Sun God Marvel

Chapter 648

“It’s like treating the breath of air that oneself breathed out. Will you regret its disappearance? It’s ridiculous. I admit that the existence of this woman does give me prison Life brings a bit of fun. But at best, it’s just that. Her meaning is nothing more.”

The ruthless answer made Martial Goddess eye socket cracked, and I can’t wait to smash the oneself in front of me right away. Ugly head. But she can’t do it, and no one can do it.

Holding her shoulders, Zhou Yi crossed her body and came to her.

“Enough, Brunhild. Now is not the time to talk about this.”

“Why, Zhou Yi? Now, what do you do against me? Is it?”

Looking at the owner, let Oneself endure the enemy of countless years. The huge dragon couldn’t help but shook its own body, and issued such a question.

The devastating attack that almost killed him just now really made him startled. Although I don’t think that Zhou Yi can still have such a method, it is already enough to make him raise extreme vigilance.

But at this time, Zhou Yi doesn’t care about this guy. Instead, he pushed Brunhild’s body and pushed her hard into the distance.

The cold touch appeared on the palm of the hand, and seeing that the body protection symbol given to Zhou Yi by oneself returned to Brunhild in oneself’s hand, he immediately realized a special problem. She immediately wanted to rush towards Zhou Yi, but a golden cocoon surrounded her whole.

“Zhou Yi, what the hell are you doing? Let go of me, let me go!”

Strongly hit the light cocoon in front of oneself, but the huge power difference is Not even the slightest ripples can come out. The Brunnhild surrounded by this could only utter an exhausted shout at Zhou Yi in vain, but he couldn’t shake Zhou Yi’s will at all.

“You must leave here, Brunhild. I can’t watch you die here, so sorry. I can only send you away this way!”

The plain words resounded in Martial Goddess’ ears, and then Martial Goddess saw that in the brilliant light, the huge and stalwart King Ming once again appeared above endless void. He used his own body to radiate dazzling light in the boundless darkness, and at the same time, he also firmly blocked the huge dragon from the sight of Martial Goddess.

“Stop, Zhou Yi, stop me now. I don’t want to leave, I’m not going anywhere except here. Even if I die, I will die here, you know? Stop it, let me come out !”

Faced with words like Zhou Yi, Brunhild began to go crazy. She smashed the light cocoon in front of oneself’s eyes hard, and that thin barrier was not just a barrier for her, but a farther distance.

However, for Zhou Yi who has made up his mind, all of this is already an unchangeable thing. The light cocoon disappeared in the depths of the void as expected. Watching Guangyu’s departure, Zhou Yi looked towards oneself’s immediate enemy with the most determined look.

“Thanos, it’s only you and me. It’s the last time.”

With his hands empty, King Ming clenched his own fists firmly. The huge Sun Wheel shot a clear flame behind him, and the flame spread all over his body, enveloping him in a bright flame. The glow of flames seemed to mean the fighting intent in his heart that never extinguished.

But this is what caused the dragon to show a weird smile.

“I really want to admire you, my old enemy. By this time, don’t you realize it? The huge gap between you and me! You are impossible to defeat me, your fate is already It is destined, and I will be the final winner.”

“Who can know that kind of thing until the end?”

It was brought about by the bright flames. It is a dazzling light. At this time, Ming Wang’s entire body seems to have turned into a huge light source, shining on this whole piece of void, millions of times the sun.

He rushed up and smashed the barrier shaped by the boundless gems with his bare hands. The huge power pierced the barrier and rushed towards the magic dragon behind.

However, the magic dragon only slightly blocked it and blocked the circle with his own arm. The six arms were swift and powerful under the buff of Infinity power. There was no chance of reacting and they had already hit King Ming’s body.

“No, destiny has made everything very clear. I will end everything and destroy everything. You can’t stop in front of me. Know why I let you take that Aspen so easily Will the Guardian’s woman send it away? Because she can’t escape from my palm. Not only her, but even the women you are on Earth, will accompany you to disappear in this world. And, it won’t let you wait long !”

The heavy blow made King Ming’s body suddenly go dark, but in an instant he surged with countless times of light. King Ming, Angry Roar, forcibly grabbed the restraining owner’s arm, then turned around, and jammed the body of the dragon from behind.

