Sun God Marvel

Chapter 761

Since Tony’s alliance was successfully formed, the human struggle against Hydra has finally taken a turn for the better. With the support of a huge intelligence network, many Hydra’s peripheral organizations have begun to be discovered and mopped up. In this, it is not only the agents who act as the vanguard, but also the Avengers organization.

Today’s Avengers, although Tony, Spider and Hulk are missing, they have Winter Soldier. Falcon Sam Wilson, who has retired from the special forces, has the ability to grow and shrink freely. Scott Lang, and God of Thunder Thor who just returned from Asgard.

In terms of overall strength, the Avengers as a whole has not only not declined, but has been improved to a certain extent. And because of this relationship, the Avengers became the strongest weapon for the Allies to attack Hydra.

The defenses of those Hydra peripheral organizations were unable to withstand the powerful attacks of these Superhero. In just over a month, the Alliance eliminated more than ten Hydra bases. Such results are definitely exciting.

But, look at these peripheral strongholds. Not only United States, Europe, South America, Asia, the Middle East, almost all places are all over them. This wide distribution makes many people immersed in the joy of destroying the enemy’s forces, and many more fears.

Hydra is not far away from them, even under their noses. If they put the center of their attack on oneself, then the things that happened to United States would fall on oneself. When they think of what Hydra has done in the United States, their hearts are filled with fluke, and they are also grateful. Thank you United States, thank you United States as a shield.

This kind of gratitude has eased the policies of various countries a little bit towards United States. For this, it was Tony who felt the most. As the alliance took longer to form, he felt more and more that the pressure on oneself began to diminish. And this also allowed him to finally escape from the heavy daily office.

As soon as he got out of the office, Tony took the time to come to Huiyao City.

Maybe it is because of getting older and older. Although he is not married yet, he has more and more inexplicable longing for the child. Although his current situation leaves him no time to think about the child problem, it does not prevent him from temporarily betting his desire for own elsewhere.

And Zhou Yi’s son, Zhou Shang, is the best goal he believes in his heart. In fact, in this situation where oneself has no child yet, he already treats Zhou Shang as an own child. So take a moment to see this Little Brat that you can make oneself happy. It was a great relaxation for Tony when he came.

He went directly to Zhou Yi’s house, and without even saying hello, Tony flew in from the window. And as soon as he entered, he immediately attracted a bunch of people glare like a tiger watching his prey. There are Zhou Yi’s, and there are also women who make him feel headache, don’t dare provoke. Besides, even the two Little Brats were looking at him with strange eyes.

This made Tony a little embarrassed, especially when he saw that the family was having a meal, the embarrassment even more exhibited one’s feelings in one’s speech.

“It seems that I came at some wrong time. Is it lunch time now?”

“Does it mean that you have forgotten the time since you became president? “

rolled the eyes glanced at this guy, Zhou Yi still turned a chair behind him, and asked him.

“Why, President. Haven’t you been busy lately? Why have time to come to me.”

“I came to worship.” To Zhou Yi chuckled , Tony put his eyes on Xiao Zhou Shang on the side. “By the way, I also come to see my dear Little Nephew.”

Tony’s answer made Xiao Zhoushang who was sitting in the baby seat grin and laugh, and saw this. , Tony smiled immediately and waved to him.

“Hey, Xiao Shanen. Remember your Tony Uncle? I made a special trip to see you!”

Faced with Tony’s troubles, Little Brat was immediately excited Wow yelling. This naturally made Tony put up a smile on his face, and this also made Zhou Yi rolled the eyes and said with a smile to him.

“Since you like children so much, why don’t you ask for one yourself?”

“I don’t have that many time, and how can it be so easy to give birth to a child Shanen is such a cute child. You say yes, little Shanen, also Jill.”

In the face of praise, Little Brat has the appearance of his father, and shamelessly accepted it. And Jill smiled at Tony because of these words.

There is no such mother who does not want the own child to be praised, and Jill is no exception. She was still not worried because of Tony’s sudden intrusion, she immediately seemed to have changed, and almost smiled on her face.

This sudden change caused the women around him to roll their eyes one after another. Only Serana touched Oneself’s somewhat chubby belly and smiled happily.

“Sure enough, it’s not right to let this guy come here.”

