Sun God Marvel

Chapter 695

Time always passes quickly, especially in this kind of overcast war. Although many people are immersed in the illusion that a war is impossible, war is still far away from us. But actually, the war has come, when they were unconsciously.

When a team of hired soldiers began to perform duties at the border post in the city as usual, when they were still smoking cigarettes and habitually chatting and farting, the enemy’s invasion was already Came to them.

The first thing that appeared was a CH-47F transport helicopter. They suddenly appeared from the sky with a low howling sound, and then they lay in a dense cloud-like formation like a vengeful wasp. In the low air, they swarmed towards the city of Huiyao City.

This kind of formation is rarely seen even by the old mercenary who have been entrenched in the Middle East battlefield for many years. From the moment they saw these fleets of hiding the sky and covering the earth, these veterans really thought that the United States Government was crazy, I am afraid they sent all the transport planes that oneself can send here. If it is full of people, then this scale is even larger than any war in the United States since World War II. What are they trying to do, to completely destroy everyone and every house in the whole city?

While the incomprehensible mercenary looked at everything in the heart in front of them, they also inevitably regretted it in the heart. If they know that the intensity of the war can reach this level, then whether they will come to this city to accept this drudgery is really an uncertain question. But now, they are already on the battlefield, which means that they regret it, and it has no effect.

Thinking about this, the mercenary immediately picked up their own equipment and prepared for battle. Of course, they did not forget to report the news to the own Boss, let them know that the United States Government has taken action. And when they had just reported the news, a helicopter had already flown over to this outpost, and dropped huge objects by air.

“Damn it, what is that?”

Looking at the thing that was thrown down without a parachute, a member of this group of mercenary asked this question. And soon, one of his companions gave him the answer.

“Damn it, it’s a sentry robot. You guys, no one has been checked out to have X-Genome, right?”

“Don’t be silly, Bruce. If we check out With this kind of ability, do you think those bosses will still throw us in places where birds don’t shit?”

When I heard this question, someone foul-mouthed the answer right away. And this is to let the person who asked this question at first let out a long breath.

“That’s good, then I’m relieved. Don’t worry, this group of robots are dead-headed, they will only attack those Mutants and guys with mutant genes. As long as you are human, then It’s completely safe, and maybe it’s still a chance for us to make merit and make big money!”

It’s like cheering on oneself, and it’s like making own companions pull yourself together, this As the guy said, he took the gun and walked towards the sentry robot closest to oneself first.

He unscrupulously walked around the robot, and knocked his own rifle on the robot’s joints, causing the robot to make ping-pong-pong noises. Of course, doing this not at all will cause any abnormal movement to the sentry robot. It just stands there quietly, seeming to treat the mercenary next to oneself as completely air. And this immediately made the courage in this mercenary’s heart more vigorous by three points.

“Have you seen it, these machines simply ignore our existence. That’s why I said that Boss had made a wise decision to transfer us mercenary over. It was just a bunch of tin cans. When they completely ignore us, we can break them into pieces in minutes. By the way, Boss said, how much does it cost to get a sentry robot?”

“Let me think about it, Let me think about it.” Speaking of money, these mercenaries who worked for the money immediately began to swallow their saliva. “It seems to be a robot of 10,000 USD. If you take away a transport plane, then maybe the Boss will add a sum.”

“It’s really a good business, such a CH-47F How can we install six sentry robots, and this everywhere all is, how can there be one or two thousand robots. Even if we can’t get all of them on our heads, how can we earn 4500,000. But it’s a big business, and it’s not dangerous at all. This kind of good opportunity is not always available.”

wealth moves peoples hearts, under the temptation of such huge interests , These mercenary immediately came to the spirit, and walked towards the sentry robots. At this time, the sentry robot, which had been silent and without any movement, suddenly started to move.

They scanned all around first, then raised their own arms, and strode towards the city. But seeing their movements, the mercenary group became anxious immediately.

