Sun God Marvel

Chapter 762

“You said those iron bumps? What do you want them to do?”

When he heard Tony’s request, Zhou Yi trembled, and then treated him strangely Asked.

“How do you say, fill the strategic vacancy?”

Scratching his head, even Tony oneself has some sorry explanations. The original United States Government rich and imposing, or made these Titan machines at no cost. The size of the handwriting even directly caused the Ministry of Defense’s spending to reach a deficit. They were happy, but for Tony who took over, it was a bit terrible.

Especially when he still operates the Ultron system and the omnivorous production line, the economic tightness has reached its limit. This is the downside of the optimization of the selling price of omnivores, so bad that the current Ministry of National Defense does not have that much money to rebuild the own coastal defense system.

Be aware that until now, American has stretched own coastal defenses very long, and they can even build the first, second, third island chain in other people’s territories. But now, let alone messing with others at their doorsteps, even if it owns territorial waters, United States does not have that many energy to maintain it.

The main reason for this is that the negotiations with Mutant have been in a very unfavorable state. Although taking into account the friendship between Zhou Yi and Tony, Mutant led by Magneto barely accepted the olive branch of peace handed out by American. But this does not mean that they have to cooperate with American in everything. Like the several large fleets they seized overseas, there is no trace now.

Because this is the trouble caused by American own behavior, even Tony doesn’t have such a cheeky skin. He went to Mutant to negotiate and let them put those fleets back. This has also led to the fact that the current coastline of United States is really empty.

Be aware that American has always used to treat the entire Pacific Ocean as its own back garden. At this time, they could only be huddled near oneself’s territorial waters, how could they be used to it. Therefore, the protests and complaints of the United States Navy have basically never stopped. It’s impossible for Tony to ignore it.

He didn’t want to negotiate with Mutant, so he could only put his idea on the urban property of Huiyao City, those Titan machines that had been confiscated by the corona.

As the largest military expenditure of the United States since the founding of the United States, the Titan machine itself has capabilities that are not below those of battleships above the 10,000-ton level. As long as these Titan machines can be restarted and remodeled, there is no problem at all for maintaining coastal defense security.

He even said that as long as he waits for the latest Helicarrier from the military to leave the factory, he can use the high mobility of the Helicarrier and the powerful combat power of the Titan machine to build a more powerful fleet than the United States overseas fleet. The battle group came out. Of course, the premise of this idea is that he can get the Titan machine back. Otherwise, he can only wait for the economy to ease back and re-create a new Titan machine to complete the idea of ​​own.

As for his thoughts, Zhou Yi can also guess a rough idea. He touched his own chin, thinking for a while. Then he responded.

“The problem is not big, but I agree that it is not enough. You have to say hello to Erik and Charles at least. After all, this is a weapon of war you originally created to deal with them. , If you can’t give them a reasonable explanation, then obviously it will cause some unnecessary misunderstandings. I don’t think you want to let Mutant misunderstand the United States Government at this time.”

“What you said makes sense.” Taking off the napkin from oneself’s lap, Tony stood up directly. “Then, I’ll trouble you to make a referral. I think if I visit by myself, I am afraid that the probability of being typed out will be higher.”

“Can you have this This kind of self-knowledge is really rare.” Pushing the plate in front of oneself, Zhou Yi also stood up. “Well, anyway, I am more free recently, so leave the referral mission to me.”

“Buddy, I know you can be reliable.”

laughed, Tony expressed his thanks to Zhou Yi in this way. Regarding this, Zhou Yi just curl one’s lip and explained to the three children of own. The content is nothing more than asking them to be obedient and take good care of things like their one younger brother. Of course, it is inevitable for them to help cover up and say something nice.

Without asking Tony to wait for much time, Zhou Yi explained the matter. Then, he drove Tony directly to the City of Steel, and went directly to Erik’s office.

“I’m a little surprised that you can come here in person.”

