Sun God Marvel

Chapter 694

Frustration, disappointment, and even despair, that is Captain’s most real feelings now. He once won World War II, the most terrifying war in human history. This originally made him think that oneself had nothing to worry about anymore, especially on the issue of war.

But now, he has discovered that things are far more difficult than oneself thought. He just won a war, but it does not mean that he can win every war. As for the war, a little carelessness is a disaster, a real devastation. Mortals cannot control, mortals cannot stop. And he, before the war, is just a mortal.

This is a sad reality. As a hero, he is considering all the consequences of the war with compassion. But the reality is that he has no ability to change everything he is worried about. And people with this ability don’t care about these at all.

This is the greatest contrast, which made him helpless and frustrated, frustrated and angry. If it wasn’t for lack of power, he really wanted to beat Zhou Yi fiercely, so that he had to do everything oneself said. But if he really has such power, then he doesn’t have to do it at all. He can change all this by his own will. So, all of this is just a useless fantasy.

Powerless despair is the saddest reality of mankind. Sometimes, people may become depressed and depressed. But Captain’s will was exceptionally strong. In the face of this reality, he was not at all knocked down, but quickly cheered up again.

“I will stop them. Whether you want to take action or not, I will find a way to stop them. This battlefield should not break out, and this country should not become like this.”

“That’s your problem, not mine. Mr. Rogers, you can do whatever you want for this kind of thing, but I hope you can accept the consequences. You I also know that this is a war. So whatever the result is, there may be a big gap between what you think.”

It’s very kind words, but it sounds exceptional to Captain’s ears. Piercing. It was as if he had already seen that oneself would fail, and oneself could not stop this war. Although I wanted to refute this statement, until the end, Captain did not open his mouth.

He knows that now no matter what oneself says, there is no strength. So he can only stay silent, hoping for the changes that will take place in the future, hoping that there will be a possibility in that future that will happen as he envisioned. Of course, he himself is not very clear about whether there is such a possibility.

However, this is more or less an effort. It also allowed him to get rid of this embarrassing situation as soon as possible.

“Can we leave? My teammates and my friends?”

When this was said, Captain’s eyes were fixed on what Clarice had made On that space cube. Obviously, the people he mentioned not only include the Mutant siblings, but also the Winter Soldier who is a killer. But this made Zhou Yi immediately laugh incredulously.

“It’s really interesting, Mr. Captain. I don’t know when you were involved with this kind of killer. Let me guess his origin, a secret agent of SHIELD, or a secret agent of the government. Those guinea pigs, or are they Hydra’s killers?”

“He is not, he is just Bucky. He is my good friend, and always my best friend.”

Hearing the comments about Winter Soldier, Captain’s mood immediately became excited. And listening to his excited words, Zhou Yi’s smile became more obvious.

“Friends, I thought you had a lot of friends. It’s just that I didn’t expect that your interest in making friends could be so extensive. When did you meet? Don’t tell me it’s him After assassinating someone in my city.”

“No, of course not. This is not him, I mean it is not his intention.”

It involves assassination of others. This kind of crime, even Captain can’t be so blatant to clean up Winter Soldier’s own crime. But he is still working hard, hoping to clean up something for him.

“Listen, it looks like this. This guy is my friend, I grew up together, walked on the battlefield together, and was born and died together, a good brother. You don’t know what happened that year. At that time, Bucky was thrown off the train by one person in order to save me and fell into the cold Snow Mountain. I thought he was dead, I thought I would never see him again. But I didn’t expect that he actually I survived, and in this way, I have lived until now.”

“I believe this must be an opportunity God gave me, giving me a chance to redeem myself. So, I do whatever it takes Save him. Zhou Yi, I beg you, let him leave here with me, okay! I promise, he will not do anything wrong, with my reputation and life as a guarantee.”

Captain’s attitude has to be described as earnest. It is precisely because of this that Zhou Yi feels a little difficult to do. From his personal point of view, letting go of Winter Soldier and handing him over to Captain is really not a worst problem. But the problem is that this should not be decided by him.

