Sun God Marvel

Chapter 647

From the moment of being defeated, Zhou Yi realized a very serious problem—the power of Infinity Gem.

Holding a red superstar, he can fight against and even coerce Nieder Hogun, who is also five gems. However, with the six Infinity Gem gathered together, he could only fail.

The gathered Infinity Gem represents the infinite power, the possibility of Infinity, and the absolute unmatched. In the face of this power, he is really powerless.

However, admitting defeat is not his character. Even at this time, he tried his last effort.

He poured the remaining stellar power into Rod Neil. This divine tool, constructed from the Eternity fire and the dead star fragments and also World Tree branches, has the most ultimate killer move-the new star burst , And this skill is his only hope now.

Using the energy of a giant star as the core energy of a supernova explosion, the destructive power it produces may not be able to compete with Infinity Gem. That kind of Radiance, which belongs to the ultimate power of the universe, is likely to break through the guardianship of the Infinity Gem, and then destroy the powerful enemy in front of it with its powerful energy.

Of course, he will be resurrected. But in the face of things that are likely to appear next, this resurrection seems meaningless.

Black holes, the real destruction, are also the ultimate move Zhou Yi is unwilling to use. Whether it is any existence, mortal or God, celestial bodies or everything in the universe, they are desperate when facing a black hole. Some people have imagined the existence of a black hole, thinking that it is a port connecting other universes, or a space fault.

But in fact, Zhou Yi, who has the identity of a star, knows what a black hole is. It’s not those messy things at all. There is only one identity for black holes, and that is destruction and extinction.

Whether it is from a macroscopic point of view, or from a microscopic point of view, it is an end. Celestial bodies as large as stars, and units as small as atoms, once swallowed by a black hole, will only end up with extinction and destruction. It can wipe anything out of this universe from existence, clean and without leaving even a little remnant.

If possible, Zhou Yi is not willing to use such a thing. Because to the universe, a black hole is a cancer. Once it appears, the impossible disappears, it will not shrink but will only become bigger and bigger as oneself swallows all things. The creation of this thing is essentially in the Destruction Universe, of course, it is chronic.

However, in Zhou Yi’s view, Thanos is more terrifying than a black hole. Leave him alone, the destruction he created is definitely not under the black hole. Even said, it is very likely to affect the people that oneself cares most about.

Don’t underestimate Thanos’ shameless. He who has never had a heart of honor will definitely put the fire of hatred accumulated by oneself over countless years on Jean and the others after defeating Zhou Yi. And this is absolutely not allowed by Zhou Yi.

In the face of the safety of the universe and the safety of his lover, he can only choose the latter path. Therefore, in the face of this excellent opportunity, he did not hesitate to turn back.

The dazzling radiance of Rodnier’s gun blade has begun to bloom, and the blazing Eternity fire on it has also begun to change its special appearance. It is getting brighter and brighter, and more and more like a dazzling, burning star. Whether it is radiance or temperature, it has reached a point that ordinary stars simply cannot match.

If it weren’t for a creation that had fundamentally impossible existence, the remaining fragments after the explosion of the new star were used as gun blades, the fire of Eternity might have already burst. But now, under the support of this magical creation, it has reached its ultimate point in a blink of an eye.

The core temperature has even reached 1 billion trillion. The moment the photon jet collides, it can change into a positive and negative electron pair. The huge energy makes everything unstable.

Next, you just need to project Rodnier out to release the Death Star from the bondage of Eternity’s fire, and then the ultimate destruction will come. In this instant, Zhou Yi believed that the magic dragon had absolutely no chance to react.

In fact, the dragon did not react. He was also immersed in the glorious victory of own. And even if it reacts, I believe that he already has the power of Infinity, he will not care about such a small radiance. He shattered such a big star just now, and now this little dazzling radiance is really not taken seriously by him.

However, he doesn’t care, doesn’t mean someone doesn’t care. Seeing Zhou Yi dragging the body of the riddled with scars to shoot this ultimate shot, a figure rushed up like crazy, clutching the transparent gun shaft like a stream of light.

Even if the temperature was only a little overflow, the sudden movement of the guy started to burn. From the outside to the inside, little by little, completely turned into ashes.

This is definitely a painful process, but the guy holding the barrel of the gun insists on owning. She refused to let go, and at the same time desperately poured her own power onto Rod Neale.

