Sun God Marvel

Chapter 711

After Tony left, Captain didn’t even continue with the previous plan, and went to talk to Zhou Yi. He originally wanted to accuse Zhou Yi of vaguely Zhou Yi’s method of ending the war. The act of destroying hundreds of aircraft in an instant would not only cost United States hundreds of billions of economic losses, but also caused heavy casualties to those expensive pilots.

Know that even in the most developed country, United States, it is not easy to train a qualified pilot. Especially now, this is even worse for the United States. During this attack, the long air defense line of United States could not find a few suitable pilots to complete the scheduled cruise mission, which is really ridiculous. And the most critical problem is that they can’t pull the retired pilots from those civil aviation companies from scratch to deal with the current predicament. If you do that, you can only add a shame to the already shameful United States.

So, he put his idea on Zhou Yi. Even if you can’t let this guy personally safeguard the airspace security of United States because of guilt, but with the strong strength of Huiyao City, seconding one hundred and eighty excellent pilots shouldn’t be a problem.

This should have been a good thing, a good thing to relieve the pressure on the current United States. However, at this moment, Captain was no longer in the mood to continue.

Tony just broke away from the Avengers and devoted himself to the great cause he is doing now. This is something he never thought of from the very beginning. Moreover, he couldn’t accuse Tony on this issue. Because if his career is successful, then his role in this country will be greater than the combined role of all the Avengers.

reasonable in every circumstance, he shouldn’t stop him, nor is he qualified to stop him. However, when he thought of having such a friend and opponent role by his side, Captain had an uncomfortable thought in his heart.

This made him behave a little disheartened, so that he was completely out of interest. Such a mentality is naturally unable to win any negotiation. So he could only sigh and came to a car parked on the side of the street, opened the door and sat in the passenger seat.

At this time, there was a black hair man reading a newspaper in the driver’s seat. Hearing the movement around him, he immediately put down the newspaper in his hand and asked Captain.

“Why, did your negotiation go smoothly? It’s just been less than half an hour, or is it that you were brought up directly?”

“Something went wrong Little accident, my heart is a bit confused now, I am not suitable for negotiating work.”

“This is not like you, Buddy. I thought I was like you who have experienced so many big scenes. , Now it should have reached the point where it becomes calmer!”

shook the head, the man with black hair laughed. At the same time, the car was started and turned into the traffic.

“I’m not a robot, I can be indifferent to everything. And this situation is a completely unexpected thing even for me. Seriously, my My heart is really complicated now, and I have all the feelings.”

Under normal circumstances, Captain does not confide in his own heart. On the one hand, 70 years of slumber made him incompatible with the current era, and on the other hand, because as a leader, speaking out the voice in his heart is undoubtedly a problematic thing. It is easy for others to watch his heart, and this will bring huge losses to his team.

However, this person in front of you is an exception. Because since Captain can remember, the person next to him is oneself’s closest friend. Nothing to say, nothing to talk about, and even said that if it weren’t for their different genders, they could have already registered for marriage.

This is by no means empty talk, because they are a very special existence for each other. So almost immediately, the man with black hair comforted him.

“Steve, get your spirits up. If you can’t even cheer up, those people will have no fighting spirit. You know, you are their backbone.”

“I know, I know. It’s just that sometimes I still need a little breathing opportunity. This burden has become heavier and heavier, and I start to wonder if I can pick it up. You know, Judging from the current situation, what I did was not good, or even bad.”

“But not at all people can deny your efforts, can they?” The black hair man While driving the car, I did not forget the original intention of caring for the friends around oneself and worked hard to enlighten him. “Listen, Steve. In these things, you have done well enough. It’s just that you can’t meet your expectations. And that has too much to do with you not at all, because that kind of thing itself is not You and your team can master it.”

“Just like the original war, even if we roar the commando team so hard, but without the frontal offensive of the Allied forces, do you think Can we succeed? We are like a reef under the wave. If there are many, maybe we can withstand the surging flood. If there are few, then we can guarantee that our persistence is already a victory, isn’t it? “

“You always have a way to make me feel better, Bucky. If you are a woman, I mean if you are. Maybe we should change our way of life.”

After listening to Bucky’s enlightenment, Captain, who was in a good mood, began to say to Bucky in a joking tone. After hearing what he said, Bucky with black hair immediately shook his hand. Although he said that his mechanical arm shouldn’t behave like this, he still reacted like this.

