As far as the things in front of us are concerned, what Erik makes is difficult for human technology to surpass. The control of metal by magnetic force allows him to create zero-error machinery, but this is something that human technology cannot surpass.

Error this thing, no matter how you correct it, it is impossible to completely eliminate it. Because there is no such thing as perfection for machines, they follow a cage constructed with physics and mathematics, and this cage basically does not have a tenable perfect data.

Erik made a lot of things, the psychic amplifier of Professor Charles, his sea steel city, and the Mutant manufacturing instrument beside him.

This instrument, which twists human DNA through strong magnetic force and awakens the X-Genome within the body, is indeed feasible through his experiments. But this instrument has a fatal flaw. He needs an operator who can make it work.

This high-precision instrument cannot even be operated by energy supply, because the electromagnetic force of the energy itself may cause errors in this high-precision instrument. There is only one possibility to make this machine 100% effective, that is, a magnetic manipulator can manipulate it with full strength, and use magnetic force to move the ritual orbit of this machine at sub-light speed.

There is only one magnetic controller in the world that can achieve this level. That is Magneto, Erik. Lanchel.

But even with Magneto’s formidable strength, it takes a lot of effort to start this instrument. And to expand the scope of influence of this instrument, he even needs to use all his strength to do it. For a Mutant, exhausting strength is equivalent to Death. Their power comes from the supply of body cells, exhausting their ability is equivalent to squeezing every bit of life out of own.

Erik is not afraid of Death, but his career has not yet seen the light, which prevents him from dying at this time. Originally, he had already planned to store this instrument, and used it as one of the last trump cards. But the appearance of Rogue gave him new ideas.

He is different from Professor Charles. He doesn’t mind trading a Mutant’s life for a situation that is powerful for Mutant. In his eyes, Rogue is undoubtedly a very good victim. A valuable victim to make Mutant’s future brighter.

Although Professor Charles’s students disrupted his plan, he is confident that he will take everything back to his own palm. To this end, he has sent oneself’s most proud assistant. He was waiting, waiting for good news from this proud assistant.

After waiting not long, Erik received a message from oneself’s assistant.

“Erik, are you there?” From the communicator came a husky mature female voice. The first impression of such a voice is that this is a woman with many experiences.

“Of course!” Erik opened his eyes and responded. “Please go ahead, Ruiwen. I can’t wait for your good news.”

“It may not be good news.” The woman named Ruiwen responded calmly. “I have searched the entire school, but I haven’t found any target. It seems that our old friend has transferred her.”

“Riwen, time is running out. We need that girl. .” Erik increased his voice, as if he wanted to let Riwen know that the owner was urgent in this way.

“Well, give me some time. I need to take some risks.” Ruiwen responded lightly. This seemingly frivolous tone made Erik feel at ease. Because he knows that when Raven speaks like this, it means she has full confidence.

“I’m waiting for good news!” Turning off the communication device, Erik started eyes closed Soul Nurturing again. On the other side, in the grove near the Xavier Genius School, a weird-looking woman has already started to act.

This woman has red hair, brown and yellow pupils and a lithe and graceful posture, but her body is very weird. A layer of blue covers her whole body, including the visible parts of her limbs and face. This is not something like paint, but a real skin-like existence. Even the key points on her body are also covered with scales.

The reason for this explanation is that she is not wearing clothes. Yes, no clothes, this is very important, so I have to say it twice.

She is not at all covered by clothes. This allows some of her key parts to be exposed to sunlight. Although it has a weird skin covering it, but a closer look can still tell some clues. However, she was not at all because the owner was weird and showed any concealment, but walked very naturally. It’s as if this problem didn’t bother her at all.

The fact is, she does not have this trouble. Maybe this problem existed a long time ago, but with Erik’s side, she is no longer bothered by this problem. Variation and pride, this has become her life creed.

However, with her appearance, even walking in the Xavier genius school full of Mutant will attract a lot of attention, and she doesn’t seem to worry about own appearance. Because very quickly, her appearance has undergone amazing changes.

It was like a wave surging on her skin, and then the change occurred in this wave-like surging.

Her body gradually became shorter, and Red’s hair turned into a thick flax student head. And her original curvaceous figure has also become a thin, flat, short appearance. At this time, she could not see the original appearance at all. Instead, he became another person completely.

A short and thin looking boy with linen hair, wearing a pair of big eyes and a little wide clothes, he looks no more than seven years old.

This is a student in the early class of Xavier Genius School. Because of the youngest. He always receives the most comprehensive care in school, not only from the Teacher, but also from many older students.

