Sun God Marvel

Chapter 712

Peggy Carter, the departure of this woman with a stunning life is already an irreversible thing. She believed in God throughout her life, but God could not grant her eternal life. However, for this woman, her life is without regrets.

Because she loved a man, and until the last moment of her life, this man was also by her side. For all women in the world, this is a rare blessing. Although she only got all this at the last moment of her life, it was enough to make her leave this World with great satisfaction.

She left with a smile, but for Captain, this was enough to make him regret for the rest of his life. The awakening after 70 years is not a comedy reunion, but another farewell. This reality is really a huge blow to this man.

And this blow made him completely lost in the next few days as if he lost his soul. The whole person can only live like a walking corpse. Until, the day of Peggy’s funeral.

Because of the terrible environment United States is currently in, Peggy’s funeral not at all showed too many politicians, whether they were military or government. In this regard, even if Peggy has the identity of the founder of SHIELD, there is not much change.

But the opposite, in this case. However, a group of young people came to this inconspicuous funeral. These people are mostly Peggy’s former comrades-in-arms and subordinates. And their arrival added a bit of solemnity to this simple funeral.

Because it’s not easy to travel far and wide to attend this funeral. Because of the current situation in United States, the chaos is not only political, but also spread to every part of the country. It can be said that just going out has already reached the point of worrying. However, this is enough to show that they really came to mourn, rather than with any special political purpose. This sincere emotion is enough to make this funeral meaningful.

However, what does all this have to do with Captain not at all. He just sat silently in the first row, staring at Peggy’s coffin like a statue. Even if a former comrade in arms stood by his side and greeted him, he did not respond. As if for him, everything in this world has nothing to do with him.

This kind of performance is of course rude behavior. But these old people who came to greet did not mean anything to blame, they just shook the head with a sigh. So he came to Peggy’s niece, Sharon Carter, and offered her last grief.

Peggy has been waiting for Captain’s return all her life. She is not at all married, and naturally there is no child. And her niece has become the successor she deserves. And Sharon Carter also fulfilled this duty well. She seriously responded to the thoughts of every old man and tried her best to make Peggy’s voice and appearance be remembered forever.

Of course, this funeral impossible is endless. As everyone left, Peggy’s coffin was buried under the tombstone, and her life finally came to an end, completely settled. The dead have a place to go, but the living must go to own life.

So in the end, the only ones left in front of this tombstone were Captain and Sharon.

Looking at this man who was immersed in the world of oneself, Sharon hardly knew what oneself should do right. Maybe it’s time to pull him out, or do the opposite. She was a little hesitant, but in the end, she decided and pulled him out of it. Because she believed that his aunt must think so too.

Captain America has his own responsibility and mission. He cannot stay in this place forever. He will never miss a relationship that has completely ended for a person who has died.

So, she mustered up the courage to interrupt Captain’s immersion in the oneself world.

“I think, Aunt Peggy might not want to see you like this?”

“I know!” After waiting for a long time, Sharon got a message from Captain Response. Just like the sound from a deep cavity, the sound made people feel a deep sadness. “But, please give me time for the last day? Or, give me time for another song. I promised her to ask her to do another dance, but I didn’t expect that 70 years have passed. This promise It’s still not fulfilled.”

“It’s not your fault, Captain. None of us expected those things that happened. And, for aunt, the dance you promised was not Your return will be important. You won’t know how happy aunt was when she knew that you came back from the ice cube.”

“In my impression, Aunt Peggy She has always been a reserved person. She is very successful, and successful people can only look up. I have always regarded her as an idol, and I am trying my best to move closer to her. I never imagined that she would have Then the day of lost self-control. Even though the pain was afflicting her body at that time, I can see the joy of deep in one’s heart. Captain, for my aunt, knowing you is one thing A very lucky thing.”

“Sorry, please stop talking, okay?”