“Please, Steve. Can you not say such horrible things casually. Especially when I am still driving.”

“I mean it, After all, we need to know that we grew up as a brother. Moreover, in terms of experience, in this world, I am afraid that no one else can share the same background as us.”

“Come on You!” Rolled the eyes, and Bucky suddenly smiled on his cold face. “I also want to see the enthusiasm of girls in this era. So, if you change hobby, please try another person, such as your new follower, the guy called Pietro.”

“Jennifer will tear me up, even if she doesn’t, Wanda will trap me in a same-sex magazine. So, forget it.”

shook the head, it’s over own ridicule. Captain was silent again. At the same time, his face became silent.

Seeing this change in him, Bucky shook the head and asked.

“Where are you going next? Go back, or go to that place?”

This question silenced Captain for a long time. And Bucky didn’t mean to interrupt him, he just drove the car like that, waiting for the moment he responded. It was not until later that Captain quietly clenched his fists and made up his own determination.

“Bucky, send me to that place. I think that’s where I should go.”

“Look at it, Steve. Who is this kind of thing? I’m afraid it’s the so-called god, and there is nothing to do about it.”

Patted Captain’s shoulder, Bucky turned around and drove the car to another place.

Today is a difficult day for Captain. It’s not because of negotiating with Zhou Yi, that kind of thing will not show him this appearance. It wasn’t because of Tony’s departure, it was something outside the plan. And this difficulty is clearly within the plan. Moreover, it is Captain’s private matter.

He needs to see off an old friend, an old friend who is very important to him. And that is not easy for him. In fact, Bucky knew very well that Captain’s uncharacteristic frivolous were just masks he hung outside. The real situation is that his heart is so worried and at a loss. Even said that even facing this matter may require him to pay great courage.

As a best friend, he should have persuaded him and gave him some advice. But it seems that in this kind of thing, he does not at all exert too much effort. So all he can do is to give Captain a room to think. Of course, in the end, Captain made a decision, a decision he thought should be made.

The car was driving fast and soon came to a high-level hospital in Huiyao City. When he got out of the car, Captain eagerly took the lilies that Bucky had prepared for him and rushed to a special ward.

There is only one Old Lady lying in bed quietly, as if asleep, and a blonde woman with her eyes open and crying quietly. She seemed to be surprised at the appearance of Captain, the woman was stunned, and then she stood up as if she realized it. Said to Captain.

“Sorry, I don’t know you are back. Aunt she also has some time. I think she will be very happy. You will be with her in the last time.”

After saying this, the blonde woman walked out quietly. And Captain put down the lily in his hand without saying a word, and then sat quietly in front of Old Lady, while quietly holding her wrinkled palm.

70 years ago, they used to hold each other like this. It’s just that they didn’t expect that 70 years later, they will reproduce everything from that year in this way, in a completely different way.

Until now existed in Captain, the sense of dissociation about this era and the unspeakable heartache made him just silently stare at the Old Lady in front of him. Until she woke up quietly.

Seeing the existence of Captain, Old Lady not at all was too surprised. She just laughed slightly, then said to Captain.

“After all, God is not bad to me, so that I can catch you at the end, Steve!”

“Sorry, Peggy. We shouldn’t have It looks like this, we should be lying side by side together, accepting the coming of this last moment together.”

Raising the Old Lady’s hand, Captain quietly kissed the back of her hand. That was what he should have done many years ago, but now he has the opportunity to do it. It’s too late, no matter it is for any of them. This kind of madness and absurdity of the impermanence of the world made Captain really feel that fate is really making a huge joke with oneself.

Just this time. Old Lady not at all agreed with him, but quietly raised her hand and touched his profile.

“You know, Steve. I’m not at all complaining about this. In fact, what I miss the most now is your guarantee to me, do you remember?”

“Remember, I owe you a dance. On Saturday, at the Stuke Club, see you or leave.”

In a word, Captain was already in tears. He knew very well that this promise had to be postponed again, and it was still permanent. And this cruel reality was enough to make his old heart feel a burst of indescribable tingling. However, for Old Lady, this is not the case.

“That’s enough, Steve. This is enough!”

The smile is still on her face, but her hands have slipped quietly. Time took away her last strength, but it left her the best memories. This is fortunate and unfortunate. At least, for Captain, it looks like this.

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