Sun God Marvel

Chapter 672

The shaken Johnny said this lightly, except that it was not Susan that he was talking to, but the female nurse standing on the side watching all this. This time instantly made the scene awkward.

In all honesty, Johnny, who looks like Susan, is a handsome young man, so when he greets the nurse Young Lady like this, the nurse inevitably Chunxin flushed and blushed. She looked towards Johnny with rippling eyes, and she had the idea of ​​going up and taking care of him as a nurse.

However, for Susan, who is an elder sister, this is too harsh for a cheating couple. You can flirt, but don’t do this kind of thing in front of her. And the most important thing is that you are my elder sister who just photographed you.

The more and more angry Susan slapped Johnny’s body, feeling the pain, Johnny immediately jumped out of the bed like a spring.

“Susan, what are you doing!”

“Oh, sorry. I thought you didn’t know I was here?”

” Nonsense, my eyes are not blind, how could I not see you. Could you please let me know that I am doing business?”

I pushed Susan away impatiently, and Johnny entered again In the state of flirting with the nurse. Seeing this, Susan just wanted to have a temper, but was stopped by Zhou Yi who came up from behind.

“Well, since he has nothing to do. Then let him do something oneself likes.”

“Let him do What do you like to do? He can blow up the whole hospital.”

Looking at his own younger brother, Susan, who thinks he is very familiar with him, said so badly. And hearing this, Zhou Yi just laughed.

“This is just a private nursing home, so if he has that ability, I don’t mind it blows up here. Of course, after the incident, he still needs to bear the bill here.”

“Hey, who are you? What is your relationship with my elder sister.”

Seeing Zhou Yi, Johnny naturally asked about his identity. As for Susan’s younger brother, Zhou Yi just smiled and said while looking at him.

“Just think of me as your elder sister’s friend. If you want to subdivide, you can think of me as a very special kind of friend.”

“Very special Friends.” Upon hearing this, Johnny, who was used to the love scene, could not understand what he meant. He looked at Zhou Yi carefully, then said after a moment. “It looks like you are much better than that guy Reid. But, let me make it clear first, if you want to deceive my elder sister, then you have to be careful. My fist when the time comes does not treat you as What a rich person treat.”

“Of course, I didn’t mean to bully her.”

In response to Johnny in this way, Zhou Yi shook his hand and walked out. Susan gave Johnny an angry look, leaving behind the sentence “Take care of you yourself” and walked out.

“Sorry, my younger brother may be a little unpleasant.”

“I remember we talked about the younger brother and younger sister. So, for this I’m prepared for the matter. Are you going to see your other two friends? The doctor said that their situation is under control.”

Hugging Susan’s shoulder, Zhou Yi smiled She responded. And hearing such an inquiry, Susan immediately nodded.

“Of course, I also want to know about their current situation.”

“The doctor just told me, your two friends. Reed Court Academecian’s situation may be better One point, his body has undergone a certain shape change, but it is controllable. Hmm, have you read the manga? He is now like the protagonist in the Japanese manga One Piece, his body can become soft like rubber. If you say, I mean, if he is willing to go to sea for a special profession, I am willing to provide him with a wooden sailboat.”

“Hey!” Zhou Yi’s untimely teasing made Susan dissatisfied. He gave him a hammer in the chest, and at the same time, she complained to him. “Don’t think I haven’t seen One Piece. I know what you mean. What he said is my friend. Don’t make this kind of joke on him?”

“Okay, okay Yeah. My fault, I admit that I made a joke too much. Then talk about another friend of yours. He was moved to the intensive care unit, and according to the doctor, his body has undergone a change similar to a severely mutant Mutant. To put it bluntly, he is now turning into a stone man. Not only on the surface, but on the inside. This is very strange, so the doctors can only say that they are monitoring his condition and cannot do other things. . Of course, they can guarantee that his life is safe.”

Zhou Yi explained the situation of her last friend to Susan like this, and Susan felt sad when she heard this.

“Oh, no! How could he be like this? He plans to get engaged to his fiancee after returning to Earth? If so, how should we explain to his fiancee. Yi, I can go and see Look at him?”

“Of course, we will pass.”

Supporting the sad Susan, Zhou Yi led her to another intensive care unit. . At this moment, outside the ward, a figure supported by a nurse was standing there, watching the situation inside through the thick isolation window.