“Damn, these robots were activated by people. We move a bit faster. If those guys find out, we won’t be so easy to make money.”

Screaming uncleanly in his mouth, a mercenary held the rifle in the hand of the owner, and shot desperately at the head of a sentry robot.

Although the three-meter-tall Sentinel robot looks very powerful, it is difficult to be intact in the face of the impact of bullets. So in just an instant, the head of this sentry robot was immediately beaten to pieces, and it looked like a hornet’s nest with a hundred holes through it.

Of course, it’s not just what it looks like, it’s actually a hornet’s nest. At the moment they were attacked, all the sentry robots present turned their heads and turned their faces to the mercenary who attacked them. And seeing the robot suddenly undergoing such a change, a group of people, after a little dazed, said again with their mouths.

“Don’t worry, it’s just a bunch of machines. This kind of reaction is just a normal reaction to self-detection damage. They dare not do it to us.”

The guy who made this explanation seemed to be trying to prove the point of own, holding the weapon and pulling the trigger at the sentry robot again. And this time, they are not as stable as before.

The sentry robot that was attacked again began to show dangerous red radiance in the eyes, and since this robot, almost every robot has undergone the same changes. The armor of their hands was fading, and the heavy weapons inside began to be loaded and exposed. And when they aimed their weapons at the mercenary, these mercenary also couldn’t believe that these robots dare to do so.

“What the hell is going on, do they want to fight us back?”

“Damn it, it’s just a bunch of robots that have been programmed, what’s so good about I’m scared. Shoot them and kill them!”

The noisy mercenary almost have different views on the situation, some violent and cowardly. But while they were still thinking about how to perform the next move, the sentry robots had already begun to move.

The first action was the robot whose head was broken. Its head first surged like mercury, and quickly repaired the part damaged by the bullet. With the repair of oneself’s damage, the robot slammed forward and immediately grabbed the mercenary standing in front of oneself.

This reaction surprised the mercenary even more than the robots exposing their weapons before. Among them, the mercenary who was most frightened was the one who was caught. At this moment, he who was held by the sentry robot began to struggle frantically, twisting, trying to break free from its control, but the sentry robot held him firmly in his hand, and did not give him a trace of escape. Chance, so he could only yell at the robot.

“Let me down, you damn machine. I order you, hurry up and put me down, have you heard. You are just a machine, you must obey human orders. Let me down, you This **** robot. Ah…no…”

With a scream, the mercenary who was foul-mouthed just now has been slammed by the robot. The tightly closed palm squeezed all the bones and smashed all the internal organs, like a rag doll, crushed into a shriveled skin.

As this action progressed, all the still silent sentry robots had already picked up their guns and fired frantically at all the humans present.

The Sentinel Robot’s armed system is not inferior to any weapon of war. The standard large-caliber cannon only sweeps all the mercenary into pieces in an instant. After solving these mercenaries, these robots turned their heads, and ran towards the city at a speed that was almost running.

For these robots, they just completed a small mission to clear obstacles. For those mercenaries, it was already the last mistake made by oneself in his life.

On the battlefield, there has never been who can stay out of it. This point, those mercenary should be very clear. But because of temporary care and greed, they forgot this. Empiricism makes them think in a whimsical way that sentinel robots will only deal with those Mutant and X-Gene Owners. They never thought that these things were made by people, and the people who made them killed how many innocent people with these machines. , Simply is an unknown secret.

After all, this is a killing machine. Seeing a killing machine with ordinary eyes is really a ridiculous act of death. Of course, they have paid the price for this behavior.

However, this price is not rewarding. At the very least, the people on the city’s defense line already knew about the arrival of the enemy and their ruthlessness. It doesn’t care who you are, and it doesn’t care if you are innocent. After all, war is just killing. They came to kill, and any unrealistic thoughts were just to make oneself die faster.

I want to understand this, everyone started to act in the most urgent state. And the counterattack force centered on Huiyao City also formally appeared in front of the enemy.

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