t even want to say a word, so he walked away alone.

As a Guardian, watching the country guarded by oneself head toward the abyss of extinction, this is indeed a tremendous blow to him. It can even be said that this kind of blow is enough to make him desperate and unable to give birth to any idea of ​​survival. This is also the reason why he chose to stay here. He wanted to return to his king in such a loyal way by dying his country and ending his everything.

For this kind of thought of him, Zhou Yi also guessed almost in his heart. Although he didn’t think it was a correct decision, he didn’t mean to interfere. Everyone has his own ambitions, and he cannot stop others because of his own. Even more how, the situation may not be as bad as he thought.

I glanced at the great hall of the Golden Palace, which is sparsely populated and almost silent. Zhou Yi smiled slightly and walked outside the great hall.

At this time, Asgard seems to have predicted that the end of own is coming. Therefore, its sky has also become scarlet, and it looks like blood has soaked the entire sky. This is the result manifested by fate, the premonition of destruction in the prophecy. However, such a precursor made Zhou Yi sneer in his heart.

Fate? Destiny cannot dominate me!

As soon as he stretched out his hand, the brilliant divine light penetrated the entire sky, flew into his hand, and changed into the appearance of a divine spear Rodnier. And as Rod Neil started, a strong white radiance also wrapped his whole body.

White golden Ze’s light of justice quickly emerged from this radiance, and enveloped his body little by little. And with the blazing divine fire emerging from Zhou Yi itself, the light of justice is also changing its own appearance.

The sacred fire of golden is covered with every rune engraved on the armor of the light of justice. The brilliant golden light makes the entire armor brighter than the sun of this World. And as the power rose sharply, a circle of golden rune lingered slowly emerged from the back of the light of justice. The radiance is prosperous, and the blazing divine fire stretches out from around this circle like prominences around the sun. They are like sharp blades all over the periphery of the golden rune, and they look as dazzling as golden wings from a distance.

Mighty and solemn, the divine tool created by Odin for his beloved son has been perfectly used by Zhou Yi. In this state, Zhou Yi jumped up, and the overflowing firelight looked like a golden long halberd, instantly tearing the entire sky of Asgard.

The scarlet color is impossible. I live in such a strong and bright radiance depressively. Even if it disappears in a flash, the aftermath that has not faded for a long time leaves people unable to Forget the impression. While watching all this, Brunhild, who had been watching the Golden Palace on Bifrost, made a decision silently in his heart.

At this time, Martial Goddess has arranged most of the personnel to transfer from Bifrost to other worlds. Facing the Space Gate that had been opened, Aurora stepped up and said to Brunhild.

“Elder sister, I can leave.”

“I know, Aurora!” I looked at oneself, still young, but his eyes have become firm For younger sister, Brunhild stretched out her hand and rubbed her long hair. Then he said with emotion. “Let’s take another look at Asgard. After this look, when will we be able to return to this place, I am afraid it is a problem we will never know.”

“elder sister ….. .” Looking at Brunhild with a sad look, Aurora didn’t know what to say at this time. And looking at her hesitant appearance, Brunhild quickly cheered up.

“Don’t worry about me, Aurora. I’m fine! I’m just sorry, from now on, you have to shoulder heavy responsibilities like me.”

“We are Odin’s daughter is the God of Asgard. This is doomed, we must defend our people. And now, while Odin is still asleep, Thor and Loki have fallen into the hands of the enemy. We are the only ones God is able to take this responsibility. So, you must grow up, protect our people, and lead them to rebuild our home together!”

“I understand, elder sister!” Bite Own lips, Aurora showed a strong expression on her face. This makes her seem to have grown a lot in an instant. “I will definitely work hard, take our people, take the glory of Asgard, and rebuild a new home until the day we return!”

“I believe you can You did it, after all, you are my younger sister!”

With a slight smile, Brunhild had already pulled Aurora to the gate of Bifrost, she glanced at the throne. Gangneil, who was acting as the key, blinked immediately.

