Sun God Marvel

Chapter 649


The weird voice reached Brunhild’s ear, but it made her feel extremely familiar. She stopped in astonishment, and murmured like this in the direction of the void.

“Yes, my child. I am talking to you.”

The source of the voice is that Odin frankly admitted his own identity. As for the father who suddenly appeared, Brunhild felt a burst of unfathomable mystery.

“But, aren’t you sleeping? Why do you still appear here, and in this way?”

“This is the power of destiny, my child.” After a short silence, there was a deep sigh and a free laugh. “It was the new power I gained after the River of Destiny got a new twist. It was a simple transaction.”

Listening to these words, Brunhild has a kind of Feeling bad. Everything like a is arranged, and everything like a falls into a trap that has already been drawn. Everything is full of conspiracy and plot against colors, which makes her feel the irritability and riot in her heart.

“Strength, destiny? What did you do, Odin? Could it be that all this is in your plot against. It’s like you made me cursed and fell asleep?”

Such questions undoubtedly represent what Brunnhild fears most in his heart. If everything is really as she imagined. Then she really has no way to forgive oneself and the whole Asgard.

Used dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety to save the own hero, and used the one who made her move. In exchange for just a meticulous plot against and scam, such a result is really a great tragedy for her as Asgard Martial Goddess. Even if she didn’t know it at all, and even said that she was just one of the pawns being manipulated, she felt that she could no longer face Zhou Yi.

As for how she feels, Odin knows very well. He couldn’t understand what kind of character his daughter was. This is a child whose will and belief are extremely pure, and once he has identified something, he will never learn to give up and compromise. Especially those things that are very important to her can be maintained in the posture of giving up everything, even life.

This is a virtue, but sometimes it is also a kind of shackle, a shackle that can drag people into the abyss. But obviously, oneself also understands that Brunhild, who has oneself’s character, simply does not mean to change.

So, Odin, who is unwilling to lose his daughter at this last moment, said everything obediently and honestly.

“I not at all want to sacrifice our hero, Bren. In fact, although the entire Asgard has made a huge sacrifice in order to change this doomsday, I did not at all. I intend to sacrifice you and him.”

“He is the transformative force of destiny and the person who disturbs the direction of the river of destiny. In this final battle of the doomsday, he is a must. So many things must be done. It revolves around him. Whether it is a giant, an undead, or even this final duel, everything is tied to him. This naturally includes Asgard’s survival, the real survival.”

Martial Goddess not at all, a nickname called oneself when she was a child, is softened by these words. In fact, because of what oneself thinks and thinks, she is now full of negative emotions. .

“This is the reason you used him. This is the reason you used me?”

“I admit that I used you in this difficult battle. However, That’s also to let you live better, to allow Asgard to continue to exist.”

Odin’s voice suddenly became violent, but soon fell into a sad depression.

“After all, I am the king of Asgard and the father of the gods. I must be responsible for the burden on my shoulders. Bren, you don’t understand what I see and what I do Choice. How desperate I was when I saw fate for the first time. How ecstatic I was when I first saw the turning point he represented.”

“Compared with the end of the entire world and the kingdom, this sacrifice is now the best situation. Although we have lost countless warriors, Heimdall, Frigga, and even the king of the past. . But we survived. This is actually the greatest gift of destiny.”

“Gift, do you call it a gift?”

Think of everything oneself has seen and thought The Golden Palace and World Tree are burning. Brunhild felt a fire burning in his chest. And when she saw the new starlight fading in front of oneself’s eyes, her heart was as desperate as she was drowning in the abyss.

She couldn’t agree with Odin’s statement, and she even hoped that none of this had ever happened, and that oneself would sleep forever on the mountain of flames.

“You must learn to endure grief, Bren. This is something a king must learn.”

“I am not a king, you are. Don’t force your thoughts On me.”

“No, you are already the king. When you hold Gungnir and accept the allegiance of the warrior and God. When I step into the World Tree, I will welcome the destiny When the river embraced, you were already a king. After taking over my crown and burden, you are already the new queen of Asgard.”

“Wait, what do you mean. Odin, what the hell did you do?”

When he heard what he said, Brunhild had an inexplicable panic in his heart. She looked at the void eagerly, waiting for his answer, hoping that everything was not what she thought. But the reality is always counterproductive.

At this time, Odin’s tone suddenly became kind, as if he had put a heavy burden on him, from a majestic king to an apologetic father.

“Just like you heard, Bren. I’m dead and I’m back in the arms of my ancestors.”

“Since I learned about the River of Destiny, I understand What kind of disasters are hidden under the World Tree. The monster that represents our origin also represents our destruction. When he wakes up, he will inevitably destroy World Tree, this sacred relic that has imprisoned him for countless years At the same time, Asgard, who relies on World Tree and exists, is also destined to be destroyed by him.”

“This was something that could not be changed, but after he appeared, there has been a turning point. And with this opportunity, we got the last hope, and that’s why we can keep the last fire for Asgard.”

Shaking his head vigorously, Martial Goddess disagrees with him at all. With this statement, she stubbornly insisted on what oneself saw.

“No, Asgard has been destroyed, and World Tree has been burned in front of my eyes. We did nothing but let an innocent person be involved in our damn fate. “

“That’s just before, after that you don’t at all see the final ending.”

Seemingly sighing, Odin said the final ending.

“I made a deal with Goddess of Destiny. At the cost of my life and soul, I became the new root of World Tree. At the same time, I replaced them and became the new destiny monitor. This is Our last resort, as a last resort. But this is what allowed Asgard to be retained. With the addition of the people you protect, we Asgard has not yet been destroyed.”

“So, you did a good job. Buren, everything you did is enough to make me proud.”

“So, you are actually dead, are you? It’s like Frigga is like Heimdall?”

Martial Goddess, whose face was already indifferent, suddenly asked. Regarding this question, Odin replied sadly.

“Yes, I am dead. My child, what you hear now is just my remaining consciousness. Maybe soon, these consciousness will dissipate.”

“So, in other words. Will we die too? Zhou Yi and I will die in all this?”

“No, you won’t die. Bren, You have to take the remaining people of Asgard and live anew. Therefore, I will not let you die.”

“Will you not let me die?”

Looking up at the endless light that gradually shrank from above, Brunhild smiled.

“Did you see the light above? I have decided that I will stay with him until the moment of Death. In this case, can you still say something like this?”

“You’re still so stubborn, Bren.” Sighing like this, Odin suddenly laughed. “But this is my daughter.”

“Listen, Bren. You also hope that both you and him also survive the probability. And all the possibilities are in your hands. In the hands of him.”

Speaking of this, the invisible power suddenly surged. Under the influence of this power, Brunhild immediately felt the burning pain on oneself’s palm.

The golden gem shines dazzlingly in her palm at this moment, showing its uniqueness and special existence. And while Brunhild stared at the gem, Odin whispered in her ear.

“This is your hope, the last legendary Infinity Gem-the stone of self. Use it, child. Use its power to find the future you said hope. I believe, at the end You will get what you want. This is my last blessing, Bren. I wish you all your happiness!”

Odin’s voice gradually fell down, and even reached an almost impossible The level of hearing clearly. But at the same time, Golden’s stone of self has become more and more shining in Brunhild’s hands.

A sleeping consciousness is slowly awakening in this gem. As she woke up, Infinity Gem also began to agitate. Just as a separated young child faces the birth of an own mother, all Infinity gems start cheering excitedly, wanting to return to the embrace of this consciousness.

And like a rainbow, the colorful radiance suddenly breaks through the fading light of the new star. Charged in the direction of Brunhild.

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