Sun God Marvel

Chapter 759

Like the explosion of network information technology in the last century, omnics ushered in such a day. Almost overnight, the entire world began to be covered with silhouettes of these intelligent machines. It’s like the arrival of the Skynet era in the movie Terminator.

In this way, many people began to worry, but soon, they became accustomed to the existence of these omnics. However, there are always some exceptions. For example, Timur, he felt extremely uncomfortable with so many omnics that suddenly appeared in this World.

One of the benefits of omnics is that they all use a mastermind. As the core system, Ultron can identify all criminals that oneself has seen through the eyes of every omnic. Imagine that when the eye of every omnic is equivalent to a camera, and the number of omnics is almost all over the world, you can avoid these sights and ensure the secret probability of oneself.

This is definitely a tiny number. And this has also been proved countless times by the criminals at large.

As a presence in Hydra, Timur has naturally become the focus of Ultron’s attention. After escaping from the pursuit of the omnics, Timur did not even dare to appear in the public as his own, which made him hate Tony.

One or two omnipotents are naturally not a threat to his safety, but this suppressed situation in which he can’t enjoy life as safe as before is extremely disgusting in his heart. He is rarely so embarrassed, so naturally, for Ultron and Tony who caused all this, his senses are naturally not much better.

However, even if he hates Tony no more, at this moment, he has no effective way to deal with him. On the one hand, because Tony’s strength is growing rapidly, he is no longer the one he was in Washington. In the same way, Timur today is not as strong as oneself at that time.

I lost those elite soldiers, and also lost powerful assistance like the Silver Warrior and Tai Yang Fire. It can be said that his strength has shrunk to a certain extent. Under this circumstance of declining and ebb and flow, he really has no confidence in conflict with Tony meet force with force.

All he can rely on now is conspiracy, but conspiracy can’t be laid out casually. Hydra took several decades to control the United States, although he did not need that much investment. But within a short period of time, it is impossible to make any effective moves.

So he can only watch, watch Tony develop oneself step by step, watch him grow the so-called alliance power step by step. Of course, he is also waiting, waiting for everything arranged by own one after another to reach the expected position.

This is a somewhat painful process, but he can’t wait. Because he knew that as long as this period of time passed, then the one who greeted him might be a victory over Tony. With this as a spiritual pillar, he can wait no matter how hard he suffers.

However, his wait is not at all for too long. Within a few days, he received a reply from oneself. Said they were in Siberia and found what they were looking for. And this immediately made him start to set off to the deserted Siberia region.

Siberia is a vast area of ​​North Asia in the Russian Federation. It starts from the Ural mountain range in the west, extends to the Pacific Ocean in the east, borders the Arctic Ocean in the north, reaches the mountains of central and northern Kazakhstan in the southwest, and borders China, Mongolia and Mongolia in the south. North Korea and other countries are neighbors, with an area of ​​12.76 million square meters and 1,000 meters, except for the southwestern end, all within the territory of Russia. In Turkic, the name Siberia means a peaceful land, and the name is called because the permafrost and wilderness are enough to stop any human being here.

Even if technology has developed to this point, it is difficult for humans to develop the vast Siberia region. Except for a few cities, most of them still maintain the appearance of the original wilderness and frozen soil. And Timur’s goal is here, an abandoned base on the coast of the Arctic Ocean.

This base is a special base left over a long time ago when the Red Soviets still existed. Why is it special, because this base and Hydra also have many inseparable relations.

Winter Soldier was brought out by Pierce from this base, and for this base, Winter Soldier is nothing but a failure.

When the former Soviet Union was at its peak, they also had a certain understanding of their own old rivals and the Super Soldier project carried out by the United States. In line with the principle of competition between the United States and the Soviet Union, they are naturally unwilling to fall behind the United States in this regard. Therefore, in such an unpopulated place, the Soviets built a base dedicated to manufacturing Super Soldier.

Unlike American’s failure, they have achieved considerable results in this regard. To some extent, they are ahead of the United States in the Super Soldier program.