Winter Soldier is the prey of oneself younger sister, the existence she captured. So anyway, if you want to let Winter Soldier go, you must get her consent. So, facing Captain’s request, Zhou Yi directly pushed the own younger sister out.

“Although I really want to promise you, I’m sorry, you must get my younger sister’s consent for this kind of thing. After all, this is the criminal she caught, not me. And, for For a policeman, it’s not appropriate for us to discuss a criminal’s movements in this way. So, I think you might need to talk to my younger sister.”

“Talk to your younger sister Let’s talk?” Hearing Zhou Yi’s words, Captain immediately turned his eyes to Clarice, a special police officer with magical abilities. “Young Lady, can we talk about it?”

“What to talk about? Mr. Rogers, do you want to take the criminal away from me?”

The eyes are on Captain Walking back and forth with the Winter Soldier, who was still in free fall, Clarice asked him immediately.

“Yes, if you can, I hope you can agree to my unreasonable request. I know that Bucky has done terrifying things in this city, but I am sure this must not be his intention. He was originally a very kind person. It must have happened a lot of terrifying things in these years that made him like this. So, please give me a chance and let me take him away, okay? I will Change him, I will help you find the real culprit behind the scenes, and I will let him make every effort to repay the sins committed by oneself.”

Hesitated for a while, or said to be watching Captain sincerely Less than two seconds later, Clarice nodded and said to him.

“You can take him away, but you have to make sure that the things you just said. I don’t want to be played as a fool, do you understand?”

” Of course, of course. I promise, kind girl, your tolerance and kindness will be reciprocated. I will remember your kindness.”

Seeing that Clarice actually agreed to oneself so sensibly, Captain suddenly felt an inexplicable surprise and excitement in his heart. He said to Clarice, and at the same time he inevitably glanced at Zhou Yi. Those eyes are obviously saying, look at your younger sister, and then look at you. They are really very different.

This look was naturally seen by Zhou Yi, but he didn’t at all have any emotional changes due to this. He who had already made a decision would not make any changes because of this little emotion. So, he just smiled at Captain and said to own Wanda that trembling with fear.

“Your friends and younger brother have been released, don’t you guys go and check it out? They are not in a good state now.”

It’s not just bad, it’s just very bad. As soon as his feet fell to the ground, Quicksilver couldn’t help staggering to the side and vomiting into the corner. No one can imagine the pleasure of the Infinity space shuttle, especially when several spaces negotiate each other, which makes each pass more disgusting than motion sickness. Being able to keep walking for two steps is already a manifestation of his Mutant’s body.

It’s not just him, even Winter Soldier is ugly. Although he didn’t speak, he knew from his iron complexion and his throat that kept twitching, that his condition would not be much better than it was almost.

While seeing that the person oneself was about to rescue became like this, Wanda and Captain immediately walked up and one of them supported one, and walked towards the side of the warehouse, where also their people were responding to them. In their plan, they should have left directly after saving people. It just didn’t expect that a trifling special police team almost kept them.

This made Captain sigh, Mutant hidden dragons and crouching tigers, any Mutant is not worthy of underestimation, and at the same time, he couldn’t help but feel upset about the situation of the next war.

After the form is reversed, the stronger Mutant is, the more it will cause the situation to become uncontrollable. If he can, he really hopes that Mutant can restrain oneself. But, after experiencing such targeting and massacre, can they restrain oneself? No need to guess, Captain knew it was just a delusion.

So he can only speed up his pace, hoping to discuss a perfect solution as soon as possible while taking away the old friend around him as soon as possible.

While watching Captain leave like this, Clarice is curl one’s lip.

“Is this the famous Avenger? It doesn’t seem to be amazing.”

“That’s because you are excellent, Clarice. You and your friends, It’s really great.”

Zhou Yi answered him with admiration, but this did not satisfy Clarice.

“I think you still owe me an explanation. You haven’t told me why you are following me!”

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