This little force is not worth mentioning, but at this critical time it has caused huge and irreparable changes. The power that burned to the extreme has become impure. This small change made Zhou Yi’s series of plans completely vanished.

Rodernier flew out as expected, stabbing an ecstatic, huge dragon like a star. The huge brilliance also burst out in an instant.

The radiance that is more dazzling than 10,000,000 suns is enough to deprive everyone of vision. Facing the magnificent shore, it means that the universe is the ultimate and most magnificent landscape. No one can describe oneself in words. The feeling when facing it.

What is consistent with this magnificent landscape is the ultimate destruction it represents.

The spitting light and countless superluminal particles emerging in the explosion swallowed everything within oneself’s range in an instant. Even with the barrier constructed by the Infinity Gem, the body of the dragon is also there. Disassemble instantly became hundreds of millions of copies, countless copies.

Space, time, and distorted reality, everything has no meaning in front of this absolute power. This is a huge energy that can affect everything, and a force that can destroy everything. In front of this power, all defenses are fake, and all abilities are jokes.

Even if the dragon is protected, there is only one end, and that is destruction. But it’s just destruction.

The fire of Eternity is not a real star after all, although this simulated new star burst has the same huge formidable power. But it does not have the same staying power, it can only destroy Thanos for a while. The most important thing is that it can’t produce what Zhou Yi wants.

The accidental interference made Rod Neil’s power impure. Even minor impurities have affected the explosion of the new star. Increased the formidable power, but lost the possibility of becoming a black hole. But if you can’t turn into a black hole, such a blow is actually meaningless.

The burdened death and rebirth are nothing but things that Thanos has not experienced. And it is conceivable that when all of this is completely over, Thanos will return again.

He will certainly not give Zhou Yi any chance again. Being careful, he can be said to be an invincible existence.

Faced with this situation, Zhou Yi could only loose his own fist in vain. He looked at the woman who had almost completely turned into ashes, floating in the sky, and asked in a low voice.

“Hela, right, can I know why you did this?”

“You won’t understand.” Hela, whose soul was dissipating, grinned silently. At the corner of his mouth, there was a peaceful smile on the already mutilated face. “You don’t need any reason to pay for someone you love.”

“You love him, but how does he treat you?” Hearing these words, I have been stunned by Zhou Yi. Brenhild, who was protecting, couldn’t help but yelled at this woman who was about to disappear. “He just treats you as a substitute, a dispensable role. He simply doesn’t care about you, simply doesn’t take you seriously. Is it really worth sacrificing oneself for such a person?”

“It’s worth it!” There was no hesitation, or even any dramatic emotional fluctuations. Hela just smiled and said with a touch of regret. “From the day I appeared, I knew I was just a substitute. Everything I have is just as if dreams and visions in a bubble, but I still have dreams like that, one is countless years. Look. It seems stupid, but it’s enough for me. Because I’ve been with him over the years, and it’s me who can die for him in the end.”

“This is the meaning of my existence. And value, I have no regrets if I can do this.”

After saying these words, Hela completely drifted away into the dust in the sky. No longer leaving even the slightest trace, as she said to herself, everything about her is as if dreams and visions in a bubble, including his existence. However, at the thought of this woman’s tragic cry, Brunhild felt an unspeakable sadness and pain.

It’s so sad and helpless to fall in love with someone who doesn’t love you or deserves to be loved. At this time, as a woman, she even forgot their hostile identity, and even said that she still had endless sympathy and compassion for her.

However, the sudden voice interrupted all the grief in her heart, and turned all the emotions into the purest and direct anger.

“It’s a dangerous blow. However, I have to say that it is beautifully done. Zhou Yi, you really are my lifelong enemy. But I don’t think you have thought of it, a trifling puppet. , Can actually play such an incredible role at this time. This is fate. Fate has been doomed, and you are absolutely impossible to defeat me.”

The demon who returned from the dim glow Looking at the two people standing in the sky, Long let out a frantic laugh. As for his pride and madness, Martial Goddess immediately couldn’t help but asked angrily at him.

“Nid Hogun, don’t you know what that woman did for you? Don’t you have even the slightest nostalgia and regret for her?”

“Repentance?” The huge head lowered, and Thanos’s yellow eyes were full of mockery. “Are you joking with me? Asgard’s little girl?”

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