“Aurora, I’m sorry. Please forgive me for not being with you. This heavy mission can only be undertaken by you alone.”

“elder sister, What are you talking about?” Aurora hadn’t reacted yet, she was slammed by Brunhild and pushed directly into the door that Bifrost had opened. Then Brunhild directly pulled out Gungenir which was plugged into Bifrost’s base, and made everything invisible.

“I’m sorry, my younger sister. Let you take on such a heavy responsibility alone, but this is also the fate we must bear. Please forgive my selfishness, because Asgard is still There is no perish. In this case, I must guard it to the last moment. In short, I hope you can stay strong until the end.”

With such a sigh, Brunhild’s eyes looked immediately Become determined again. There seemed to be a flame in her platinum pupils, which made people feel as if their souls were shaking. Staring a little at the golden streamer in the sky that hasn’t melted away, Brunnhilde immediately took his own steps and walked into the great hall of the Golden Palace again.

She looked at the soldiers who were dumbfounded because of her return, not knowing what to do, and immediately showed a sacred expression of majesty and inviolability.

“pull yourself together, Asgard is not dead yet. I have not left! Even if I die, I will die with you. Take up courage and fight with me until the end, too It was the moment of Death!”

The generous and plain words came out of her mouth, but there was a feeling of excitement, especially for those who had already set their minds on death and planned to accompany them. For the soldiers who are heading to the extinction of the capital of this country, this is even more an indescribable touch.

So that at the moment, a soldier who seemed to be a little older fell to his knees, bowed his head deeply to her, and started sobbing.

“Your Highness, you shouldn’t be in this place. This is our battlefield, the place where we should die. You will only be a senseless sacrifice here.”

“No, this is where I should be.” Bend down and helped the bruised old man up. The smile on Brunhild’s face was compassionate and compassionate, calm and strong. “I am a daughter born in this place and a child raised by Asgard. This is my home, everything about me. Abandoning my home without doing anything is something that can never be done. Even if this is Unchangeable destiny, I will try it until the last moment.”

“Maybe it will be destroyed, maybe it will be rebirth. But no matter what, I will be with you until Finally. This is my promise and the last persistence of the gods of Asgard. So everyone, lend me your strength. Stay with me till the end.”

One by one. The soldiers knelt down in front of him, and one after another, who had already developed the will to die, burst out with fierce fighting spirit like flames.

“We are willing to be your sword and your shield. Until the last moment! Long live Asgard, Long live Brunnhild Martial Goddess!”

Martial Goddess So bathed in this glory, in the eyes of these soldiers who survived the dead, shouldered the heaviest burden. Seeing all this, Heimdall closed his eyes quietly, then knelt down in front of Odin who was still sleeping.

“Your Majesty, have you seen it? Your daughter has become a True King. Although she is not the successor you expected, I have seen the most shining one from her On the one hand. Maybe, she will become the last king of Asgard. Anyway, Your Majesty. I will guard you to the last moment.”

Of course, the sleeping Odin could not answer this. But from the corner of his eye, a tear fell suddenly. It is really not what he hopes for Brunhild to bear such a heavy fate, at least at this time, he does not want Brunhild to take his scepter from his hand.

Although the king’s throne is gorgeous, the sword halberd on it is enough to make anyone who sits on it feel painful. And in front of such a throne on the verge of breaking, this kind of pain can directly lead to destruction. This is not the benefit of Supreme, it will only be unaffordable.

But for Brunhild who has made this choice, all this is irreversible. She has made the choice of common survival, and in terms of her character, that is something that will never go back.

Everything is back on the trajectory of destiny, and now is a coincidence, or is it the inevitable trend of destiny? What will the ending of all this look like? No one can say clearly, except for those who are watching the river of fate.

However, everything is not over yet. Because the sun has not sunk yet.

Rodney’s sharpness once again shredded the body of the cursed warrior, and looked at the guys who turned to ashes in the own flame. Zhou Yi smiled without doubt on the face hidden under the helmet.

“Everything is not over yet? Thanos, I will bring you the end. The complete end!”

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