“Paris?” Magneto Erik frowned upon receiving the news from Ruiwen. “Why does Storm take Rogue to the city on the other side of the ocean.”

Storm is Ororo, and it has this code name, entirely because her ability is to manipulate elements such as storms in nature.

“I don’t know the reason. After all, it’s Charles’ site. I can’t stay there all the time. But the news should be okay.” Ruiwen shrugged, saying that oneself is not aware of the details. To understanding.

Erik thought for a long time but couldn’t think of a reason. With this kind of lack of intelligence, he couldn’t get the information oneself wanted. But this does not make him uncertain. He has always been a decisive person. This has never changed.

“Riwen, get ready. Let’s go to Paris right away. Let me see what methods our old friend has prepared to deal with my attack.”

Hear this The topic, Rui Wen also laughed. She also remembered the years when the three were together. At that time, Charles and Erik often played against each other, and she was accompanied by the leaders of these two Mutants. At that time, Erik often played the active attacker.

Soon, under Magneto’s order. The Brotherhood of Mutants under his leadership has begun to operate efficiently. In fact, to make it clear, they don’t need to prepare anything. They just need to bring their luggage and take the flight named Magneto.

Magneto’s ability can completely allow him to achieve all-terrain magnetic levitation within the Earth range, and even bringing a group of elite men will not feel how difficult. Under his abilities, it took only a few hours to travel from United States to Paris. Only when he set off. Zhou Yi They have already reached the destination of oneself’s trip.

Athena Plaza Hotel is a member of the Dorchester Group and one of the most famous hotels in Europe. It was built in 1911, and nearly a hundred years of history has earned it a very outstanding reputation. In 1999, after the hotel was completely renovated, it allowed guests to enjoy the “luxury of Paris” with its unique taste. The Plaza Athenee in Paris has 191 rooms, among which is included 45 suites. In the guest rooms, you can not only enjoy the pleasant scenery of Avenue Montaigne, but also directly overlook the Phil Iron Pagoda located on the west side of the hotel.

The Plaza Athenaeum Hotel in Paris, located in the two famous Greater World landscapes, unquestionably integrates the popularity and taste of Paris in one body. The exterior of the hotel and lobby have been refurbished, using warm colors based on red and golden to create a warm, enthusiastic, romantic and comfortable atmosphere.

This thing may not impress Zhou Yi, a pragmatist, but for those who work in fashion design, Ms. Zhou Lan, who usually calls himself an artist, has great appeal.

So a long time ago, she booked the largest suite of the world’s top luxury hotel-Phil Suite 750. And now she is here, waiting for the arrival of her children and their friends.

This suite named Ai Phil is divided into two floors as a whole, and the layout looks quite reasonable. Opening the door, the first thing you see is the elegant and unique living room. One of the walls is composed of a number of large drop mirrors, making the entire space look spacious and bright.

Imitate Japanese window design with noble French embroidery floor-to-ceiling curtains, decorative patterns embroidered by copper thread and rice yellow velvet sofa, plus rounded edges made of Makassar ebony and redwood The wooden furniture and the large terrace stretching outside the floor-to-ceiling glass windows allow you to feel the true Parisian style whether indoors or outdoors.

As soon as they walked in here, Zhou Yi and the two siblings saw the smiling mother, Zhou Lan, sitting there.

Although many years have passed, Zhou Lan, who has maintained an excellent life, seems to have never changed much. She looks beautiful and still, although not at all Clarice, the vigor of these green girls is aura, but it is also full of mature and elegant noble temperament.

It can be said that Zhou Yi and Clarice, the pair of excellent siblings, have largely inherited genes from Zhou Lan. Especially in appearance, it is especially obvious.

And Zhou Lan, who saw oneself’s children, was obviously very happy. But as a woman who cares about oneself appearance, she is especially involved in fashion, the most external job. She always takes her own behavior seriously, and she always looks her best in front of outsiders.

I have to say that her appearance can really bluff many people, especially those young girls with little knowledge and two women who are already restless in their hearts. In front of her, they didn’t even know where to put their hands and feet. Although Ororo and Jean Grey can still perform normally, they can feel their restraint no matter where they look.

Of course, there are always exceptions. Logan, the eldest man, didn’t care what kind of person appeared in front of oneself. Although he did not leave any memory in his long life, he also carved certain things in the bones. Noble, what does this thing mean to him not at all? He has seen many noble beings turned into dust before him, but he is always the same.

So, facing Zhou Lan, he was only slightly nodded and was silent. He is not good at dealing with this kind of people, so he simply won’t do such thankless things.

The other exception is Zhou Yi’s two siblings. Among them, of course, Clarice performed the most special. She directly opened a Teleportation Portal, and bing rushed directly into Zhou Lan’s arms, rubbing her cheeks on Zhou Lan’s body desperately, and shouting in a nearly sweet and greasy tone.