Suddenly interrupted Sharon’s memory of Peggy, Captain’s brow gradually emerged Uncontrollable sadness and powerlessness. His eyes began to fluctuate, and even his tall body trembled in such words. This is a hero, a recognized hero. But in the face of feelings, he is fragile and there is no difference between normal people.

Peel off his mask, he is an ordinary person. A poor guy who couldn’t help himself because some important person left.

This kind of realization made Sharon unable to help but give birth to a lot of pity in the heart. In any case, she is a woman, and a woman is always particularly tolerant to this kind of man who is vulnerable because of love and has the image of a tough guy and a hero.

So at this time, she really wanted to give some comfort to the man in front of her, even if it was some warm words, as long as it made his heart feel better. However, when she wanted to open her mouth, she found that oneself could hardly say anything.

Her understanding of everything that happened 70 years ago is really too thin, and she is even more so for the love rose that bloomed in the flames of war but died faster. Know nothing. Ignorance left her with no right to speak, and the empty comfort here is just a blasphemy of this relationship.

But she would not do such a thing. Whether it comes from the respect for the person in front of him, or the deep affection for Aunt Oneself. She will not do such a thing. Therefore, she also fell silent. It was not until a long time later that the continuous rain soaked through her black dress, and she suddenly seemed to remember something, and said to Captain.

“By the way, there is one thing I might want to show you. That is Aunt Peggy’s relic, she is very important.”

After all, Sharon simply Before Captain could give any response, he ran to the own car and found a special existence from the relics that belonged to Peggy.

That is a photo, an old black and white photo of Old Zhang. In the photo, the young Peggy stood bravely in the center, and beside her, the Captain, who was dressed more like a costume, looked completely at a loss. It can be seen that he was very jerky at that time. Because he dared not look at the direction of the camera at all, but quietly put his sight on the female officer beside him.

And Peggy didn’t look at the camera either. She was staring at her from the corner of Captain without even knowing it. At the same time, the corners of her mouth picked up slightly, with an inexplicable smile, making her look extraordinarily bright.

From the photo, this photo is not considered a success. Because the two characters in it don’t match the photographer’s work. But for Captain, this photo represents the most fond memory.

He took the photo from Sharon’s hand, and his eyes were blurred, as if flying to a far away place. Even his voice began to regenerate life force.

“This was my first official mission. At that time, I went deep behind the enemy line alone to complete a rescue job. Almost everyone believed that I was impossible to return. But only Carter , She has always believed that I will come back. To be honest, in fact, myself is not too sure, but in the end, I did not let her down.”

“Since then, I finally started to be a fighter He is active on the battlefield. But before that, something more important to me and more exciting happened. Peggy agreed to date me at the end of this mission. Do you know? It was the first date in my life and I was really excited.”

“I don’t know that there is also such a story. No wonder my aunt laughed every time she saw this photo. “

Sharon replied quietly, and at the same time, she began to describe the love story of the war years in her own mind.

Women always think about this kind of thing, and Captain doesn’t interrupt her meaning at all. He just quietly stroked the smiling woman in the photo with his fingers, recalling every part of her in his own memory bit by bit.

That is a happy thing, but also a sad thing. Memory cannot be replaced, but the person in the memory will become the past and become a piece of dust. He is still alive, but she is dead. This is undoubtedly the biggest irony of fate to them.

For this, Captain has nothing to do. He can’t forget the past, and it is impossible to leave everything behind and follow in Peggy’s footsteps. So he could only touch the photo and made such a request to Sharon.

“A long time ago, I also had a photo. It was given to me by Peggy. Unfortunately, that photo was also lost when I fell into the ice sea. So, I can give this photo Me?”

Captain’s eyes were almost entirely pleading, and in the face of such pleading, Sharon had no reason to refuse. She can only be nodded, and then silently send own blessings to the man in front of her.

And got the answer that oneself wanted. Captain smiled hard, and turned around holding the photo.

“Thank you. Also goodbye. Goodbye, Sharon. Goodbye, Peggy!”

After saying this, he went straight away and disappeared without looking back. In the rain.

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