Magneto, who was at work, looked up and saw Zhou Yi and Tony coming in. His faces immediately showed something Unbearable consternation. Until now, his attitude towards Zhou Yi is changing. The most obvious is that his opposition from the very beginning has directly become a transfer to Zhou Yi’s command. After seeing Zhou Yi’s powerful strength in the war, his attitude changed again. That is from the respect for powerhouse to the respect for God.

He has regarded Zhou Yi as a person of a completely different class from oneself, and a person completely higher than oneself. Therefore, his attitude is a bit too respectful. It was respectful to the point that even Tony was a little surprised.

“I think it’s a great thing for you to bring me here.”

He murmured inevitably, and this murmur immediately attracted Erik. Attention. If it is for Zhou Yi and Magneto’s attitude to be respectful, then for Tony, this Mr. President who is now hugely popular throughout the United States, his attitude will inevitably be a bit strange.

“Look who’s here. Isn’t this the famous President Tony Stark? Forgive me for my offense. I really didn’t receive a notice. You will come to me. If I knew in advance, I promise that those of my compatriots outside today will be very enthusiastic.”

“Can I take this as commendation?”

As an expert in mocking people, Naturally, Tony heard what he was saying. If it was normal, he would definitely bombard it back. But now, as a begging person, he has to suppress his own temper and show a good attitude.

With Zhou Yi here, Magneto naturally cannot be too obvious. Especially when he knows that Tony and Zhou Yi’s relationship is still very good. So he could only nod his head and replied.

“Of course, what I mean is absolutely commendatory. Can you explain your intentions? President Stark, I think your time should be very precious, and mine is too. So we don’t need to waste time here. Kind of polite words. Are you right?”

“Very correct, I agree.” Nodded, Tony didn’t have much interest in playing with Magneto. So he directly stated the purpose of own. “Because there are some loopholes in the United States’ national defense, I hope to get back some of our missing things from here. For example, the Titan machine.”

“Titan machine?” Hearing the name, Magneto’s eyes narrowed immediately. “You mean the machine that was specially made to perform massacre on us.”

“Sorry, I know that thing easily touches your nerves. But you should know that technology is just technology, not technology. Contains anything else. We need these machines not to deal with you, but to protect the defenses of this country. If you have any concerns, I can sign the agreement.”

Hand, the warning to Magneto showed his own innocence. Tony assured him. But this caused Magneto to pull a very disdainful smile on the corner of own’s mouth.

“Agreement? Sorry, this is something I can’t believe at all. Since World War II, I have watched American sign countless agreements, and have seen them tear up the own agreement countless times. For This thing, we all know what it is about. So, I will never give my own trust to these things.”

“Please, sir. What you said has nothing to do with me. If you I am really worried about this problem. I can guarantee this in my own name. If you also have other questions. Then, I can find more people to guarantee it.”

Speaking of which, Tony Calmly gave Zhou Yi a look. For this kind of help-seeking behavior, Zhou Yi could only smile bitterly and said.

“Okay. Erik, if you also worry about it. Then add me. I promise that if something goes wrong with these Titan machines, I will take action to solve them myself. Is this all right?”

“Of course, this is good.” Seeing Zhou Yi’s participation, Magneto immediately nodded. Said. “With your guarantee, things are of course different. I can doubt those politicians, but I can’t doubt God.”

“Very well, then I think we have reached an agreement. Have you?”

Tony took a sigh of relief, and Tony was really grateful for Magneto’s release. Seriously, if this guy really doesn’t want to be nodded, then he really doesn’t know what to do. Forcibly pulling things back is an option. But the consequences of that are very serious.

He must soothe Mutant’s emotions, because an impropriety, the disturbance caused by Mutant will not be much smaller than everything caused by Hydra. And that is definitely beyond the current United States. So, in any case, Zhou Yi was a big help to him.

He will not thank Magneto, but he will thank Zhou Yi. Because he knows very well what makes this change. At the same time, he knew better, what kind of treatment oneself would get without Zhou Yi. Even if he is the president now, there are still many people in this world who are unwilling to give the president face.

So, when he was on his way home with Zhou Yi, he immediately said to Zhou Yi.

“Buddy, I really want to thank you this time. You did me a big favor again?”

“Small. And, I happen to have something that needs your help.”

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