Sun God Marvel

Chapter 673

Reid quickly began to work hard to study how to remove the mutation in them. Zhou Yi equipped him with Peak’s laboratory, the best medical team, and Mutant with enough manpower. In this way, no matter what the situation is, it is impossible to interfere with his research, and to his degree, I believe that a solution to the problem will be developed soon.

Although this is Zhou Yi’s comfort to Susan, it is also an out-and-out truth. Reed Court Academecian’s genius is definitely no less than Tony’s, and even to some extent, he is a bit more powerful than Tony. Because he was dedicated enough, instead of devoting more time to other things like Tony did.

However, this has too much to do with Zhou Yi not at all. He just left the private nursing home to Reed and left with Susan.

Arranged a house for Susan in an urban area, and at the same time took her out for a big meal to soothe her sad mood. Zhou Yi said good night to her and left her temporarily.

Although Susan wanted to save Zhou Yi very much at this time, she still couldn’t say such a thing because of her reserved heart. So she could only watch Zhou Yi leave and lay down on the own bed with a full stomach of resentment.

And seeing Susan just fall asleep like this, Zhou Yi suddenly let out a long relaxed breath in his heart. Seriously, the longer he stayed with Susan, the more worried and scared he became. He didn’t have time to explain many things to Susan, whether it was Jean and the others, or even children. It’s not that I don’t want to say, but I really don’t know how to say it. If you say it rashly, make things like last time. Then the problem is really too big. So he has been waiting, waiting for a suitable time. But what is certain is that this is not a suitable opportunity.

Zhou Yi is still suffering from emotional problems, while Tony Stark is facing a more serious problem.

At this time, he was standing in front of General Ross, the current director of SHIELD, listening to his step by step description of the own plan. And when he finished speaking, Tony couldn’t help but speak to him.

“I don’t understand, General Ross, what makes you hate Mutant so much. As far as I know, you should be different from General Stryker. He has something to Mutant because of his own family. Such a big opinion, but you, I know that you have never had an intersection with Mutant. Even if there is any contradiction, it should be with Bruce.”

When it came to this, Tony couldn’t bear it. I took a look at Dr. Banner next to him and smiled apologetically at him. And looking at Tony like this, Bruce shook the head with a sigh. He knows Tony pretty much, knowing that this guy never considers the feelings of others. Otherwise, just these words would be enough to make him and Tony turn their faces directly.

Listening to Tony’s words, he glanced at Bruce Banner beside him. Chief Ross cut a cigar and put it in his mouth.

“If I am still in charge of the things I was in charge of before, if the country is still as stable and harmonious as before. Then I will definitely spare no effort to put you in a cage.”

“This is why Betty hates you. You are cold-blooded and simply don’t look like a human being.”

People pointed their noses and said that they would put you in a cage, Dr. Banner was naturally impossible and smiled at this person. He immediately refuted, in the name of a woman he and General Ross cared about.

And such a statement immediately made General Ross angry. He spit out a big mouth of disgust, his sharp eyes looked like a terrifying monster in the smoke.

“It was you, Bruce Banner. You took my daughter away from me. It was you who brought misfortune to her life and brought countless terrifying disasters. My whole life The most regrettable thing in the game is that I didn’t kill you at that time. Otherwise, Betty would never become what he is now.”

“You haven’t reflected on the own mistake yet, General Ross. It’s you. This practice of always attributing mistakes to others, and at the same time making mistakes for oneself by fair means or foul, makes Betty farther and farther away from you. You yourself is the culprit, but you never want to admit it That’s it.”

“You really dare to say such a thing, Banner. I really want to see if you have the ability to maintain your arrogance in my sentry army.”


“Similarly, I also want to see, when you see your support is torn to pieces by Hulk. Can you be so confident!”

To some extent The two men who were considered Weng-in-law began to a pin against an awl. Looking at this, Tony on one side immediately patted the table and shouted.

“Two, two. Let’s talk about business now! So, for this kind of family problem, can you wait for you to go home and have a good chat. We are now talking about national affairs, the country Do you understand the major events?”

Tony’s words finally put the meeting back on track. Looking at Tony with a serious face, General Ross also temporarily put his personal grievances behind him, and explained to Tony.

“For Mutant, no, strictly speaking, I am targeting any target that may cause damage to this country. Mutant is the largest and most obvious one.”