In essence, they are no different from a family. And this child is the recognized little brother in this big family. As a little brother, he is always privileged.

From the woods into the garden, from the garden quietly sneaked into the manor. She behaved very familiarly, and she didn’t even need to ask to see it at all, just relying on the feeling of owning she fumbled where oneself wanted to find.

Scott raised his head when he saw the little boy groping in alone, who was still correcting his homework, he was a little surprised.

“Alex, why are you here? What’s the matter?” Although his mood is not very good, Scott said to him patiently. He didn’t want to bring his own emotions to this youngest student.

“Scott Teacher!” Her voice completely changed, and it sounded no different from a six or seven year old child. “Do you know where the new elder sister has gone? She said she would watch TV with me.”

“New here, you mean Mary?” Scott walked up and he Kneeling down and touching the child’s hair, he whispered. “I’m sorry, Alex. The new classmate went out with Ororo Teacher for some things. I guess he won’t be back until after Christmas. You may be able to wait or let other big brother elder sisters accompany you. “

“Really?” She acted a little depressed, as if she was actually missed by someone else. “She obviously promised me. I’m sorry, Scott Teacher, I’m bothering you.”

After speaking, he trot away from here. And Scott looked confused at Alex’s behavior. He still didn’t understand what happened, but he was a little confused. Why can the girl named Mary get so close to the most lonely child in school so quickly?

However, he, who was troubled, didn’t at all think about this question carefully. He just shook the head, continued to put a stinky face and sat back where he was just now. He also needed to correct many things. Because of his bad mood, he increased the workload of the students and increased his own workload in disguise.

While he hasn’t corrected many things, he soon walked in alone. This time it was a lady who came in with a special identity. She was not a student in the school, but the student’s parent.

Not everyone can’t accept that oneself child becomes a Mutant, some people frankly accept their child’s changes out of their own parental or maternal love. And in order to give the own children a safe environment, they are sent here. And the lady in front of me is one of the parents who did this.

For the teachers in school, they are very familiar with these parents. Because not many people can accept them. So Scott quickly stood up and met the lady.

“Ms. Halder, why are you here. Sorry, I don’t know the news of your arrival at all. I didn’t have a little preparation.” Scott was very sorry, because the lady in front of me came here once. It is not easy. She is a single mother in New Jersey. In order to support oneself and child, she needs to do so much. Nevertheless, she is still full of deep love for own child.

So, no matter from which point of view, he is a respectable mother. It is precisely because of her great maternal love that Scott is willing to receive her with oneself’s greatest sincerity.

“Sorry disturbed you.” Ms. Halder said apologetically. She pulled oneself’s old coat and sat sternly on the chair that Scott pulled away. “I need to talk to Ororo Teacher about something. Is she here?”

“Ah, is that right? I’m so sorry.” Scott replied apologetically and said, “It’s really sorry, Ororo Something is out of school now, it may take a while to come back! Is there anything I can help you with?”

“Really sorry!” Ms. Halder pursed the corner of her mouth, revealing sorry colour. “You know, there are some things that are not convenient to tell you. Can I ask when Ms. Ororo will be back? I have no other meaning, but it is really convenient to go back and forth.”

“I Understand!” Scott clearly nodded, he is very clear about Ms. Halder’s living conditions, and he also understands that this woman’s life is not easy. The behavior of taking time out to school is likely to have a bad effect on her work. So he is not at all vague, because wasting this lady’s time is undoubtedly making her life more difficult. Scott thinks he can’t do this kind of thing.

So, he said very clearly.

“Ororo went to Paris yesterday. I don’t expect to come back until after Christmas. If possible, I will let her contact you when she comes back or visit you directly, okay?”

“Then I will trouble you, Mr. Scott!” Standing up, Ms. Halder owed her waist slightly, showing good education. This is also the consistent performance of this lady, being poor but never inferior. Whether it is quality or heart, she is truly a noble person.

“No problem, ma’am. I’ll take you out!” Scott escorted the lady out of the school gate and put her on the bus to New Jersey. Until he returned to school, he did not feel that there was anything wrong. Because everything is normal. His work is still going on, for him, the heavy work may need to last until late at night.

On the other side, the well-trained Ms. Halder got off the bus to New Jersey early on the next platform.

She walked alone into the deserted woods, waves of ripples surging on her body. Soon, Ruiwen’s appearance replaced this lady’s existence and appeared in this woods. At this time, she had already got the information oneself wanted.

“Paris?” Ruiwen frowned. “It’s really a faraway place.”

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