Sun God Marvel

Chapter 686

“You are back again, Tony Stark! What do you want to do this time?”

Sit behind the desk and hold a handful Small scissors cut the butts of the cigar. General Ross stared at Tony and Bruce as they rushed in, and asked them with interest.

“General Ross, don’t you know what you oneself did?” It’s exactly straight to the point. As soon as Tony came in, he pressed it on the desk and faced it in a very oppression force manner. General Ross said. “You made a terrifying War Machine, which is enough to change the current rules of the battlefield. May I ask, what do you want to do?”

“I thought this question, I gave it last time You answered it.” Looking at Tony and Bruce with a faint smile, General Ross stopped the action in oneself’s hands. “I can repeat it to you again, and for the last time.”

“What I want is for this country to return to its former peace and prosperity. What I want is for the existence that threatens the stability and unity of this country. All are sanctioned and judged. I said, at all costs, right? I should have said these things.”

“That’s why you made these War Machines?” At the table, Tony couldn’t help the angry flame in his heart and yelled at him. “If it is to heal this country, it is to restore peace to this country. Then you should definitely not use this thing to achieve your goals. You are starting a war, General Ross. Don’t tell me, you created this thing. Just to deal with that city. Do you dare to guarantee, dare to touch your own conscience and say, will you not use them in foreign wars?”

“I can’t guarantee. And, why should I guarantee.”

Tony’s question made the expression on General Ross’s face become cold. He looked at Tony who was facing oneself flies into a rage, and suddenly smiled contemptuously.

“You know, Tony Stark. Your stupid appearance now makes me feel ridiculous. Before all this, before the so-called Superhero wreaked havoc on this country, what was our country like, you Remember?”

“If you don’t remember, I remember clearly. We are the most powerful country in this world and the hegemon of the world. Above the ocean, our military base can radiate to every corner of every country. And our people can walk on top of any country in this World with their heads high.”

“But now! How are we now?”

The smile suddenly converged, replaced by an angry roar.

“Look at what our country looks like now. We have lost our most powerful and symbolic city. Our government and even the army have been criticized and hit hard again and again. The most terrifying Yes, even our country is about to be separated from this country. Is this still America? Is this still the prosperous United States? Tell me your answer, Stark!”

Ross The general’s anger made him look like an angry lion. But Tony didn’t give much relief. In terms of the anger in his heart, he was not inferior to this patriot. So at this moment, he appeared almost exactly the same as him.

“This is the result of your reap what you have sown. This is also my country, the country of Superhero. Do you think we want to see this country become like this? We also want it Become better, become stronger. But because of you, because of your stupidity and arrogance, this country will become what it is now.”

“If you didn’t foolishly drop the nuclear bomb , If it weren’t for you to have been so wary of the powerful Superhuman. If you were not infiltrated so that even the vice president was spies by others, how could we have become like this. It’s all your fault, Ross This is the fault of you arrogant politicians. And until now, you have not realized the mistake of own. Do you really want to bring this country into the abyss of consigned to eternal damnation?”

“The abyss of consigned to eternal damnation?” Hearing this adjective, General Ross sneered again. He stared at Tony in front of oneself, as if staring at a drama actor desperately performing on stage. “Why, do you think of oneself as a Savior? Tony Stark, I tell you, you are never heroes, let alone the ability to save anyone. If you want to save this country, have you ever thought about this? The country does not need your rescue at all.”

“The prosperity and strength of the country simply cannot be supported by you funny clowns. What he needs is a powerful army and strength, which we used to have Passed, and now we will have them again. Although you don’t know from what channel you learned about the Titan machine, do you think you can prevent us from using this weapon? I tell you, this is fundamentally impossible. Because this is the will of this country.”

“This country is regenerating itself. He is removing the parasites from oneself and re-climbing the steps where oneself has stood before. You Superhero, those Mutants , Also the so-called gods are all stumbling blocks in front of him. And we, as soldiers in this country, the only purpose of existence is to purge you and clear a smooth path for his rise and rebirth. You can’t stop it. Ours, if you really dare to stand across from us, no matter who you are, you will only end up in pieces. Do you understand? Tony Stark.”

Not the first time facing Tony General Ross who said such words repeated what oneself said once again, and this time, he was not admonishing, but full of threats and warnings. Hearing such words, Tony was not only not intimidated by him, but even more hostile.

“I said that I would never sit back and watch this kind of thing. If you really want to start a war desperately, then I will definitely stop you. No matter what you build What kind of hell things, I swear, I will destroy them completely. Let your damn ambition and arrogance all be reduced to nothing.”

“Do you know what you are talking about? Stark?” With a strenuous slap on the table, General Ross stood up abruptly. “Do you know how much resources this country spends to build these things? Do you know what it means if you destroy them? We Blocking the future of this country on these War Machines, now you are telling me that you are going to destroy them! You are destroying the future of this country.”

“Listen, Stark. If you dare to do this, then I promise, no matter where you are or under whose shelter you are. I will definitely catch you back, put you in a military court, and shoot you in front of countless people. This is not and You cracking a joke, I always say that I can do it, do you understand what I mean?”

Hearing this, Tony suddenly fell silent. He was naturally silent not because of the threat of General Ross, but because of the things he had said before. If the United States Government really invested resources, including the future, on these Titan machines, then ruining them is not an easy task.

Just like the large fleets stationed by the United States in the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean, if they are destroyed in this way, then for United States, it is equivalent to deadly Blow. Because these fleets are not only as simple as weapons and equipment, they also mean countless capital, political and even military losses. It is conceivable that once they disappear, huge uncontrollable changes will occur to the entire world.

That is equivalent to that the arm that United States controls the world is completely cut off, and his position in the world mountain will drop a thousand zhang in one fall. And the ensuing financial crisis, political changes, and even international pressures may make this country directly depressed and become a fish and meat under the knife of others and a tragic target for others to slaughter.

This is by no means alarmist, nor is it mere random thinking. After all, he was once a member of the arms world. For these things, just think about it, and Tony will soon be able to come up with a rough result. It was this result that made him begin to be terrified and over-cautious.

He doesn’t want these damn politicians and crazy patriots to set off the rages of war in this world, and he is also impossible to watch the future and fortune of this country just like the destruction of those huge machines. . He is a Superhero and a deep patriot. These two identities, which should have complemented each other, suddenly opposed each other at this moment, and it was this contradiction that caused his deep in one’s heart to fall into blind irritability and entanglement.

What should I do? What should I do? His breathing started to swift, his eyes started to panic, Tony, who was full of such problems, felt that oneself was going crazy.

And his change was quickly noticed by Bruce next to him, so he immediately asked with concern.

“What’s wrong with you, Tony?”

Shaking his hand, he signaled to Bruce that oneself is not a problem now. Tony opened his mouth again to the stubborn, rock-like General Ross before him.

“Are you so unwilling to admit defeat? General Ross, don’t you understand? The world has changed. Doing this like you will only destroy United States. Stop, only this way we Only to save United States.”

“Stop? That’s impossible.”

Looking at Tony, who was suffering from the entanglement, General Ross suddenly laughed.

“It’s like a round rock rolling down from the top of a mountain. This kind of thing is impossible to stop. Even if we die, he is impossible to stop. This country will be reborn in our hands. , No one can stop us. If so, Tony Stark. Then they are the sinners of this country and the culprit for destroying this country. And you, when the time comes, are the accomplices, do you understand?”

“It’s time for you to make a choice. When choosing your position, Tony Stark!”

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