“Why do you say that, you should know that Mutant has been active in this world since a long time ago. If everything is like you said, they should have caused harm to this country long ago, and the presidents of the past generations are also impossible Let these dangers continue to exist in the United States. It is impossible for you to deal with them now.”

Tony disagrees with this statement of General Ross. As he said, if they are threatened, it will not be his turn to finish. However, General Ross doesn’t think so, he has his own reasons.

“The reason why previous presidents did not do this is because they can control the situation. Mutant, no matter how powerful it is, it is impossible to threaten the most basic interests of this country. But now is different. Now we have one more god , A city ruled by God. Although until now we all think that God blesses United States, but this does not mean that we can watch him divide the country of United States in the name of God, destroy the sovereignty of United States, and drag United States Enter the abyss of consigned to eternal damnation.”

As soon as this sentence was said, it immediately made Tony’s face stiff. Of course he knew who General Ross was talking about. It was precisely because of this problem that he immediately opened his mouth and said loudly to General Ross.

“Hey, General. Don’t you think you take the problem too seriously? Don’t forget, Huiyao City is the land he really bought with money, and it belongs to his city. In United States, this is the constitution. Even an ordinary citizen can maintain the own territory and aim the gun at anyone who enters the house without permission. Even more how is it? What he did in that city, totally Is it within the scope of the law!”

“You know? The last thing I want to see is the dirty faces of you rich people!” He spit out a big mouthful of cigarette rings, General Ross’s eyes looked at Tony a little bit more malicious. “Just because you have money, you can unscrupulously take control of the law. The constitution? An old statute is not suitable for now. Don’t tell me you don’t know what he is doing.”

“He is in the world The world gathers those dangerous Mutants. He calls the own city their paradise. Do you know how many Mutants are in that city alone? Hundred thousand or 200,000? When so many Mutants are gathered together, you dare to say that they don’t Is it a threat? Especially in the case of those terrorist organizations like Magneto and Brotherhood of Mutants in Mutant that have been fighting against human society.”

“Hey, hey!” Interrupted General Ross Pushing harder, Tony said hurriedly. “You think the problem is too serious. He did this to give Mutant enough rights. His younger sister and daughter are both Mutant, which is destined to do something for Mutant. Don’t forget, He is a hero no matter what, he has defended this country, the existence of this World. Therefore, he will never do the things you worry about.”

“Tony Stark, I know You are a friend of that person. But this does not mean that you can stand on his side unconditionally, no matter what his purpose is, but his actions themselves have caused a threat to this country. I still said that, We cannot tolerate any secession of the country, whether it is intentional or unintentional. Once he has constituted such a threat, then we can only use the most special means to deal with him.”

“What do you call the most special method?”

Hearing General Ross’s assertion, Tony frowned deeply. He found that the matter was more serious than he thought. In other words, everything is developing in the direction he least wants to see. In this case, he could only stare cautiously at General Ross in front of oneself, hoping to hear a turn for the better.

However, this time has come, and everything is impossible to transfer by his will. So, he heard the answer that oneself least wanted to hear.

“War! I will use all means to safeguard America’s sovereignty, and naturally will not rule out the means of war.”

“So, the dispatch of the sentry robot is your arrangement All right? You are directing the things including the TV station?”

“The TV station? What did you say about it!” Hearing this, General Ross frowned unusually and revealed it. Thoughtful expression. “I must admit that this incident is very coincidental. But that has nothing to do with us. The sentinel robots have been deployed as early as a year ago. We are just waiting for an opportunity. We just didn’t expect that the opportunity will come back. So suddenly. This may be destiny, America will be reborn from the ashes.”

Tony never thought that this general who wanted to be serious and iron-blooded would actually attribute everything to fate at this time. This kind of illusory doctrine, when they look at each other in blank dismay, General Ross said suddenly.

“I’ll give you a piece of advice, Stark. Don’t mix into this kind of thing casually. No matter what standpoint you look at, you are not fit to mix in.”

On this issue, Tony rarely said anything nonsense. Instead, he glanced at General Ross in silence, got up and walked outside.

However, at this time, Dr. Banner suddenly asked Ross.

“General, I want to ask you. If you do this, don’t you worry that your so-called God will retaliate against you?”

“Of course I am worried about this problem. But who Tell you, the god in that city is real? He may not be able to come back, or he may never come back again.”

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