“I won’t let you succeed, Thanos. Even if you die, I won’t let you hurt them!”

“haha, you think you can stop me It’s ridiculous. Your Death can’t solve any problems. Even if you die, you can’t stop me!”

Although the body is locked from behind, the dragon’s flexible tail is still with no Difficulty reached out. The sharp tail cut down, and it stuck the huge Sun Wheel behind Ming Wang. The Sun Wheel and the tail of the radiance circulating make loud noises like thunderbolt and earthquake, and the speeding streamer and the darkness of Oblivion turbulence the entire void all the time.

And this is more than that, two crocodile mouths also stretched out at this time, and directly bit Ming Wang’s arm. The sharp fangs easily penetrated King Ming’s body, and the thick darkness was poured into King Ming’s body like Venom along the wound.

But soon, the darkness died out. Moreover, from within the body of King Ming, strong radiance and incredible energy were also suddenly exploded.

That is billions of trillions of high temperature, it is the turbulent photons that are ejecting and colliding. This situation has just appeared, but now it is recurring again in the most incredible way.

For this change, even Thanos is somewhat unacceptable.

“Zhou Yi, are you crazy? You actually want to create a black hole with your own body?”

He began to struggle, trying to break free from Zhou Yi’s constraints. But King Ming entangled his body tightly, making him unable to do this at all. At this time, Zhou Yi also spoke. He said to his old enemy in a tone that seemed to be attending a banquet.

“As I said, I am the sun. As the sun, this is the last thing I can do. Didn’t you say that your destiny is doomed to your victory? Let me see , Can you really win to the end?”

“You will also die, in the black hole. Either you or me will be completely dead. Let me go and stop all this. We can have a good talk!”

The dragon growled unwillingly, and even began to offer conditions to stop what he was doing. But Zhou Yi ignored him because he knew exactly what kind of guy Thanos was.

He won’t keep him, even if he is dead, he must take him away.

“No more nonsense. I will not give you any chance to hurt my most important people. Disappear with me, Thanos! Forever and ever, completely from In this universe!”

Radiance burst out, as if an entire galaxy radiated hundreds of millions of lights in an instant. For the first time in the ancient dark void, the radiance of the supernova burst can be seen clearly even in the most remote corner of the void.

That is the magnificent beauty, but also the total despair.

Looking at the Infinity light that appeared in front of oneself, Brunhild couldn’t help but knelt down in tears.

This is the first time she cried for a man, and it was also the first time she felt a complete heartbreak. When the light bloomed, she had already realized what oneself had missed.

I haven’t had time to say what I’m thinking to him, I haven’t heard what oneself wants to hear most from his mouth. Everything hasn’t really started yet, everything has completely ended.

This is really painful and ironic for her. Even at this time, she realized that this was the most painful arrangement that fate had arranged for the owner.

She will fall in love with the greatest hero, but she cannot get the best love. Because everything will be buried in flames. This is how fate is said, and now she also believes in the existence of this fate.

Because everything is just like what fate said, she really fell in love with the hero who solved the own from the curse and was unique in the world.

He defeated the dragon, defeated the Demon King, saved the world, and even took the heart of Goddess. However, they can never come together. From the resistance at the beginning to the farewell now. As if there is a big hand invisible, controlling everything, let them miss the best opportunities again and again. Until now, he was trapped in the most extreme flame.

What a hateful destiny this is, it is heartbreaking that I can’t wait to die. However, Brunhild is grateful for this fate, because it can meet him oneself, and most importantly, she can let oneself be buried with him.

At the end of fate, Martial Goddess and the hero were buried in the flames. And now, at the moment when the supernova exploded, the light cocoon that wrapped Martial Goddess also dissipated sadly.

Looking at the magnificent beauty blooming above the void and the light that swallowed everything, Brunhild smiled and rushed towards the flying body.

“Sorry, my hero. Even if you die, please let me die with you.”

With this belief, Martial Goddess resolutely opened up With his own hands, he greeted own Death. But at this time, a voice rang in her ears.

“It’s not over yet, my child. The river of destiny is also turning here!”

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