Watching a good meal turn into such a superior scene of the show, Ai who has nothing to show Da immediately narrowed his eyes and looked towards Tony who had caused all this. If the divine ability of the eyes turned into a sharp blade, maybe Tony would be pierced into a thousand holes. Even so, Tony felt that the temperature around oneself started to drop linearly.

“Come on, Ada. I just took the time to come and visit, nothing else. So, can’t you just show me this appearance every time. Seriously, this really makes me I feel a little overwhelmed.”

“If I can drive you away in this way, I don’t mind staying this way.”

“Obviously, this It’s impossible. So why can’t we take a step back and get along with each other in peace?”

Tony has taken root in the style of cowhide, reluctantly, and Tony is not in a state of begging. So he has the confidence and mood, and slowly accompanies Ada to consume it. However, he has this spirit, but Ada does not. She just picked up the napkin and wiped her mouth, then stood up and said to the people around.

“I’m full, everyone, please continue.”

After she said, she walked directly out of the restaurant. Looking at her back, Zhou Yi immediately sighed and said to Tony.

“Buddy, aren’t you making trouble for me? I swear, I don’t want any peace in the past few days!”

“Please, Buddy. You But The head of the family. So, take out the spirit of The head of the family. Here is what you say. Don’t be led by the nose, okay?”

One The ass was done, and Tony yelled loudly, looking not afraid of big things. And this immediately caused the women in the circle around him to look at him coldly. For any other person, don’t think about getting anything in their hands at this time. But it is Tony, Zhou Yi’s rare friend. With this kind of identity, even if they have a lot of dissatisfaction in their hearts, they still choose to let him go temporarily because of Zhou Yi’s face.

But obviously, the meal is not enough. Several women got up and retired. Even Serana, supported by Jean and Susan, left the restaurant step by step. For a time, the entire restaurant was gone except Zhou Yi and Tony, that is, a few children who didn’t realize what happened.

This change made Zhou Yi feel more and more headache. Tony’s death when the time comes is to let him pay the bill. He doesn’t think that in this case, oneself can get anything cheap. So he immediately complained to Tony.

“Hey, Buddy. Have you been too comfortable recently, so I made a special trip to find uncomfortable for me and you yourself. If this is the case, then I can only tell you what you did Very successful. In the next period of time, I will be dead, and you will not be better.”

“Relax, Buddy. They dare not really do anything to you. And I, When it’s critical, I ran far away, and I don’t believe they can still run to Washington to find me.”

“This is something that might happen, don’t forget. You are also Lilith’s people by your side. .”

He gave a kind suggestion, but upon hearing this, Tony immediately complexion changed, and then the whole person became serious.

“Buddy, you said I am going to apologize now, is it too late to take back what I just said?”

“What did you say?”

Answer Of course it is negative. And later, Tony naturally broke the jar, and left all this behind.

“Forget it, when the boat gets to the pier-head, it will go straight with the current, don’t care about this kind of thing for now. By the way, Buddy, what are you eating, I’m Smell a great scent. Seriously, it makes me salivate.”

“Chrysanthemum water snake soup. I used the best beef tongue, hen, and water snake peeled. Deboning, with shiitake mushrooms and pork bone broth stewed into a pot of tonic. The front and back took me more than 20 hours, and I also picked the freshest chrysanthemum petals as the final decoration. Raise the body for Selana, and let the children try new things by the way. Didn’t expect actually cheaper for you.”

Tony, who was very happy to eat with a bowl of water snake soup, listened to Zhou Yi’s explanation immediately changed his face.

Not everyone can accept snakes as their own food, especially Europeans and Americans. They can accept many things, but it is difficult to accept food like snakes, even water snakes. So when he heard the name, Tony squirted out immediately, then put down his own rice bowl with a pale face, and said to Zhou Yi awkwardly.

“I forgot that I had eaten before I came. So, I’m not blessed to enjoy this thing.”

“Waste!” Rolling his eyes, Zhou Yi I took out a pack of mints in my own pocket and threw two into oneself’s mouth. “Let’s go, Buddy. What are you doing here with me? Don’t tell me, you really came to see Shaun.”

“This is the main reason.” Pretended to cough twice , Tony turned off the subject and said to Zhou Yi. “In addition, also a small question. I want to talk to you about those big machines outside your city. If you can’t use them, can you give us?”

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