Sun God Marvel

Chapter 650

There is such a story in the ancient legends of the universe, a story closely related to Infinity Gem. In the story, there should be seven gems symbolizing the power of Infinity.

Except for the Reality Stone of red, the Time Stone of orange, the Space Stone of blue, the Mind Stone of Carina, the Power Stone of purple and the Soul Stone of green, the seventh one is also unknown in color The Infinity Gem. This gem has an unknown power, and even people who have seen this gem are extremely rare.

So with the ebbing of time, even the legend about this gem is gradually lost. So far, many people have forgotten the existence of the seventh gem. But it really exists, and from a certain point of view, it is also the most important of all Infinity Gem.

And why do you say that? This will be traced to the origin of Infinity Gem.

About the origin of Infinity Gem, different civilizations have different interpretations. Some civilizations believe that Infinity Gem is a relic left over from the previous universe, and is the gathering of all the forces of the previous universe. Other civilizations believe that the birth of the Infinity Gem has a very important relationship with the birth of the universe. It is directly related to the origin of the universe and is one of the most rooted forces.

These explanations may sound reasonable, but in practice they have nothing to do with real reality. Infinity Gem, there is actually only one real source, and that is a Goddess named Nemesis, revenge Goddess.

In the real past, Nemesis is the aggregation of all Infinity Gem and the human incarnation of Infinity Gem. She possesses all the power of Infinity Gem, time, space, heart, soul, reality and power itself. It can be said that her strength is beyond anyone’s imagination, and even in the vast universe, there are few existences comparable to her.

She is the ultimate of the universe, there is no doubt about it. However, this does not mean that she will not be bored and lonely. In the same time as millions and millions of years, she was tired of the existence of herself and chose Eternity’s sleep instead. And her power was scattered, and she turned into six powerful Infinity Infinity gems.

And her self-awareness has become the last gem and the last trace of her in the universe. This trace should not have been known to others, but now, under the guidance of fate, it has been held in Brunhild’s hands. And ushered in the most incredible miracle.

Under the attraction of the Stone of Self, Infinity Gem forcibly broke free of the control of the magic dragon and got rid of the glow of the new star’s explosion. Then gathered in front of Martial Goddess.

They are shining each other, infused with own Infinity power into the golden self-stone, making the radiance radiated by it become brighter, dazzling, and inclusive.

The invisible connection is constructed between the Infinity Gem. Under the radiance of the Self-Stone, the Infinity Gem suddenly becomes a streamer and merges into it. Then, the ancient Goddess woke up.

The tall body emerges from the radiance, as if wearing a crown, lifting the stone of self high. The overflowing radiance enveloped the body that appeared suddenly like folded wings, and then suddenly changed into a dazzling feather garment.

With the formation of Yuyi, the true nature of the awakened Goddess is also revealed in radiance.

The coercive face like an ancient statue, with soft lines unique to women, makes people see a solemn beauty. The tall body is full of power, and there is an indescribable sacredness under the envelope of the light feather robe. The golden crown is not only a symbol of power, but also a symbol of might, which represents her great power to Infinity.

When she opened her eyes and stretched out her hands towards the vast universe. The whole universe became silent. Everything seems to have stopped flowing, and it seems that even time has become still.

Of course, this is not what it seems, but the flow of time is really stopped. And this Goddess who had just awakened looked at the Martial Goddess in front of oneself with eyes that seemed to contain the entire starry sky, and made a sound that went straight into the depth of one’s soul.

“Did you wake me up? The unfortunate girl destined to suffer.”

Faced with this, there is no longer any adjective to describe it. Just existence means greatness itself Goddess. Brunhild lowered his head deeply and answered her questions while expressing awe.

“Yes, great Goddess. I awakened you.”

“So, do you have any wishes for me to fulfill?”

Lowered his head, staring at Goddess, who is no different from the dust compared to oneself, revenge Goddess Nemesis let out a deep sigh.

“I have seen your past and your destined destiny. I have also seen your heart, the pain and attachment. Come on, unfortunate child, tell me why you wake up I. Let me see if I can fulfill your wish.”

Hearing this, it was as if Brunhild who saw the dawn of hope in the endless darkness could no longer maintain oneself. Outside strong, she watched Goddess in front of her and the suspended new star erupting behind her, sobbing and expressing her wish.

“I beg you, save him. Bring him back to me. I can’t lose him, I really can’t lose him.”

“Is it true Is this the only wish?”