He heard the sound and immediately looked towards Zhou Yi’s location. When he saw Susan who was snuggling with Zhou Yi and walking straight over, his face immediately became stiff.

However, he has not had the courage to show Susan’s thoughts to Susan at this time and still dare not say anything. He just stared at Susan and Zhou Yi bluntly, then squeezed out of his mouth after a while This is the case.

“Susan, also Mr. Zhou, you are here!”

Susan was not in the mood to care about what Reid was thinking at this time, she just poked her head towards The inside of the ward was looking around and asked eagerly in his mouth.

“What about me? How is his situation, do you know?”

“It is not very good. He is emotionally unstable. Although the doctors are working hard, He still doesn’t seem to be able to accept that oneself will become like this.”

Reed Court Academecian introduced this, and gestured to Susan inside through the window. And when Susan turned her head to look over, she immediately saw a red body, like a huge body wrapped in a rock, twisting crazily on the hospital bed, beside him, two equally tall guys tried their full strength. , Just barely put him on the hospital bed. But that’s it, Susan can still hear his uncontrollable screams.

“Let go of me, let me go. Why is this, why do I become like this. Doctor, I need a doctor. Who will save me, who will save me soon.”


The deep voice was full of unspeakable sadness and panic, and seeing that her good friend became like this, Susan immediately couldn’t help but leaned on Zhou Yi’s shoulder and began to cry in a low voice.

And also Ben’s best friend, Reid, who was also moved and sad like her. Seeing that oneself’s best friend is so painful and hesitating now, he blamed all the guilt on own.

“It’s me who is not good, it is me who is not good. If it weren’t for me to carry out this damn experiment, I wouldn’t have become like this. It’s all me, it’s all my fault!”

The self-blame in his heart made the dull man knelt down on the ground, pulling his own hair and blaming himself frantically. Looking at Reid like this, Zhou Yi was strange.

“Sorry, Reed Court Academecian. I remember that you have always been known for your rigorous style. Any experiment is not 100% sure that you will not do it lightly. This is also one of our praises. . But this time, why did you have such a big mistake.”

Reid hasn’t answered this question yet, Susan has already started to defend him.

“It’s not Reid’s fault. We didn’t expect that the sun’s outburst would suddenly come forward. All the data before it showed that it should be right after a week. By the way, it must be that guy. . It must be the weird of silver.”

“The weird of silver?” Hearing this, Zhou Yi couldn’t help being surprised. At this time, Reid also stood up and explained more concretely.

“Just before the eruption of the active solar period, we found a silver guy through monitoring equipment on the sun’s surface. He has a similar appearance to a human, but the surface of his body is like silver white metal. And it’s still a metal with a flowing feeling like mercury. That is, after he appeared, the sun suddenly rioted.”

“So, you suspect that this is because of that guy. The sun burst early?”

Frowning, he asked. Zhou Yi felt even more strange. A guy who can trigger explosive movements of the sun is not a good thing for Earth itself. What he appeared in the solar system for, and what he could do, all these aroused the curiosity in Zhou Yi’s heart.

And just as he was thinking about it, Reed Court Academecian stood up and said to him.

“Mr. Zhou, I know that my request is very abrupt. But I really hope you can help me. I must take responsibility for my mistakes and atone for my sins. So I can only beg you and show me Help?”

Reid’s attitude is not disrespectful, and Zhou Yi couldn’t help asking when facing such Reid.

“So, what help do you need?”

“I need equipment, the most advanced equipment. I must research the cause of our mutation, and then correct it in the shortest time . This is the only thing I can help Ben and Susan. So, I beg you to help me. I am willing to pay any price for this!”

Not just Reid, even now Susan couldn’t help but raised her head, and showed pleading gaze at Zhou Yi. In this gaze, Zhou Yi quickly subdued.

“I will mobilize a best medical team to serve you, and at the same time I can provide you with the equipment and resources you need.”

“Thank you, thank you, Mr. . Zhou.”

Although it was heartbroken to watch Susan snuggle into Zhou Yi’s arms, Reid couldn’t help but say to him.

“Don’t thank me, just assume that I did it for Susan. I can’t watch her feel so sad!”

Zhou Yi’s tone was flat, but It is tantamount to sprinkling salt on the wound. Regarding this fact, Reid can only grit his teeth and endure it silently. He has discovered that oneself is no longer impossible to have any chance. Between them, there is no hope at all from the very beginning.

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