Sun God Marvel

Chapter 687

Tony Stark is a patriot, which sounds ridiculous, but it is true. Maybe it was because of his father’s influence, maybe it was too much intersection with the government when I was an arms dealer, or maybe it was just an American mentality alone. He really loves the own country.

Although he often goes to bury the government bastards of oneself country again and again, staring at oneself’s technology. But this does not mean that he will feel resentful towards the own country, otherwise he will not give Own a Mark II to Rod, who is almost equivalent to the representative of the military.

And now, it is precisely because of the interference of this patriotic mood that Tony feels hesitant and difficult to do like never before. What should oneself do? This has become the biggest problem in his mind, and this problem is very regrettable, there is no perfect solution. All he can do is one of two multiple choice questions, no matter how he chooses it will make him struggle and painful multiple choice questions.

Seeing the hesitation and wandering on his face, General Ross suddenly showed a smile of harboring malicious intentions.

“I said it a long time ago, Stark. I said it a long time ago to keep you away from these things. This is not something you can intervene, and now you have to face the hardest choice Question. This was not a choice you should have made, but now you have to do it. Stark!”

“Leave him alone, Tony. Let’s get out of here first!”

Aware of Tony’s mental state, Bruce immediately pulled Tony up and took him to leave here. At this time, the door of the office was suddenly kicked open. A group of agents armed with weapons rushed in one after another. While protecting General Ross, they also pointed their guns at the two people inside.

“Raise your hands, raise your hands quickly.”

They treat the two Superheros in front of them like terrorists, although their shouts are very powerful, but If you look closely, you will find that some of them are actually shaking imperceptibly. Especially when they pointed their guns at Bruce, the tremor became more pronounced.

It’s not that anyone has the courage to aim a ridiculous toy like a firearm at Hulk, that’s not killing his life, but cracking a joke of his own life. Obviously, all those who dared to stand here were warriors, although they were a little bit scared.

“Ross, what do you want to do?”

Looking at the situation, Tony, who was still very confused, immediately questioned Ross. And following his questioning, a layer of fine metal like sand quickly emerged from the watch on his wrist, and then it covered his whole body in an instant, turning him into a fully armed Iron Man’s status.

This situation makes things instantly uncontrollable, at least for the agents. Especially when they saw the green radiance in the eyes of the dangerous person Bruce Banner, the uncontrollable feeling became more intense.

Helicarrier is large, but it is not yet able to withstand the toss of two Superheros. And after the gun in oneself’s hand was completely reduced to a toy, the danger has been completely transferred to a certain extent.

At this time, Ross also knew that it was impossible to keep these two guys here, so he immediately waved at the agents and asked them to get out of the way. And then, he said to Tony.

“Listen, Stark. Maybe now you can get away from here with your own power. But don’t forget, you can’t escape the shackles of this country, remember my words. What do you want to be? The role is determined by you yourself, but you can never stop us.”

Tony didn’t speak, but just left here as quickly as possible with Bruce who had been frowning. And when they left, Ross did it all over again, and drove out all the agents here as if driving out flies.

Like Tony, his thoughts are quite complicated. Because he realized that the plan of the oneself group seemed not at all as perfect as they thought. So, is it time to change the plan?

Thinking of this, Ross made a call immediately and said to the other end of the phone.

“You exposed, sir. So I thought, should we start our plan now? Carry out everything in advance and hit them completely unprepared.”

No one knows what the answer he got, but everything has undergone tremendous changes quietly.

At this moment, Tony and Bruce have returned to their temporary base. Unlike the high-spirited and vigorous when he came, Tony now looks a bit decadent and not knowing what to do. As if he had suffered a huge setback, he seemed to be depressed a lot inexplicably.

“What happened, you guys seem to be something wrong?”

Natasha, who just finished oneself working outside, saw the appearance of the two of them, and immediately came up and faced each other. They asked.

“Tony has heard something, which has some influence on him. Therefore, he may need to oneself quietly and think about these questions before speaking.”

