Sun God Marvel

Chapter 760

SHIELD is recruiting new people. From the spy organizations around the world, of course, it is mainly from the spy organizations of United States. On the one hand, this was done because SHIELD was completely infiltrated by Hydra, and immediately after the Great Purge, there was a serious shortage of manpower.

On the other hand, SHIELD has been pushed into the world by Tony and has become a truly global organization.

It is no longer the kind of globalization that the United States has forced with its hegemony. It is a truly worldwide organization that all countries join, work together and operate together. Such an organization is naturally impossible to be fully controlled by any country. Not even the United States that created SHIELD.

However, in order to promote a world-integrated offensive and defensive alliance, Tony does not care so much about whether SHIELD belongs to the United States. Therefore, he was naturally willing to push SHIELD to the multinational allies. Let it be a bridge to build mutual connections.

In this case, SHIELD’s original recruitment plan is naturally no longer limited to United States, the whole world, but any country that joins the alliance is eligible to arrange for personnel from oneself countries to join in. . These new members will be coordinated under the Yan organization, and will be responsible to SHIELD, a world organization that has been completely independent, and to the own country. In other words, they are both workers and supervisors.

You have to know that such a large and special world organization has incalculable resources. Because all member states have reached a sense of sharing in resources and reports, SHIELD now can be said to truly extend its tentacles to the entire world. This naturally allows all member states to enjoy huge benefits, but it also makes them have to worry a little bit. That is whether this organization will be controlled by individuals.

This is also the reason why they are willing to insert elite members into it. It is to prevent this kind of situation where the entire organization is dominated by some people. You know, if such an organization is controlled by some big countries, then for those small countries, there is really no privacy at all. This is absolutely unacceptable to many dignitaries, especially those who still have the feudal class system. So this is a piece of insurance.

And another meaning of this insurance is to be able to obtain important information through these elites. There is no doubt that the new SHIELD must far exceed any country’s espionage capabilities. For some big countries, the gap may not be big. But for many small countries, it is definitely as different as heaven and earth. It is worthwhile for many countries to be able to exchange for the spy resources of such an organization just by placing a few elites.

So under the premise that SHIELD began to recruit new people, all the small nations of the allies began to respond frantically.

However, they responded positively. But for Coulson as an examiner, it was a tormenting job.

Because the agents in these small countries are really mixed. Not to mention that compared with spy organizations such as the CIA, MI6, the Russian Federal Security Agency, and Mossad, even the special forces in some major countries may not be comparable. This situation is really difficult for Coulson. Because these people simply can’t ask for it if he wants it. However, according to the above coordinated meaning, these people have to ask for it. You can brush them down, but you have to pick one or two from the middle that can be used.

Seriously, this is difficult. Because some people are really not talented, no matter how you open the back door to them, they will not meet your requirements.

It seems like now, Coulson has been sitting here for most of the day, watching hundreds of agents from various small European countries back and forth, but there are not even three or five that are really eye-catching. This is too far from his mission, to the point that it makes him a little hard to explain.

While seeing that he was worrying about this matter, a girl held a cup of coffee and put it next to him, and said with a smile to him.

“Why, haven’t I seen a suitable candidate?”

“It’s too difficult, after all, I’m responsible for their lives. If such a person joins in, I I wonder if they can survive the first attack against Hydra.”

Sighing to the girl, Coulson took the coffee and took a big sip of the cow.

“Isn’t this kind of worry a bit redundant, you know I didn’t have their skills. I didn’t even become a SHIELD agent.”

The girl smiled slightly and said In this way, Coulson was relieved. But about this, Coulson is not as optimistic as her.

“Quake, you are different. There are very few talents like you, plus your ability, you are a rare exception in this world.”

” They have time, and I believe they can do it.”

“You are still young, so you don’t understand. There are some things that can’t be done or can’t be done. It’s not just a simple effort. It’s changed.”

“I don’t think so. Anyway, just do it. I’ll see how Fitz and Simmons are.”

patted Coulson’s shoulder , Quake walked away from the examination room with a smile. After drinking this cup of coffee, Coulson continued his own work. However, he soon discovered that the next situation was much better than before.

Because the quality of the agents that appeared next was really good, and some of them were beyond his expectation. Although they came from some small countries in Eastern Europe, their appearance made Coulson feel unexpected.

“Vasily? From Croatia, your grades are very good! Fighting, shooting, and infiltrating spies are the best grades. He is also proficient in sixteen languages ​​and has a certain amount of achievements in psychology. .Before this, where did you work, don’t tell me the Croatian intelligence organization has unconsciously developed to this point.”

Said this to the Russian Ross man standing in front of oneself, Coulson clearly showed an extraordinary interest in him. There is no other reason, it is because this man is so good. It was so good that Old Antique, who had worked in this industry for several decades, was a little surprised.

Faced with the inquiry, the less talkative guy on the opposite side twitched, and then replied in a low, muffled voice.

“KGB, I originally came from the KGB.”

“Is it the last KGB graduate? It’s really unexpected.” When it comes to the KGB, Coulson thinks of the former Soviet Union. The famous spy organization of And this makes everything justified. “Didn’t expect Croatia also to be able to call elites like you under their command. I am curious why you did not choose to stay in Ross, Russia.”

“That is no longer The Soviet mother is now.” Very simple reply, but it can represent the most common psychology of the loyal agents cultivated by the Red Soviet in the past. This is exactly the same as the red fighters in Coulson’s impression, so Coulson didn’t have any doubts about his answer.

“Very good, you passed. Go to the personnel department to report, I think with your ability, I will be able to get to a good post soon.”

Stand up Here, he stretched out his hand to this former KGB agent named Vasily. Coulson expressed a very obvious welcome to this kind of talent. After hesitating for a while, Vasily took Coulson’s outstretched palm and said stiffly to him.

“Many thanks for your support, sir.”

After saying this, this Vasily seems to be troublesome to say a few more words, no more nonsense, Just walked out of the interview room. In response, Coulson only smiled, but he didn’t think there was anything wrong.

However, at this time, an agent who had been standing at the door started asking him questions like this.

“Don’t you think he is a little weird? Coulson?”

“Strange, what are you saying?” He glanced at the back of Vasily who had just left in the distance. Coulson frowned, then smiled and asked at the agent who asked the question.

“I don’t know, I just have a feeling that this guy seems to be a little hostile to us.” Shrugged, the female agent directly said what oneself was saying. And hearing her say that, Coulson smiled and comforted immediately.

“Don’t be too much, May. It’s normal for him to have this reaction. After all, he is a guy from the red empire. For American, if he can be as kind as Natasha, I would be surprised. In fact, his attitude is just right, hostile but restrained, indifferent, resistant but measured. This is exactly what a real KGB-born guy should have. Therefore, he should have nothing suspicious. Place.”

“Maybe what you said is right, but I don’t know why, I always feel something is wrong.” Raising her own eyebrows, Agent May not at all was simply convinced by Coulson She still insisted on owning the idea. “Maybe I am too suspicious, but with my feelings, I still think he has a problem.”

“In this case, then, I will transfer him to your hands and let you personally monitor him. What do you think?”

Hearing May’s words, Coulson thought about it seriously and said to her like this. As for this arrangement, Mei just nodded and replied.

“This is a good idea, at least, if he really has a problem. I should be able to solve him immediately.”

“Very good, then leave it to you .”

Sent away the old subordinates in one sentence, and Coulson continues today’s mission. But, slowly he began to discover that something was getting wrong. For example, are there too many elite agents left by the KGB?

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