Goddess, who has fallen asleep for millions and millions years, looked at the crying woman in front of oneself like a statue of compassion, and nodded after a long time and said to her.

“Then, as the price for you to wake me up. I will fulfill your wish. I will bring the person you want back to you.”

After speaking, Nemesis raised his hand and pointed at the huge light cluster that burst out from the new star behind him.

Suddenly, just like pressing the reverse button, the huge new starlight group began to retrospect the past that has already happened. All the light, all the fire, all the energy, all retract and change toward the origin, until they completely become the original appearance, the appearance before the new star burst.

The huge King Ming and the magic dragon reappears there, and from the posture of entangled together to death, turned into a confrontation in the air. And all these changes, the two protagonists did not have the slightest consciousness. They were silent, and were swayed like dolls. In other words, the entire universe is being manipulated like this.

And as time went back to this point, everything went on like a clockwork again. The roar of Ming Wang She’s life and death just shouted out, but he was surprised to find that the silhouette of the magic dragon was no longer in front of the owner.

Of course, this does not mean that the dragon has disappeared. But because of the loss of Infinity Gem’s power support, the magic dragon can no longer maintain its star-like body. He gradually shrank from the size of a star into a planet, and then became a satellite, even a smaller existence.

When his figure was completely shaped, he was already the size of Brunhild when he first saw him. To mortals, he is still an incomparable monster, but to the huge King Ming, he is less conspicuous than a small dust.

This makes Zhou Yi very surprised, and he hasn’t waited for anything to do. A voice that reached him deep in one’s heart suddenly rang.

“Are you the man the girl said? Indeed, you are a very special existence.”

As the voice appeared, Zhou Yi suddenly felt a huge And unspeakable power fluctuations. That is the existence that can make oneself feel stressed, and the existence that can make oneself feel vast and boundless. Just relying on this feeling is enough to make Zhou Yi a wake-up call.

He hurriedly lowered his head, and then immediately found that Goddess, who is not huge, but cannot be ignored. And the Brynhild who wept with joy beside her.

This made his mind suddenly confused, so much so that he immediately asked involuntarily.

“What’s going on? Brunhild, why haven’t you left? Also, who is this?”

“I am Goddess Nemesis. Little Brat, you should have seen me. In other words, you should have seen my existence. I am the Infinity Gem, or the aggregation of the Infinity Gem is me.”

Vengeance Goddess’ answer made Zhou Yi Suddenly dumbfounded. He never thought that the Infinity Gem, which has always been regarded as the divine object of the universe, also has such a magical identity. This made him couldn’t help but stare at Nemesis carefully, and with his observation, he had to believe everything this Goddess said.

“It’s incredible. I didn’t expect a secret like Infinity Gem also.”

With this, Zhou Yi has shrunk his own body and changed it into oneself’s original appearance. Infinity Gem’s Goddess have already appeared here, so the fate of Thanos must be uncomfortable. Without the Infinity Gem, Thanos itself is not scary at all. In this case, there is no need for oneself to maintain that look.

Looking at Zhou Yi who had changed back, Brunhild couldn’t bear the excitement in his heart and jumped directly on it.

“Very good, Zhou Yi. You are finally back? I’m so afraid that you will disappear from my eyes. Promise me not to sacrifice alone, okay?”

Goddess, who has experienced pain, is no longer willing to hide oneself’s inner feelings. She directly told Zhou Yi everything in oneself’s heart, which made Zhou Yi inevitably embarrassed.

After all, they have not yet reached the point where everything is clear. Coupled with oneself’s previous scruples, he simply didn’t know how to deal with Martial Goddess’ affection. So he can only press on the shoulders of Martial Goddess and change the subject.

“What the hell is going on? Brunhild?”

“The golden self-stone, I used it to wake up Nemo under the guidance of father Sith. It was she who saved you, retrospected time, and rescued you from the new star burst.”

When I heard this, even Zhou Yi couldn’t help feeling and admiring in the heart. .

The feeling is because of the existence of the self-stone. He also took this gem to see Goddess. Although they said it was part of the Infinity Gem, they didn’t tell him that they could awaken Goddess with such powerful existence through this gem.

And admiration, it is because the Revenge Goddess showed the power. Although he has done things like retrospective time. But it’s not as important as Nemesis, and he does it casually. With the wave of his hand, the new star burst was reversed, and the universe was quiet. This power is enough to make him amazed.

But anyway, she saved oneself. This is enough to pay the highest respect.

“Thank you, Your Highness Goddess. Thank you for your help!”

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