Explain briefly and concisely After learning about their situation, Bruce sighed, and oneself walked to the coffee machine and started playing tricks. Looking at Tony, who was still frowning, Natasha thought for a while, walked forward, sat next to him, and asked him.

“Why, do you need a little psychological guidance?”

“Need!” Looking up and looking at own Natasha with concern, Tony took the bottle from his hand He poured a glass of wine out, and asked Natasha. “Do you think it is wrong to love this country?”

“I’m so sorry, I am Russian. You ask me if I love this country wrong, I really can’t answer.”

I also served oneself a cup, Natasha picked out his own hair and answered his question like this. And heard Natasha’s answer. Tony was chuckled immediately, and he poured the wine in the glass as he raised his head.

“That said, Russians.”

“So, Russians. Can you tell me, is it really wrong to be a Superhero?”

“It depends on what you think. If you can find what oneself wants from it, then I don’t think it is wrong. And in terms of our nature, the reason why we become Superhero is Isn’t it the sense of honor and responsibility that can protect others?”

“Is it honor and responsibility?” Repeating these words, Tony drank a big glass again. “So, Natasha. I’ll ask you one more question. If this damn sense of responsibility and honor conflict with patriotism, how should I choose? Should I continue to choose this so-called honor, or Choosing to sacrifice this damn thing for my country?”

“What’s the use of this thing, you ask me?” Natasha took a sip of the wine in the glass, and Natasha gave Tony a blank glance. “Everyone’s choices are different, Tony. In this type of question, all you can ask is you yourself. And even if it’s you yourself, do you think the answer must be what you want?” /p>

“Damn it, Natasha. I really think you’ve never hated it like you are today.”

Pushing the boring wine into his mouth again, Tony looked towards oneself with red eyes Alluring woman. For such a woman, he usually has extremely high levels of hormones, but now, he looks at her with disgust except rejection. Obviously, he was so dissatisfied with her answer that his senses for this beauty became worse.

Natasha, who has always been sensitive in this regard, immediately saw his current thoughts, but she was just laughed about this. Although beauty is also part of her strength, she has already passed the stage of relying on beauty for food. Therefore, she did not care about his thoughts, but continued to speak to him.

“If you really want me to give you a suggestion, then I can only give you one suggestion. Since you are feeling headaches and contradictions for these two positions, why don’t you think about it? , To unify these two positions. The sense of honor and the responsibility of heroes don’t seem to contradict patriotism, do they? Of course, the premise is that your patriotism is correct patriotism, not dangerous ambitions and Desire.”

“Sayed and not said, Natasha, when did you learn to talk nonsense.”

Hearing Natasha’s explanation, Tony paused. Then he drank boring wine again. In response, Natasha just patted his shoulder and walked away from him.

“Try to think about it, Tony. You are Stark. You shouldn’t be troubled by this kind of problem.”

“Simply speaking… “Shook the head, and Tony fell into own thoughts. At this time, their windows were suddenly pushed open.

The little spider who never walked through the front door turned in from the outside, and then yelled at them impatiently.

“Hey, you would never think I got any news. That Pierce, Alexander Pierce, his identity is more complicated than we see, do you know? I saw him with my own eyes I gave orders to most of the branch members of the Ministry of Defense and Parliament, also the President. They are really being ordered in the way of giving orders, as if those people are his subordinates.”

“Moreover, I heard that he contacted a strange guy who called him Winter Soldier and ordered him to go to Huiyao City to assassinate important people. Listen, Buddy, I think this guy must have a problem. He It must be the mastermind.”

“Even if it wasn’t, it’s almost the same.” Putting down the wine glass in his hand, Tony stood up already. “I think I know how to do it. Go back to our original intention, find the secret mastermind, and fix him. I think it’s more useful than anything.”

His words made Bruce and Natasha smile. , And then nodded immediately.

“It’s a good idea, we agree.”

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