“Dear mother, I really want to kill you.”

The tone is too terrifying, Zhou Yi even has a whole body covered with chicken skin Feeling of pimple. Even Clarice’s good friends couldn’t stand this tone. The most obvious manifestation of this is Kitty, who shivered when she heard this voice.

However, Zhou Lan is very fond of this set. Perhaps it is because of the guilt for this daughter who has a different fate from ordinary people. She has even reached an almost spoiling level for Clarice. As it should be by rights, for the sweet and sticky intimacy that Clarice showed, instead of disgusting, she was very happy, happy that oneself daughter and oneself are so close. Of course, she would never think of it. Clarice did this to vaccinate her and prevent Zhou Lan from getting angry at her when Zhou Yi reveals her old bottom.

Kissing oneself’s daughter’s pretty face, Zhou Lan stood up and gave his own son a strong hug. For this son, she is one hundred and twenty at ease, because few people in the world can be as capable as own son. His achievements are enough to make the overwhelming majority blushed with shame.

Kissing mother’s face affectionately, Zhou Yi said to her with a smile.

“Mother, maybe we will spend Christmas with a lot of people this time. Although I have already told you, I still want to introduce it to you.”

Speaking of this, he began to introduce several companions he brought here this time like Zhou Lan.

“These two are Ororo and Jean Grey. Teacher from Xavier’s genius school, Jean may have some impressions, but Ororo should be the first time I met you. By the way, I was with them Good personal relationships.”

When he said this, he slightly smirked. This last explanation obviously made Ororo a little cramped, especially Ororo. Zhou Yi didn’t know how many eyes were rolled. Although Jean didn’t give him any color on the surface, there was Telekinesis tugging at the soft flesh of his waist in the dark. I have to say that she has already used her own ability to Major Perfection.

Ororo and Jean Grey greeted Zhou Lan cautiously, and Zhou Lan responded decently.

“Hello, Ms. Jean. I still remember you. At that time, you brought Clarice into school life. Thank you very much for taking care of Clarice over the years. Also, Ms. Ororo, I I have also heard of you, and Yi and Clarice often mention you.” At this point, the corner of her mouth showed a smirk exactly like Zhou Yi.

For the woman around Zhou Yi, as a mother, she is impossible. Although at first has some feelings of opposition in it, as the so-called high society in this world deepens, she has been a little surprised Weird.

Compared to those youngsters who are messing around, her son is much more outstanding. Not only in terms of ability, but also out of responsibility. At the very least, she knew that although her own son was not a pure person, he had never done anything that violated his conscience.

He has had contacts with many women, but they all started well. Nothing has ever happened. Besides, as her son, she will tolerate even more mistakes, even more how is just a little bit of emotional problems.

Don’t want to molest the two people who are cramped at this time, Zhou Yi introduced others in time.

“This is Logan, a new friend of mine. He may look a bit like a cowboy, maybe he has done this business. But anyway, he is still a good person “

“Hello Madam!” Logan said dullly, and then continued to implement the principle of oneself silence is gold. Saying more is wrong, saying less is wrong, making this kind of decision at this time is undoubtedly a wise choice.

Looking at the silent Logan, Zhou Lan laughed.

“Hello, Mr. Logan. My son rarely makes friends, he seems very lucky. However, from a professional point of view, you have a good temperament, are you interested in becoming a model? The wild style is now popular in Paris. I think you can be an outstanding weather vane.”

Although it is a bit exaggerated, Zhou Lan is undoubtedly confident in saying this. . Maybe in other places, Zhou Lan is not as famous as Zhou Yi. However, in the fashion industry, Zhou Lan is an absolute world-class design master. Leading the trend in one sentence is not a false statement.

“Thank you for your kindness, I’ll be fine.” Perhaps thinking of life after becoming a model, Logan shrank his neck and responded awkwardly. To let him, a wandering lone wolf, tie a chain, stand in front of the catwalk, and let the sissy in his eyes play around with the shooting, it would be better to kill him.

“My dear mother, are you too devoted to own work. Logan is not one of those models.” Pulling own mother, ending the topic that made Logan a little scared, he turned to A few kids from Clarice.

“These are…”

Before he finished speaking, Clarice jumped in front of him.

“Let me come, let me come. My friend, I want to introduce myself to my mother.”

Clarice is like a lively wind. Hovering in the girl, her laughter and her proud words were everywhere.

“This is Kitty, this is Vivien Leigh. Also, this is Mary. They are all my little followers. Surprised, mother. Now I am a big sister.”

The triumphant Clarice didn’t take into account the feeling of oneself mother at all. When she heard this, the smile on her face suddenly stiffened.

“Can you give me an explanation, Yi. I remember I told you.”

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