Winter Soldier is a proof, but Winter Soldier is not yet a masterpiece of this base. What truly represents the highest achievement of this base is the five Super Soldiers that have been manufactured, and have been brainwashed to completely obey orders.

The Soviet Union made these Super Soldiers back then, in order to allow them to complete some almost impossible missions like Winter Soldier, thus achieving the strategic significance of combating United States. Unfortunately, technically they succeeded, but politically they collapsed.

The Soviets developed Super Soldiers, but before they could use them, they ushered in the disintegration of the oneself regime. Therefore, the makers of these Super Soldiers can only freeze their works in this base, waiting for one day in the future to restart them when the motherland needs them.

But they can’t wait for that day. red The Soviet Union is gone forever, and only one Russian Federation remains. For those red soldiers who have carved Sovietism into the bones, they cannot accept the leadership of such a regime. So they could only allow this base to be so deserted, and to this day, Timur came here.

According to the records left by Hydra that year, Timur quickly entered this deserted base with his own confidant. And he soon saw the five Super Soldiers that were frozen.

Several decades have passed, and these five soldiers still retain their appearance when they were refrigerated. They have been waiting to be awakened and given new orders. It’s a pity that they didn’t wait for someone who should really give the order, instead they waited for someone like Timur.

He looked at those Super Soldiers, laughed and said to the people around him.

“It’s so sad, this is the most powerful fighter produced by the red empire. Each of them is proficient in sixteen languages, and has expertise in assassinations, fighting, lurking, and espionage. The best level. Back then, the Soviets said that if they were given one night, they could subvert the regime of a small country. But now, I guess a pistol can solve them. Long Ji Fu Ting, the sword is in dust. “

Boss’s emotion naturally attracted the enthusiasm of his confidants, and at this time, it was even more organic confidant asked.

“Sir, what about these Super Soldiers? Should we wake them up?”

“Of course.” Nodded, Timur said as it should be by rights . “This is not just a waste of time. The Soviets took so much effort to create them, but they weren’t allowed to stay here for others to see. Their home is on the battlefield. In this case, why not let them complete Own’s original intention, how about having a good time with United States?”

Understanding the spirit of the upper echelon, several subordinates immediately became excited. With Hydra’s internal information, it is not too difficult to wake up these Super Soldiers and complete their brainwashing control. And even if Timur is here except for the problem, these Super Soldiers can’t find any tricks.

So soon, a few guys who had just thawed put on Hydra’s clothes, and then, like loyal men, firmly guarded behind Timur.

Getting these guys is already a gain for Timur. However, his main purpose of coming here is not this, so he is not yet ready to leave. And under the search of those subordinates he brought, he soon found what oneself wanted.

A report, also a corresponding video. The content of the report is very simple, that is, Winter Soldier completed a code-named sanctions recovery mission in 1991. From the report, it seemed that this was just a mere spy report, but when Timur played the video, he immediately laughed.

I saw in the video, Winter Soldier riding a motorcycle on a boulevard. He quickly passed a car, and at this moment he immediately turned around and chased the car.

The people in the car seemed to realize something and started to speed up their own speed. But Winter Soldier took out some explosive weapon directly from his body and blew up the entire car.

The people in the car were seriously injured, and Winter Soldier dragged them out. Although the image is not clear, you can still vaguely see the appearance of these two people. A couple of older couples. And this man looks exactly like Tony Stark’s father Howard Stark.

This guy like Howard pleaded to Winter Soldier, but he didn’t make any changes to Winter Soldier. He used the most neat method to kill the men and women, and at the same time took out some things from the trunk, and then left the scene of the incident.

The video tape came to an abrupt end here, and judging from the records in hand, the Winter Soldier mission is undoubtedly completed. And it is this completed mission that is a new beginning for Timur.

“Wait, Stark. You will be satisfied with this gift.”

Copy the entire video, and Timur’s face slowly showed a negative test. Tested smile. Obviously, his plan has already begun.

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